Thursday, August 6, 2020

Change of Plans.....

My last journal entry was Monday night and we were all set to leave for home Tuesday!

Our goal was to be on the road by noon but we missed that by an hour.
It was a little after 1:00 when we were at the gate.
We heard the truck make a high pitched sound and thought the fan motor might be going out.
The truck IS 20 years old!
We rolled on throught the gate and down S. County Line Road.
We turned left at the red brick house onto another gravel road - they are ALL gravel here in the country! We made it to the spot where it dead ends to another gravel road (I don't know the names of these roads!) when the warning Bing Bing Bing went off. Louis Dean said we needed fuel which we were planning to get in Mart. We were about to turn between the silo and the lone tree when he looked down and saw that the engine had overheated - again.
We stopped. I get all anxious when things like this happen but we were still in the country so I knew it couldn't be too bad - except we had two cats in a carrier and it was HOT!
Every truck that passed by stopped to help us. All three of them.
We were trying to reach Sherry but her phone wasn't ringing right.
The second truck that stopped had a retired couple in it. Louis Dean told them the situation while I was called auto repair places in Mart to see if someone could tow us in. No towing and no WAY they could fix it that day. Or even the next! When I got off the phone, Louis Dean told me the couple had gone back to their place to get water. By this time Louis Dean could plainly see that the water pump was leaking. The third truck stopped and we told them water was on the way and by this time we had talked to Sherry so she could come help us if for some reason the couple didn't come back.
But they did. Jeanette and Ted. They are from Montana. Three years ago their son was here living and working with Jeanette's dad when one Sunday morning he told his Grandma and Granddad that he didn't feel like going to church with them. When they got home that afternoon, he had passed away.
Jeanette and Ted returned to Texas to spend time with her parents and two years ago her mom died. Now they stay to take care of her dad.
Louis Dean gave them a pint of honey and she came up to the truck window to visit and tell me how much she appreciated the jar. Her neighbor in Montana keeps bees and Jeanette had just finished the honey she had given them. We exchanged testimonies and names and told each other where we lived.
I intend to stop by and visit her sometime.

Louis Dean filled the radiator and we made it back to the ranch.

Since I couldn't find anyone to fix it, Louis Dean decided to change the water pump himself.
He spent over an hour diagramming that sepentine belt so he would know how to put it back on!
Then Dean called. He was at work but Sherry told him what was going on and he called his mechanic buddy - who lives about 4 miles down the road - and he said he could fix it the next day. 
We just needed to buy the part and antifreeze and pay his labor which was very reasonable.
Sooooo.....Sherry went to town and picked up the part and antifreeze for us.
She would loan us her vehicle the next day and I would follow Louis Dean to drop off the truck and we would go to town to do errands.
Win! WIN!!

We then proceeded to unload all the stuff we had just packed into the truck earlier!

To celebrate things working out for us - I made supper!
My first time to fry okra successfully on a hot plate!
It CAN be done!

I had called Louis Dean's doctor's office to reschedule his follow up appointment -again.
So Wednesday we took Sherry's Dakota and headed to Waco after dropping the truck off.

Dean was already at work!
This is the photo he sent me.....with the caption "Look what I'm driving today!"
Country folk love heavy equipment!

We went to the bank, HEB, Walgreen's for Rx, Home Depot. Subway for lunch and finally.....

Hobby Lobby!!
It was all decked out for fall on one side of the store while they were putting Christmas on the other side! I inhaled and savored the moment - and then went straight back to the art supplies!

I bought new tubes of oils, several tiny little brushes for the Santa faces, pink soak (it can get oil paint out when nothing else can and I use it to final clean my brushes after using turpentine) and a brand new turp jar, plus a stack of canvases and a really nice oil diffuser. I may take that one home with me to use in the bedroom and bring the old one back down here.
Everything but the turp jar and pink soap was on sale!

We picked the truck up on our way back to the ranch!

All is back to rights in our world.
We decided to just stay until after the bee work on Monday morning since we were mainly going home for Louis Dean's doctor appointment.

We felt like an old country couple - him watering what turns out to be small round watermelons - and I sitting on the porch cutting up strips for birthday quilts.

I am loving every picture of Baby Jaxon Dean!
Chandy is so good about keeping us in the loop and making us feel like a part of it all.
She is recovering well and the family is excited about the baby.....

Bella and her baby brother.
So sweet!

Today has been a slow easy day.
I watched the movie The Book Thief and started Bee Season.
And I painted some more on the Santas.
I laid a fresh palette and used fresh oils and new brushes and clean turp.
I'm no longer struggling with my materials.

Louis Dean played some music this afternoon.
He was playing this morning when I got up.
Tomorrow he said he would dig a trench or a ditch for his electric and water lines out to the pond.
He doesn't like using extension cords.

I went down to Sherry's at 6:30 for our monthly Zoon meeting with Texas Bee Supply.
It lasted until 8:00 and then we ate supper down there with them.

I made a salad to go with the good lasagna and garlic bread Sherry fixed!

And we had this for dessert!!

Louis Dean and I closed out this day sitting by a campfire.
We normall watch Jupiter and Saturn up in the night sky - but our new roof blocks them from view.
No worries. He said he would add another deck!
I laughed! It sounds like he might deck all the way down to the duck pen!!

