Monday, August 17, 2020

A Visit With Lillian and First Day of Third Grade - Plus One Spoiled Cat!

The last time I visited Lillian was June 5th when 
Nita and I gave her a big batch of goodies and visited through the glass door.

Summer drove me over to Fort Worth today since my car's AC is still not blowing cold.
Louis Dean is going to take it to Walmart and have them put in some coolant tomorrow.
I think that's all it needs.

I read that Governor Abbott had lifted some of the restrictions in visiting nursing homes.
Apparently, they are all still in place in Fort Worth.
Still, it was much easier this visit as they seem to have the protocol down.
I called the office and they had me come in through the first glass door and set my bags down.
Then I went back outside and they came in and took the bags in through the second door.
That's Lillian coming down the hall to see me.
I was allowed to go inside the first door again and we visited through the glass.

I turned around so we could get a selfie!

I wore my mask when taking the bags in and if others were coming in and going out.
It was about as safe as it could get!

Lillian is down to 127 pounds. And her hair is falling out!
The beauty salon isn't open anymore so she just shampoos her own hair, combs it back and holds it with pins. I intend to buy her some pretty hair pins before I visit her again.
She has a cell phone and usually forgets to bring it with her when she comes to the door.
Well, she forgot it again but one of the staff offered to let her use hers.
I'm grateful for the people who care for our loved ones in nursing homes.

This was the best we could do.
And it was enough for today.
I have been praying that God would give Lillian joy.
I had no idea how he would do that but he did!
She went through two roommates and they were so bad they have let her be in the room by herself for the last few months. That's a joy.
And she has stopped watching the news! Praise God!
Just watching that  24/7 would drive you nuts!
She found a preaching channel with Charles Stanley and some other well known preachers and she watches that station or reads.

It was so good to SEE Lillian with my eyeballs!!
We talk on the phone every few days but I really needed to SEE her!

Summer drove me back home so I was able to visit with her as well as with Sabrina and Rayne on Facetime! Win! WIN!!!

Our kittens are a bit spoiled - but not like Benjamin's Klaus!

He has his very own water fountain to drink from!
I just love that Ben has a cat and spoils him!
When he was growing up, July would wrap herself around his head at night to sleep!
But Klaus is his very own first kitten! I think they have bonded well.

In other news - it was the Bell's first day of third grade!
Amber and Mike have opted to do the distance learning version of school at least until January.
So far so good!!

Last night Louis Dean and I were sitting out in the gazebo when the rain storm and cold front blew in! The temp went down 35 degrees!! It.was.awesome.
Today was only in the 90's! What a difference that makes!

I have been cleaning and bringing in some fall things a little at a time.
My excitement is starting to build.
I ordered fruit cake mix which should be delivered in the next few days.
It's all about setting the stage for my favorite day of the entire year.....

September First!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

we just went down to the basement today and i unloaded fall things from aout our big keepers. I don't know why I am doing it,since we can't let anyone in the house anymore! But I do like to look at it all, it cheers me up. I am glad you finally got to look at Lillian, and that she is finally rid of bad roommates!

Bluebird49 said...

The picture of your and Lillian's hands was so poignant. (And it was wonderful to get your text while I was reading this! Nice of you to think of us, and of David -- who has done well the last week or so.) I used to put my hand up to the glass at Mama's room when we couldn't go in because of a flu virus, and that picture was so like us. I miss Mama so much, but I just say that I am thankful she is with the Lord rather than back at a nursing home . And in a pandemic!! Geez!
I sure am glad I don't have to wash all the glass at Lillian's Home. Can you imagine caring for those? I have 13 windows in this tiny 900+ square feet, and I can barely get to any of them for furniture. 😩,
You look so good, even with your ask on, because usually your eyes are smiling, too.
Hard to believe the quads will be in 3rd grade. My, it doesn't seem that long since I was reading about you and Louis staying down there in the camper. Man! If that camper could talk, huh! Goodness, that would make quite an interesting memoir of it's own😉
I wish Lillian could see your blog on the computer, and have friends on a Facebook page. I hope she isn't so lonesome! My brother and I always visited Mama so that at least one of us went nearly everyday. Sometimes both of us went; she was only about a mile or so away, and we could even go after hours (Well, they actually opened at 8 a.m. and closed at 8pm, but I could visit later if I wanted.) They were really good about things like that. So many in there had dementia, but Mama didn't, so they seemed to try to go the extra mile for those who had their right minds. Mama didn't have a cell phone, but I paid for her o have one in her room. We talked at least once a day, too. My brother's wife didn't want for them to help pay the phone bill but Ed and I managed to find the money to do it ourselves. (Our son Ed helped us, too.) Mama's SS and Medicare went straight to the nursing home, so any extras had to be paid for by family. The people in there who had no family were helped by churches sometimes, and rarely -- private people. Sad to think of those who had no one!
I tried to visit some of them when I went, but Mama was always a bit jealous of the time I took away from her! 😉
Today has been a "long day", Ed and I were just saying. Soon the days will be shorter and shorter, and cooler weather will come. Can't believe it's past the middle of August.
Hope you and Louis Dean rest well tonight and that your A/C woes are cured. I honestly was shocked to hear it got down to 35° there one night. Goodness!
Have a good day tomorrow, and thanks for remembering us in your prayers, my Texas friend!

