Monday, August 24, 2020

Monday Things.....

Every Monday morning, Louis Dean and I clip the claws of our kittens.
How long are they kittens and when do we start calling them cats??

This is a routine thing that you would THINK they would be used to by now.
We've been doing this from Week One.

Samantha is no problem.
We give treats before and after and she's fine with that.

Tabitha, on the other hand, acts like this is something that she has never encountered before and wants no part of it! That's not going to happen! 

Back long ago, it was the custom to declaw house cats on their front paws.
Once we took a rescue cat - our beloved Magenta who was a blue eyed white haired senior cat and we did so love her. She drank her water from wine glasses! But her previous owners had her completely declawed. She had NO way of defending herself. We watched over her to make sure she didn't get out but as she aged more, she would spend some time with us in the evening in the gazebo.
She loved it there. 

Back to Tabitha! Once the clipping was done - she absolutely refused to take treats from Louis Dean's hand! He was stubborn but so was she and I played the mom card and he had to let her go.

Although Tabitha steadfastly refused - Samantha had no problem coming over and scarfing up any treat she could get!

Both of these kittens are sweet but they have totally different personalities.
Just like us!

Once Tabitha was released - I tossed some treats her way and she gobbled them up!

Once we had done our kitty chore and drank our coffee and read our Bible and did our reading.....
Louis Dean and I drove to Waco to do errands. 
I needed cash money to pay the mechanic and he needed fence hardware.
We made an extra stop at Salvation Army where he found the perfect chair for the front room for when he plays the guitar!

I am happy to say it was a pleasure to do business with Ronnie!
The AC is repaired and as good as new!

Once home, Louis Dean started work on his fence poles.
No idea what he's doing because I thought he already HAD the fence up!
Must be tweaking things.

I bought a rotisserie chicken at HEB when we came down on Friday.
It has served us several meals.
First was chicken and bread!
Next was a chef's salad with chicken.
Then a chicken and cheese snack with wine.
Plus I nibbled away at more than my fair share from time to time.
Finally, tonight I cooked up the carcass with herbs and such, deboned it (the cats - or kittens - LOVED the extra treat I gave them!) and made chicken and dumplings.
It is a favorite of Louis Dean's!
Sherry brought down some cornbread tonight and he was so happy.
He's like a baby and if he wakes up hungry, he can't go back to sleep.
Cornbread and milk is the perfect middle of the night snack!
Bless Sherry's heart for thinking about him!

I have been struggling over the Santa couple paintings!
I do not remember a Santa that has been this hard for me!
And I have painted dozens and dozens over the years!
I worked on them last night and then scrubbed them off this evening and worked on them some more.
I think I am nearly there and I am so excited!

I laid out the sketches and canvasses for six new paintings tonight!
Two of one and two of another and then two different ones.
More Santas but I think these will be a piece of cake plus a honey bee painting and a canvas for Brenda's birthday!
I'm still hoping to get in a full 24 hours without leaving the ranch before we go home.
So far every day has been busy! Which is not a bad thing!

The kittens have games they play when inside the camper and others for when they are in the front room. We are so happy to have these sweet things around! We love watching them together and we hope they bond with us before too long. They are SO bonded to each other! 
Samantha already has. Tabitha is a little more aloof.
Personalities! We all have them!

And with this thought - I bid you goodnight from the country - BEFORE midnight!


Ginny Hartzler said...

A cat is a kitten fr one year. Your paintings look so good! Declawing is like taking our fingers off at the first joint. Our at is 14 now, and was declawed when we got him. He still gets phantom pains, and jerks his paws. Quite a few vets refuse to do it now.

Bluebird49 said...

It's amazing at how often cats used to be declawed, but we never had any of ours done. (I still have scars to prove it!) One thing for sure, cats won't be treated like dogs! Cats are their own selves, and can hardly get them mixed up with dogs. Dogs are people pleasers; cats are cat pleasers! Both Tabitha and Samantha are so cute. Since they have always had each other, I'm not sure how much they will be all "lapcats" to youall. You all will always be their "mom and dad" though!
Wow, you are getting so many paintings done this year! Have you chosen your Christmas card yet?☺
Daddy's favorite "meal" was cornbread and a glass of cold buttermilk. I've never cared for buttermilk, but I love cornbread! I wonder if buttermilk that came from your own cow was different than what one buys today.
Are youall expecting any rain from the tropical storms??