So Goodnight as we are STILL in the COUNTRY!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an unsettling adventure! But it all worked out so perfectly. and even better, you get to spend more time at the ranch. You do remind me of the Mad One (Sandra), because when you meet someone you shortly know all about them and their entire biography!

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness - sorry for the travel sagas. I am glad you were able to patch up things. That fried okra looked good. Loved the bee mask.

Bluebird49 said...

Baby Jax and Bella are so cute! Glad Chandey is doing well.
So thankful the truck ordeal worked out fine. People are so kind, aren't they?
Our power is back, thankfully, so we are back home. Boy, that tornado really was destructive, but there was one in North Carolina even worse. I'll tell you, at about 3 in the a.m.Tuesday, the alert went off on my cell phone and we heard that "train sound" immediately. Too soon to even try to figure out where to get, so we just listened and prayed. Several businesses were destroyed, but nobody was badly hurt. In N.C., two people were kiled. 🙏 It was so, so hot in here at home, we just went to a motel in the next town to get cool, and get food and drink. We were so thankful there was still one room available, and that by the end of that first night, the power people had really given their all to get the power on all around here. As usual, the first responders and power people were our heroes. 💕
Enjoy your little brushes and new paint things, and your meeting before you go home for awhile. Thankful you had earthly angels to help get the truck fixed! 😻

jujupage1 said...

That couple was so kind to help you. It's hard to think of the generosity of pure strangers. I'm glad you managed to sort the truck out in the end!

Estelle's said...

I don't blame you for becoming anxious when there is car trouble...especially with the heat! Y'all enjoy the weekend and stay safe may be good to be home for a bit!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That's always scary when you have trouble like that but what good people to stop and help. And of course L.D. is the hero for fixing the truck! Take care and enjoy your day...I hope! hugs to you both!

Stacy said...

Ugh! I hate automotive adventures. I'm glad everything turned out okay with yours and you made new friends in the process. Aw...the kiddos are so sweet. Have a blessed day!

Changes in the wind said...

Nothing can make you fell more helpless than car trouble but it all worked out really good with family and new friends. The little new baby boy is just precious.

Deanna Rabe said...

So grateful that water pump gave out when you were still close to the ranch! And now and extended visit, too! win win!

The great grands are darling. So happy for you all! God is good!

Stay cool!

Vee said...

Those hard turns can make a person feel unsettled and cranky. You two really have learned to go with the flow. There are always trade-offs. The couple that so kindly went for water sound like salt of the earth folks. Always fun to meet new friends. You gather them so well, Linda. Jaxon sure is a beautiful baby and I can see that his big sister is smitten.

Arlene G said...

Well it was a blessing that the water pump gave out in the country, Linda. You probably got your truck fixed much quicker than you would have in the city. Country people do look out for each other.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's good to see you are safe and comfortable there in the country. It would have been worse had you not been so close to home when the truck decided to quit working. Might be time to look for a newer one. It's wonderful every one was so helpful. Country people are the best. Hope the repairs go quickly and don't cost an arm and a leg. Have a wonderful weekend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You certainly did have your share of adventures, Linda. So glad that people stopped to help especially that couple from Montana and it shows once again that there are so many good people in the world. We broke down a couple of years ago in an area with no cell service after finding out that the water pump on Pat's Jeep was leaking and we didn't have a spare gallon of antifreeze. Some unknown person not only stopped but gave us a full gallon and then drove off without us being able to thank him. Thanks to his generosity, we were able to make it into the closest town and found a repair shop that could make the repair IF we were willing to wait -- 5 hours later it was done and we were so grateful even when paying the bill! And, now we have a gallon of antifreeze in each vehicle in case it ever happens again OR we can pay it forward and help someone else. The baby and his big sister are sweet, so glad everyone is doing well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You two always bounce back and always come out happy as a lark even when things break and you can't do what you plan to do I wish I was that way I always get up set and almost did not block today because I've been so upset for the past two days glad I came by to find out you're still in the country. Sorry about the missed appointment

Deb J. in Utah said...

I am glad all turned out well with the truck and that you got to stay longer in the country. I know you love it there. I hope Louis Dean's doctor visit went well. I love your cute bee mask. Stay safe and well and have a good weekend.

Susie said...

Linda, Ted's truck is 20 years old and has over 300, 000 miles on and it and he is going for for 4. LOL We just replace our water pump too. Bless Sherry and Dean for always willing to help. It was nice of the passers by to help too. The baby pics are adorable. Glad you got new art supplies. Blessings to you and LD, old country couple that I love, LOL, xoxo, Susie

photowannabe said...

Wow, what an adventure and so glad you had traveling Angels to help you out.
God really took care of you...If you were going to have car or truck troubles that was the place to have it.
Dinner looks delicious and that sweet new baby is precious. the picture of Bella and her brother is a real keeper...frame it

Wanda said...

Again, Louis Dean proves to be the "man of the hour" no matter what problem arises. It would be fun to take a trip to Hobby Lobby, but we're still pretty much stuck inside.

I love fried okra. I was raised on it. I like it crispy almost burnt. I could eat the whole platter. Yours looks really good.

Busy busy time, and always so many willing to help you.

God Bless and hugs

Wanda said...

PS. I was going to tell you my mother's maiden name was Stover, and she and my Aunts would not buy any other chocolate.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Wow, that sounds like quite a day, but with a happy ending--and some Divine appointments thrown in.
The new baby is adorable, and I never cease to be amazed at LD's energy and the projects he undertakes.