Saturday, August 29, 2020

From Ranch to Home! Preparing For September!

Thursday afternoon about 1:45 we were heading out the gate and towards home.

See Tina?
That's Mr. Jackson's little dog and we all keep treats for her in our trucks.
She didn't know how to act when I drove the car in and had NO treats for her!

Louis Dean and I parted ways at the gate - or I should say in Mart city limits.
He was going home the back roads while I would be on the Interstate.

I took my time in Mart.
This is the Firewater Liquor store owned by an amazing young man who is restoring the building instead of tearing it down or simply remodeling it.
All the counters and shelves in the store he has made with his own hands from reclaimed wood from that very building.

This is the side and will house a gym and loft apartments upstairs.

The back of the building.
Workers were humming around the place while I parked and walked around.
From there, I stopped at Virginia's Antiques and thrift store. I visited with her and her husband and found a few fall things to take home with me.
My final stop - except for the rest area outside of Hillsboro - was the Dollar General.
I picked up milk and bread and frozen things to keep them cold in my insulated bag.
This way I didn't have to shop in Irving once I got home.

It was 3:30 when I left Mart!
It usually takes about 2 hours from ranch to home.
I arrived about 5:30. Louis Dean was already home - but just barely!
He had turned the wrong way to get to Hubbard, Texas which is on the country road way home.
He ended up in Corsicana! And he came home on I45 instead of I35!
Although we turn off at I20 and take Spur 408 to Loop 12 and then to Hwy 183.

We laughed about our misadventures and he kept saying, "I HAD to get home before you or I would never hear the end of it!!" He said he wasn't even going to tell me about getting turned around - and then decided it was too funny not to share!
He did stop by a drive through fried chicken place and had supper for us!
Win! WIN!!

We came in, unloaded the laundry and perishables - and went to bed!
We were tired!

Friday I did laundry, cleaned the 'clean' rooms and then worked on the kitchen!
I cleaned it and added more fall.

I took a break to take some honey and things over to my dear neighbor of long ago.
This is her son and he still lives in the neighborhood while Mary Jo and TC moved to another suburb of Dallas back in 1990 or so - I think. They have been in quarantine since March 10th. Richard takes his parents breakfast every Saturday morning and will deliver my goodie bag to her.
Someday I will do a blog post on this amazing family.
Mary Jo was and is such a good friend to me.
She has made a big difference in my life - showing me up close how a real family acts.
I learned so much from her.
I was 18 years old when I first met her and she was just 10 years older than I.
She will never know how much seeing how she lived life with her family inspired me.
She was my role model then and she is my role model now.

Friday was so hot!!!

I have to go out on the driveway to find room to spread my quilt backing out!
I need to  finish this quilt for Jaxon before the month is over for I have another one to make for Bella before we leave to go see them in September!

I did some watering while I was out there.
My Texas Sage is blooming - and I don't know if it's because it rained while we were in the country or if the weather is about to change now!

So far just one flower from this new plant I bought in early summer!

Friday night's supper was red beans and rice with smoked sausage and fresh cornbread.
We are eating our meals at the kitchen table these days!
I am a fan of eating at the table but Louis Dean has long preferred sitting in the den.
We have cut out TV watching to the point we will most likely cancel cable.
I think that's the reason he has suggested eating at the table.

I am loving seeing all my fall things again.
This is on my side of the bed....

Summer found the French lampshade recently at the Goodwill.
I topped the lamp with a fancy witches hat and you can see the black netting down behind it.
The ceramic French candle stand is from a thrift store in Nappa Valley when Summer and I went to tour the wine country and San Francisco a few years ago. I guess that's like 5 years ago now. Or 6.

This morning we had crunchy cereal and fresh fruit for breakfast...

A lady was giving out bags of fresh figs from her trees at the bee meeting.
I got two bags since Rosey doesn't care for them.
They made really good eating!

We are loving our little kitties!

and Tabitha!

I'm having a hard time uploading my videos from my phone to the laptop.
Thought I would save it from Facebook but that didn't work either!
Hope the link does.....
Anyway! The kittens are so cute and we are having so much fun with them!

