Monday, August 24, 2020

Our Country Weekend!

Louis Dean and I did good getting everything ready to come down to the ranch on Thursday so all we had to do was wake up good, pack the perishables, lock up and leave on Friday!
We took both vehicles as the AC is out on my car. It's not really OUT because it blows - just not COLD air. We followed each other up to the QT to fill both tanks with fuel. Then Louis Dean and the cats headed on out to the road while I went to the bank first.
Even though he got a head start, I ended up in Hillsboro before he did!
That's where we met for lunch.
I was waiting for him at Whataburger and it was GOOD!
Different towns are doing different things with this pandemic.
In the fast food places - some are not allowing dining IN and some ARE.
They all limit the number of customers inside.
We had the cats with us so I got the food and we ate in the truck - with the AC on!
Hillsboro is where we really parted ways.
He went on to the ranch by way of the country roads while I stayed on I35 to the HEB in Bellmead.
It was kind of nice to have some alone time.
I did some thinking and some praying.

Ronnie - the metal guy who put up our roof and is going to put us in a carport, skirting and gutters - called to let me know that some of the materials had been delivered and the rest would be here Monday. He had planned to do the job this weekend but it will now be NEXT weekend.
It doesn't pay to get bent out of shape over things.
No problem!

I think it was 2:00 when I left the grocery store and I drove straight to Ronnie's Mechanic Shop in Mart to drop off the car.

  I had brought freon and he checked the gages first and then added some.
Still not cool. He said it must be the AC Expansion Valve. He would take it off and we could go get the part plus more freon and bring them back. Sherry magically appeared to load me and my groceries up and take us back to the ranch. She had called and I told her I might not need a ride but she just knew that I would and came to get me anyway! She is awesome!

We unloaded my groceries and then Sherry offered to take me to Waco to get the part.
Louis Dean was so relieved he didn't have to go. He was itching to get the electric line out to his pond and the water line out to the back of the garden area.

So we took off for a Girls Night Out!
Got the part plus did some errands......and decided to eat dinner at Cheddar's

It was so good!!

That margarita hit the spot!

I got the vegetable plate and brought the potato and broccoli home.

Sherry ordered the appetizer platter and brought some of her chicken home.
That spinach dip is SO good!
We both LOVED it even though neither one of us likes spinach!

It was after dark when we got home!
I came in and put up the rest of the groceries plus did 'Damage Control.'
Louis Dean had been home alone!
We sat out on the front deck and watched the stars.
I love the Sky Guide app for my phone.
Rosey recommended it. 
I noticed a warm colored star and wondered what it was.
I turned the app on, held my phone up to the sky and it shows the constellations and planets.....
we were looking at Mars.

Saturday morning I had my alarm set for 8:00.
Sherry, Dean and I were going to drive to Hamilton, Texas - about 2 hours away - to meet Roy and Ruth Ann at Sherry's parents home. They are up North doing church building work as they do every summer. Their house is the halfway point from both the ranch and Roy and Ruth Ann's farm.

It was a great afternoon of visiting and catching up!!
Ruth Ann knew I was at the ranch but she didn't know I was comimg to Hamilton so she was surprised! The last time we had seen each other was October 2019.

THIS is my favorite photo of the entire weekend!
We talked and laughed and ate our way through the entire afternoon!

Sherry makes the BEST deviled eggs! She brought ham and smoked ribs, black eyed peas and potato salad. I brought a huge super sweet cantaloupe and Ruth Ann brought a chocolate pie and a lemon pie. It was like Thanksgiving!

I loved Sherry's parents house!
They have a huge deck in the back and it looks out onto a pasture with a lot of donkeys!
I could have stayed outside looking at all there was to see for hours!

On our way to Hamilton, Ronnie called and gave us the news that the AC was still not cool.
He took off more things so he could get to the AC condenser and found that it was completely clogged and it had a hole in it! So I called just about every auto shop in McGregor, Hamilton, Hewitt and Bellmead looking for a replacement. Finally found one in Hewitt and they held it for me until we got there after we finished visiting. Except that it wasn't the right one! My car is a 4 cylinder and the one they had was for a 6 cylinder. Back to search mode. The Autozone in Bellmead said they could order it and it would be there Sunday morning. I said, "Great!" Then he said to come into the store and order it. They couldn't do it over the phone.

