Sunday, September 18, 2022

It's Like Spring again!

 The rains from a few weeks ago filled up the ponds and tanks and turned the grass from brown back to green! It looks more like spring than September here at the ranch.

Louis Dean had enjoyed mowing and tilling the earth and picking okra.

The flowers are all blooming again  - the crepe myrtle for the first time this year!

I made a country good breakfast for us on Saturday!
Good old fried eggs and bologna sandwiches!
I'm loving this cast iron divided skillet....perfect for cooking bacon and eggs.

Waste not - want not!
Fried up two small leftover baked potatoes from Friday night's supper.

There are lots of critters down here at the ranch.....

Tarzan adopts us while we are here.

This is one of the mama kitties....
as in mama to our Samantha, Tabitha and Ginger and Klaus.
There were two mamas and nine kittens so not entirely sure who belongs to her.

The horses came up to say Hello.

I gave them some tortilla chips.

We walked down to the tank and the duck pond.

This is where Sherry and I went four-wheeling last month.

Full of water now!
Bet the ducks are happy about that!

Meet the new baby boy goat!
He was a surprise!

Dean's always working on a goat pen or shed or something.

The mops love Dean and Sherry!!

They are such good dogs and protect the goats from coyotes.

We closed out Saturday night with Dean and Sherry bringing down the fixings for Shish Kabobs.
I cooked some baked potatoes in the crock pot and Sherry had buttered corn on the cob - delicious!

It's Sunday afternoon as I write and we are nearly ready to go home.
I still have to get dressed and vacuum the camper and the front room plus clean both bathrooms.
Both the girl bunk and the big bed have clean sheets on them.

I have a little calendar that I flip to the date we return.....
I think it will be Sunday October 23rd and we can stay  for a week....

It's been nice to have been here for these few days before going back to the 'real world.'

A friend sent this poster to me and I could not agree more!

Well, maybe not the part about head butting!!


photowannabe said...

Wow, it's amazing what a splash of rain will do. Beautiful flowers and that full pond is wonderful.
I'm so glad you had a few days at the Ranch before going back to the "Real" world.
It won't be long before you return...lucky you!!!
Love the photos of the critters and all your yummy food.
Love your poster too.. I do know a few that could use a good Head Butt..haha...
Happy what's left of Sunday.
It's trying so hard to rain here..I sure wish it would!

Carole said...

Everything looks so fresh. Cheers

Brenda said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

life giving water, our yard has done what your farm has, gone back to its growing, and all it took was rain. so very very happy to see the pond is BACK and the ducks look so happy. the MOPS love Dean and Sherry because Dean and Sherry love the MOPS.. the two photos show the love of all four and the one of Dean with the mops needs to be a painting. JOY is what it says

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Another cheerful post, Linda, and the family and the food all looked wonderful. The boy goat was cute too.

Vee said... looks so beautiful. So glad that you had a chance to enjoy it. I always want to draw up a chair and join you for one of your yummy looking meals. 🍳

Hootin Anni said...

How lovely once again. Rain is truly miraculous. Lovin' the goat photos!! Very much. And your food...down-home goodness.

Brenda said...

Hope you arrived home safely. Hope you are having the best birthday month now that you are home. Thinking about you both. prayers.

NanaDiana said...

It is great to see a post from you after I have been gone all summer. Looks like you are continuing to live a happy, peaceful life and able to get to your camper and enjoy it. Love the pictures and the kitties!! Have a great rest of the week- xo Diana

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

As a child we used to eat fried bologna all the time - it was cheap back then and we were a family of seven kids being raised by our mom after they divorced! We loved it and cooked it to look like little
Mexican sombreros.

Susan said...

I like your sunflower postcard header. It is part of the background set?
That food looks good! I ate a lot while on vacation. I did so much walking that I actually lost weight. I love to watch ducks, I guess because they make me think of my mom. She loved ducks and swans. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Deanna Rabe said...

The ranch is looking gorgeous! I love seeing the beauty of that place.

The quote at the end of the post made me laugh!