Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday in the Country......

 This morning, as we sipped our coffee on the deck and looked out at our 'yard,' Louis Dean said, "I think it may be time to pull up the sunflowers."

I admit there were more dead ones than blooming and the leaves were all crispy and brown now.
So, after we had our morning routine, I went out with a pair of scissors and picked a basket of sunflower seeds. Louis Dean then dug up the firmly rooted main stalk - they were like sunflower bushes - and drug them around the outside perimeter of the fence to scatter the seeds still on the stalks.
I'll plant my seeds inside the fence but won't it look pretty if we have sunflowers on both sides next year?  

I got dressed and went into 'town' to pick up a few groceries.

The cotton is growing on the land at the end of County Line Road and this is where I picked my first cotton a few years ago. It was after the harvest, of course, and Sherry, Ruth Ann, and I took some of the gleanings. Maybe I can do this again next month after they get the crop in.

I stopped in at Leon Junction to browse for a few minutes.
They always have such interesting things and unique things.

I seldon walk out the door without buying something - this time it was candles.
Texas Sweet Tea.

Read's Grocery Store is right across the street and I went right in and got just what I needed - including 6 brand new fly swatters! The good kind! 4 for here and 2 to take home.
When Louis Dean and I sit outside, he will hand me a swatter and say, "Man your weapons!"

It's so pretty down here in the country.
I love the big sky and open fields.

I started some new art projects today........

one of which is for Kailey.
She sent me this picture of a white kitten and asked me to paint it for her.
Tomorrow I hope to start three more canvases.
I have been all about doing art and enjoying the country things on this visit and have done very little routine housework. Louis Dean washes the dishes and we just pull the sheets up on the bed and call that done. I figure I'm going to clean the camper and front room and bathroom really good on Monday before we leave - so whatever I do now will just have to be done again. Not my usual attitude but it's working for me this week!

About 6:00 it started raining! We were not expecting that but it was very welcome.
I saw the three horses out there grazing so I walked out underneath the carport and took their picture.
They were not paying the slightest bit of attention to the rain and kept their heads down and continued eating. That brush in front of them is the rest of some wood Sherry drug over here with her tractor. She know how much Louis Dean loves his campfires!

Our Country Garden is a haphazard one but it gets better eery year.
Last year there were mounds of sandy loam soil and the ground was so uneven.
Louis Dean is working on getting it more level and has been busy getting a lot of the weeds out.
In October we will be planting some more trumpet vines and our wildflower seeds.

The rain didn't even last long enough to make any mud!
Here and then gone!

Which was wonderful, really, as Sherry and I had some bee boxes to paint.
Tomorrow morning we will be working in the apiary treating for Varroa mites and small hive beetles and putting double brood boxes on all our hives. More hives make more work but we are all about bees! What we do now will determine our success next year.

I painted one brood box to Sherry's two!

Mama cat came up to me while I was sitting on the porch steps.

Such a pretty little lady.

And the other Mama cat......
makes me miss mine more!

Sweet sweet kitty!

I bid you all a good night from the country!
Morning will come early for me but I am excited and looking forward to opening up the hives and seeing how our girls are doing!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your country photos are so pretty today! I remember when you picked this cotton. Wish I could look around inside this country store, I need to find one around here!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh the mama kitties...sweet.
You got a great supply of sunflower seeds. Next year it will be so gorgeous. And your artwork will be, of art I know.

And you're leaving so soon to head back home? I was hoping to see more of the country charm.

LOVE the "man your weapons"!!!

Vee said...

May you find the bees doing very well indeed. Enjoy the weekend and all things country. 🌻 It's always a little sad to have to pull spent flowers, but next year sounds fabulous.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Have a wonderful weekend. So peaceful in the country! Take care and enjoy your time there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the paint colors of the bee boxes, thanks for your sweeet comment yesterday

Changes in the wind said...

Life in the country is so laid back and easy going. Loved the country store, looked quaint. The kitten picture is going to be so sweet am sure she will love it.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are truly living the good life there so why not enjoy it. There is more to life than work and you are helping the bees find good homes, and that means a lot. We cannot get along without them.

Vintage Girl 901 said...

Such a peaceful place! You are so talented! So good to touch base again.

Bluebird49 said...

I especially loved the pics of the cats and horses! Glad you are having sort of a lovely, lazy time for your artwork!!

photowannabe said...

Linda, the Ranch is such a magical place. I love that you and Louis Dean sit out on the patio, sip your coffee anddream and enjoy the start of the day.
I do love sunflowers and next year is going to be on both sides of the fence..gorgeous.
The kitty pictures are so cute. The kiddos will love them and happy day with your bees.

Deanna Rabe said...

The bees are going to welcome more space for production! Such a pretty color, too!

I love how you embrace life, take the good with the bad, and find joy in every day.

Love you!

Sandi said...

beautiful turquoise!

Lady Samy said...

These kittens are very cute. This beautiful sky is worthy of a painting. Your artwork looks wonderful. Show us later how it is. Kisses.
Blog Lady Samy/Facebook/Instagram/Youtube

Mitzi said...

Thank you for the surprise package! We loved sampling your goodness!

Sue said...

Hi Linda, enjoyed reading of your day so soothing, especially in times like these. Sun flowers are one of my favorite flowers, they are always smiling! The birds here at the farm know how much I like them, so each year they plant some for me around the bird feeders in appreciation for supplying them with food too!
I am not gifted in artful painting, but I sure do admire those who are!
I hope all is well with the bees, our bees left our hive, and dh has given up on trying again, I had such high hopes of gathering our honey, I do use honey for so many things.
The kitties are precious!
Thank you for stopping by and for your well wishes.

Wanda said...

First of all, dear comment on my blog, brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. You are so understanding to my "blog" delima and my struggles to find time and things to share. I know people get tired of always hearing about doctor appointments, etc. My friend in Arizona, said we are like old cars, and some of the parts just aren't available any more!
But coming to YOUR blog is always a breath of fresh country lift my heart and give me the feeling I'm tagging along behind you. Stepping in the mud, feeling the rain as I see the beautiful horses. Remembering how I loved our country cats when we lived up North.
Again, Linda ~~ thanks for your daily prayers and thoughts. I mean the world to me.

Carole said...

Love that shade of blue! Cheers

Azka Kamil said...

beautiful turquoise!