I have been knee deep in Fall debris all day and have loved every minute!

The laundry room is all done!

The sunflower runners are from Virginia's!

I just knew they would look so good somewhere in the house and THIS is the perfect place!

I love this tiny room.

You can barely see the walls but I am so proud of the way they turned out.

I like to never have got the green color right.
I painted and then glazed and finally used my oils to stain them.

The doors were ugly in here so, instead of buying new ones, I did the stucco on them just like I did the walls.

Yes, I am loving my fall decorating.
I know it's not everyone's cup of tea......
but I do this for me.
If I loved alone and noone ever came to see me,
I would still decorate every bit of it.

Two more days and a wake up!!
It may be silly but I am so loving these days.

PS.....tonight it rained!!!
Guess my Texas Sage was right!


Ginny Hartzler said...

So much beauty, it is a fall explosion! You know I love the lamp, and the big sunflower! And the pretty lit basket! Neil Diamond, here you come!

Susan said...

I love to decorate for fall too. I start after labor day. Cute kitty pics.

Bluebird49 said...

Well, Autumn fell in your house before the 1rst of September, but not long before! And it fell so pretty.
I noticed Samantha's fur has fall colors, too. Sure hope she and Tabitha can't jump up on the dryer! ;)
Have a very blessed Sunday, my friend!

Arlene G said...

It is hard to believe that it will be September this week, Linda. Marvin and I celebrate 44 years on Friday. Where did the time go? So glad Louis Dean found his way home.:) I was worried about him when you said he went home by We are home for a while as we have some things being done here at Nanaland.

Susie said...

Linda, It scares me LD getting lost or turned round. I know you are loving your decorations. My granddaughter's bday was yesterday. I forgot to get her card in the we drove to Liz's and she took the card to Lynzie. I know they get around one another...but we are still doing the masks and distancing.Glad you are wearing masks too. Our age makes it important. Enjoy this pretty day. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, you just keep on decorating if it gives you joy and thanks for sharing all the fall decos. This week, I will be decorating the outside of our apt entry and it makes me happy too every time I come home. The kitties are really growing up and cute as ever. Sitting down to dinner at the table is what we do as well with no TV watching then. Luckily, we have a nice window view.

Martha said...

Wow, you really go all out on the decorating! I love it, everything looks fantastic! Have a blessed Sunday :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I feel the same way about decorating. I like to walk through a room and see pretty things and I'll decorate for Fall in a couple of days...even though it's still hot! Enjoy your day! Hope you can both take it easy!

Estelle's said...

I have been patiently waiting to see some of your fall decorations....I too, find so much joy in making our home feel like fall even though we are in such a heat wave....enjoy every minute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Ginny is right, a fall explosion is what you have created. now you can sit back and enjoy Sept 1st properly. toooo funny on the trip home.. we had that same heat Friday, at 3 pm, our deck could cook and egg on it and it was like breathing hot grits outside. so thick it choked me. the humidity I mean. love the big sunflower and the kitty video worked for me. so cute. upload your vido to google photos and then you can put it in the blog from there..

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you both made it home safe and sound via different directions and actions:) So glad your plants are doing fine while you were gone and you didn't lose any. Happy fall....

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your fall decor and this week will my week to do it here. I want to be done by Labor Day and it's next week already. I've got the bins in and ready to go. I bought my first mum plant yesterday to set outside and that is just the kick off to my fall decorating. Hope to share some pictures soon. I go through the whole gamut from fall leaves, sunflowers and into halloween. Hope you enjoy your days at home.

photowannabe said...

Linda, you are such a Dear...
I love how you love LD, your Home, your Fall Debris and your Kitties.
These things make your heart light and full of joy.

Happy 2 more Days and a Wake Up!!!


Vee said...

As long as you both wound up at home together makes it all good. 🍎🌻🍎Yes, it feels like September when I see you putting up your fall decor. Everything looks magical. (My daughter wishes that she had traveled more with her cats when they were kittens. They are not handling the traveling so well now that they are older.)

Carole said...

so glad you love your fluffing... wouldn't suit me but isn't that the point? We are all different. Must go and check my pumpkin beer cheese soup... Cheers