I was making all these calls as we were driving back to the ranch and fortunately, we were right where the road split so we headed to Bellmead instead of to Mart!
Got it ordered and paid for!

I got back to the camper/cabin in time to do more damage control but Louis Dean had a lot to 'Show and Tell!' Electric line is in to the pond. No more extension cord.
Water line in and faucet installed at the back side of the garden.
I sat outside for a little while but I had to go to bed.
Mars had not come up yet but Louis Dean said he stayed out there long enough to see it before coming in.

Last Sunday I was IN church for Pastor Ed's first sermon on Blindspot.
It was powerful.
There are two ways to view the world.
From God's point of view or man's.
God's view is absolute.
Secular view is relative.

This is such a good series.
I was confused about so much going on in the world right now.

This morning we watched the second sermon in the series live online.

I copied Amber's notes into my prayer book.....they were in the service.....

and she shared the visuals I didn't get to see clear enough online.

I am thinking about the way I think....
Have you any idea how many thoughts we have a day?
Something like 50,000!

After church I cooked up a big breakfast and called the Autozone store to see if the part had come in.
It had not.
I did some things around here and called again two hours later.
It was there!!

Louis Dean wanted to stay here and work on his projects so I acted like a big girl and drove the big white truck back to Bellmead.

I'm so grateful to get this part!
Made in China....

AND Cambodia?
 Next, I had to go to Walmart for the freon.
I KNOW they have some at the auto parts but it is WAY cheaper at Walmart!
Ronnie told me and he was right! $4.88 a can!

However, by the time I parked at Walmart by the end where the automotive is, I then discovered I had to walk all the way to the other entrance as they had closed that one. ONE entrance to Walmart.
Then I had to walk down the fenced in area to go in. Then walk WAY over to the automotive. Then walk WAY back. Then the long walk back to the parking lot.

I drove back to Mart and took the part and the freon and walked the chunky gravel path into Ronnie's garage. Then more walking over to where my car was. By this time every step was painful due to my increasingly arthritic feet and ankles. Then I walked all the way back to the truck to get my $$ and then back in on that chunky gravel. I mean BIG chunks that make me grip my feet and toes.
By the time I got back to the ranch, I could barely walk. AND I had used up all my nice.
All I wanted to do was cry. Poor Louis Dean. He wisely suggested I go to bed for awhile and he would stay out in the front room or outside and not wake me up.
While I didn't go to sleep, I did do my quiet time and rested.

All I really wanted to do today was art and finally I did!
It was 7:00 but I had already set the table up last night.

This red barn painting is now finished and I am loving it!
Only one more thing to do......

Add the falling snow which is such a fun thing to paint!
I took a big black trash sack outside to the front deck where we park the truck and set my palette on the tail gate while I put the painting on the plastic covered table.
I had my jar of turpentine and an inch wide sable brush. I used to use a fan brush but I tried this tonight and it worked well. I use the turp to thin the white oil paint and then I rest the loaded brush on my left wrist and gently tap it.
It starts snowing like magic!

I touched up the two Santa couples and worked on a landscape.
Tomorrow I will start on some new paintings!!!


Bluebird49 said...

Oh Sweetie! I'm so sorry you had to do all that walking. It Just made my own feet hurt thinking of you having to walk on rocks, and all over everywhere. You didn't need all that.💕
I'm so glad you and Sherry got to see Ruth Ann and Roy and have a good meal together. Sherry is such a dear friend to you -- coming to get you when your car needed to be worked on.
I get so, well annoyed when people say something like, " Well, you have your truth and I have mine. "
Um no. There is only one Truth and that is God's truth. HE lets us know all through the Bible about HIS truth and HE never changes. I loved the things you had copied about man's thinking compared to God's truth.
Have a blessed week, dear one. Your painting is beautiful. And the falling snow is so pretty!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My goodness you have had some very busy days there. Hopefully this part will do the job and you'll have a/c and your car back. Nice Louis Dean is getting things done at the ranch too. I don't know how you fit it all in. You certainly have more energy than I. I'd never been able to pick up a paint brush after a day like that. It is fun to make it snow! You are doing an amazing job with your paintings. Can't wait to see what you do next.

Vee said...