Kathy said...

I so hope and pray that this horrible disease leaves us soon and you can go to see Lillian again more than through a glass. She and others in Nursing Homes must be so lonely. I think of the ladies we used to visit with at the nursing home each Monday often.

Just yesterday I was thinking of the quads and trying to figure out what grade they were going into. I was thinking 3rd and it turns out I was right. They are getting big so fast!

Hope you and Louis Dean have a great day today. Can't wait to see all your September decorations.

Susie said...

Linda, It was good to see Lillian again. I have thought about her when reading your blog. I know it did her world of good to see you. You give her Joy. Oh Linda, Those Bells, how can they be in the third grades. I swear, I feel like all of you are family. I started following you when Amber was pregnant with the babies. Now they are beautiful young girls and that handsome Harrison. Please tell them hello from me. I am so happy Summer was with you and that you saw Rayne and Sabrina too. Well during Facetime. :)
I laughed about Benjamin's cat. How sweet he loves that cat and got it a water fountain. Stay strong and healthy there in Texas. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love, Susie

Arlene G said...

So glad you got to go and put eyes on Lillian. Bless her heart....I know it is a trying time for those who are in nursing homes and assisted living. My friend has a drinking fountain similar to that for her cats. Of course Bruce's cattle at the farm have drinking fountains too. My Daddy would have loved to see that. I am sure Amber will be a good mom to supervise on line learning. Landon and Kendall are glad to be back at school...of course we know it could be for a short time if the virus shows up. Landon was getting depressed. He is definitely a people person. I do worry about the mental health of so many as this drags on. Please God, heal our land. I always think of you on September 1st Linda. It will be here soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

What a great way to visit with Lillian and I'm so glad you showed it to us because I had no idea how you would visit and through the glass is better than nothing. And I know that your visit brought her joy and your gifts to. So glad all the kittens are happy and healthy and making all of you happy and healthy. I agree you look adorable in your mask. Not sure that I can say welcome September because that means I'm about to turn 76. All I have to say to that is no no no

Deanna Rabe said...

It did my heart good to see Lillian, too! I’ve been worried about how she’s doing. I’m glad we’ve gotten to know her through you! I will pray for her joy, too! How wonderful that she’s filling her heart and mind with preaching rather than the news! Does she have a good supply of books?

Happy third grade to the Bells! They’ll do well with distance learning!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I know your visit had to have meant a lot. Those poor souls locked away from everyone do have it tough. Some of my grands will have virtual learning and others will be in actual classrooms. I'd keep them all at home if I could, but they are excited to be going back to school. Glad to see your group of happy 3rd graders. Lets hope this school year will be better than last year was. I have one who will be a senior and this is his big year. I'm hoping it all works out and he can enjoy his graduation ceremony and parties. I'm slowly getting fall out. Don't want to hurry summer away.

MimiG said...

September morn is just around the corner!

Glad you go to "visit" with Lillian, I know it did both of you good. Summer is such a good sport; wow - what a spoiled kitty Ben has! School - it's almost that time here, one or two districts have started back, more do this Thursday and then the rest on September 1st.. Scary days for parents and grandparents...
Take care, enjoy the lower temps my friend..

Changes in the wind said...

Able to see Amber and Summer and Lillian...what a treat. Loved the picture of your hands and glad they are taking such precaution there at the rest home. Now that is one spoiled cat with it's own drinking fountain:) The quads are so big, hard to believe.

photowannabe said...

What a wonderful day that was for you and for Lillian. She's lost a lot of weight..I feel so sorry for her and the others in homes..I'm glad you talk on the phone but seeing is such a boost.
3 rd grade for the Quads...they will do well with Distance Learning I's a huge job but we'll keep the prayers going.
That was quite a temperature drop at one time. I sure can't wait for the temps to cool off around here...108F is not FUN !!

Carole said...

So glad you are all well. Sad you are getting spam - I am as well. Stay safe

Vee said...

May the grands all have a good school year. So glad that you were able to have a visit with Lillian. Not the wonderful visits of old, but still most precious. The photo of your hands was poignant.

R's Rue said...

God Bless You both.

Debbie said...

you are so kind to continue your visits with lillian, those visits must mean the world to her!!

third grade, i remember when they were born!! i can't wait for fall, or even 2021, i am so over 2020!!!