Arlene G said...

So glad the car is repaired. We need our AC in the south. My granddad ate cornbread and milk at just about every meal. I never learned to like it but most people of my grandparents generation considered it a staple. Have a good time with your painting. Seems some projects give us more trouble than others.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

First and most important thing of all ye for air conditioning in your car! I agree with one of the comments above cats will be cats and want to please cats dogs want to please humans. But then I've never had a cat so who knows if that's right or not it's just what I've heard. Hope that storm doesn't give you too much rain we sure don't want any more rain in your house but they're saying it's coming right for Houston and you'll be on the Wet side

Lisa said...

Cats are Kittens until they start smelling. Haha.
Check out “soft claw tips“. They are soft caps that fit over each claw and they come in colors. They are painless and simple to apply and the cats do not mind.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Keeping their little nails cut is a good idea. they are sharp and can hurt and do a lot of harm. I still have a mended spot on the back of one of my chairs, where one of the cats I used to have, scratched a whole in the fabric. Glad the a/c woes are now over and you can travel in comfort. I think it would be a must there with as hot as you get. The kittens are a lot of fun and a pleasure to watch. Thanks for sharing them with us. I no longer have any pets, and they are missed, but too much work for me theses days. I just enjoy the pets my children and grandchildren have these days.I get the pleasure and no work. I love your Santa couple and can't wait to see what you paint next.

Robyn said...

Good morning!
Cats are usually called kittens until they are a year old... I have five dogs..I can not cut any of their nails and this is not a good thing. When puppies are little you are supposed to play with their paws to get them used to being touched. We did that and more.. But still they refuse to let us touch them so now I am having to pay someone to come to the house once a month to do them. Everyday in my head I say to myself, ( you should have stuck with cats) I had cats growing up my entire young life and then when I was 27 I switched to dogs, I still don't know what I was thinking and obviously STILL have not learned my lesson! LOL

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I may need to do that looking at life from a new perspective! heehee! Will you help me get back up if I get stuck? Enjoy your day sweet friend. Your Santa painting is gorgeous! Happy and perfect!

Changes in the wind said...

I guess kittens become cats the same time puppies become dogs but not sure when that is:) I hate clipping my dogs nails and especially the dark one because her claws are black and it is so easy to cut them too short. You got great use of your chicken and I think the chicken and dumplings would have been my favorite as well. Glad the AC is fixed!!!

Shirley said...

Good Morning, Kittens can be good entertainment for sure. I am glad you got to go to the country. My trip to the country was to the Horse Show on Saturday watching my grandson show his horse. It was a fun day with a lot of entries, We enjoyed it all. I love your Mr. and Mrs. Claus. My kids always say I am my worse critic which we want things to look a certain way. Take care my friend and enjoy every minute in the country.

photowannabe said...

I simply love the ending picture and quote about looking at things from another true. Sometimes we do get stuck in our ways...
Kitties are darling and seem to love you to pieces.
Glad the AC is fixed and you can breath again.
We get a rotisserie chicken from CostCo and have at least 3 meals from it too. Yummy and I can't beat the price of $4.99.
Now I am hungry for chicken and dumplings...yummmm

Susie said...

Linda, I am glad you are loving the cats. They are cute. Happy to read that your car's SC is back to working. A good mechanic is worth his weight in gold. LOL. It will be good to have Ronnie's phone number on hand. LD working ,well what else? LOL Your painting are good, I am anxious to see what else you may paint. Blessings, stay safe and cool. xoxo, love you guys, Susie

Pardon Me While I Live Here said...

Oh, I love your blog. I can't wait to read more. YOur kitties are so cute. We have three and a husky. I love you Santas. Wow six new paintings? That's wonderful! I'm a new follower and I can't wait to read more. I'm so very glad to meet you!