In hindsight, it would have been worth it to pay the extra $. Whatever is making the powers that be at Wal*Mart close all doors save one, is not working for me either. It's a big store and needs more than one open door. Hope that your car is good as new soon and that you have sweet painting time today and through the week. 🎨

Changes in the wind said...

Car problems are the worse and getting parts and etc. Hope they get it all fixed and no more running (walking) around. Love the barn painting and the falling snow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am truly exhausted just reading all the things that you had to do and that includes driving the big white truck and all the driving and getting in and out and every single thing you did is exhausting no wonder you wanted to lay down. I'm trying not to be jealous of the view of the donkey's I do love donkeys and I wish I could sit on that deck and look at them and maybe Pat one if they would let me. I agree with the above comment that car problems are the worst and getting parts is even worse than that. AC is an absolutely necessary thing and is he we've been having. Love the red barn painting hope you're having a restful day today

Susie said...

Linda, I love your beautiful paintings. Great sky colors. Oh my gosh chasing car parts. That would be such a pain . :) Hope they get your AC going. I do not know how Texan stand that heat. I must tell you, it was so good to see Ruth Ann's happy face. I know you loved being with her. Yes that did sound like a wonderful gathering. Poor LD missed out on that good time. But knowing how that fellow loves to work...he probably would rather work than eat. LOL. Blessings to all of you. Love you so much. xoxo, Susie

LV said...

I am so tired just reading your blog. I would not have been able to handle all that. Age tends to slow you down, so do not comment like I should, but always read you daily adventures. Do you ever sell any of your paintings?

photowannabe said... I'm exhausted...what a weekend for you...
You made me laugh right out loud when I read that you had used up all your NICE...
I have been using mine up lately too...
I certainly hope that all the adventuring to get your AC working again is finally done and you are cool as a cucumber..
Love your winter scenes..
You have such talent.
Soak your poor tootsies and I hope they feel better too.

Debbie said...

you always share the best food pictures, i LOVE appetizer sampler platters!! and fried chicken, i never make it, so i often get it, well not now, but when we use to eat out!! here, you can only dine outdoors or get takeout. it's been too hot for me to eat outside, i have mostly been cooking. i am a little afraid of getting takeout!!

i think i make the best deviled eggs, hehehehehe, i make them with crumbled bacon!!

our walmart has done the same thing, one entrance/exit!!

i am ok linda, much better. i have been very busy with paperwork and the lists that chuck leaves for me, but emotionally, i am better. the first few days after the fire, i cried every day, i did not think i was strong enough to support chuck and help with everything that needed to be done. but i was strong enough, we helped each other and we are good now. many thanks for your very kind words!!

Arlene G said...

Oh that barn, Linda!! It is just beautiful. You are so talented. I appreciate how transparent you are with us. When you are struggling you don't mind letting us see that you are just human like we are. I tend to think you and LD are the perfect couple. We all have our down times and this virus is making us all on edge. I will be so glad when there is a treatment or a vaccine. Thankful that our president is allowing the Plasma treatment for those who need it. And you will be driving home in a COOL car.....what a blessing to have an honorable and reliable mechanic. Marvin picked Landon up from school the other day and he put on his mask and left the windows down all the way home( only five minutes) trying to protect himself from those jr high germs.:) Always love catching up with you and I forgot to say that I miss Ruth so it was good to see her. And what a gem Sherry are so blessed to have her for a DIL.

Wanda said...

Wow, can't believe that was all done in two days. And that you could type fast enough to share it with us. Goodness, I'm happy if I get a paragraph done. But I love your happy busy life. God is so good!

I love black eyed peas and your dinner looked so good.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about your poor feet & legs! If you would have known, it would have been well worth the extra money to buy the stuff at the auto store. Do you have any pills or ointment you can use? I will wait till Phil can watch this videowith me, I am looking forward to it.This may be my favorite painting of youre ever. The way you captured the light is wonderful, like Thomas Kinkade.

Carla said...

Wow what hassle. That kind of issues drives me crazy. So sorry your legs ankles and feet were killing you.
You need to share the app you’re using for sky gazing. The one I had wanted me to pay after 3 months.
I love the red barn and cardinals pictures. So pretty
Take care. Hugs

Carole said...

Here's to your ac being fixed soon! It's cold here so you are making me feel lucky. Cheers