Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tuesday Treasures! Lillian Shopping and Deanie's Amazing Collections.....

It's been a good Tuesday!
I picked Lillian up before noon and she was ready to go!

She has lost so much weight since we first met her but she told me today she's been eating more these days. She got her new 'uppers' but they are not fitting as well as they should but they seem to do better than her old ones. We decided to go to the new Goodwill in Benbrook and we would just pick out where to eat after we got there.

Lillian opted to shop first and eat after so that's what we did.
It's a nice Goodwill and had a good selection of things.

She got four tops and a pair of comfy shoes.
Notice my 'model?'
I brought them home to launder.
I also bought her a over the door mirror - but I didn't get home with it and I can't imagine what I did with it! It was a big one - brand new and in the box for $14.99. I know I came out of the store with it because I was pushing the cart and carrying the mirror and I pushed the cart BACK into the store after I unloaded. I must have propped it up against the car - maybe? There was a lot to do when we get to the car. I help Lillian get in the front seat and I run around and start the engine so the AC kicks in. Then I load her walker in the back seat and our shopping bags in the truck. 
So I can't figure out where in the world I left that mirror!!

Here's what I got - 2 tops and 2 of what I call 'house dresses.'
That's the two on the bottom.
The one on the left is on the short side and will look cute with white leggings.
The other one is nicest than the pic shows. 
It has a self slip inside and can be worn out in public as well as around the house.
I think the two tops are super cute!

I spied this chicken coffee cup and smiled when I saw the Williams-Sonoma on the back.
I have a hard time pronouncing that....which Amber finds amusing!

Every southern lady needs a Bless Your Heart sign.
I think this will hang outside under the eves of the French doors that open to the gazebo.
Which, by the way, Louis Dean finished wiring today while I was gone!

It kind of made my heart sad to see this beautifully stitched Home cross stitch.
I simply had to lovingly put it in my basket and take it home with me.
It was even professionally framed.
The frame does need a bit of touch up but I can do that with no problem.

Look at the pretty stitches.
So much work, time and love must have been put into this.

A cool handbag hook.

From Goodwill, we drove through Arby's and picked up some lunch and took it over to Deanie's to eat and visit with her.

She took this photo of Lillian and me.
It reminds me of how Mother and I would always take a pic every time I visited her.
Then Mother would want to look at the pictures and pick the one I could post on Facebook.
It touched my heart that Lillian wanted to look at them just the way Mother did.

This is Winston, Deanie's grand dog.
He stays with Deanie and Charlie during the day while Andie is at school and Trish is at work.

He deserves TWO photos!

Deanie and Charlie moved into this house nearly 4 years ago.
Mother came to live with them right away.
All of their pretty decorations and amazing collections were packed away for so long but now they are up on the walls.

It's hard to show her hall going to the bathroom off of the kitchen......
This is such an interesting wall.......

The Beatles and Abbey Road......Saturday Night Fever.....Sonny and Cher.....Beach Boys.

I have a lot of debris.
Deanie and Nita have true collections.

This is the wall opposite.
I have always loved the way they did their Monopoly set.

The Three Stooges

I LOVE this!

Her things are truly vintage.

And she displays them so well in glass covers and all.

I could stay in her bathroom just looking at everything for a long time.

Like going back in time.

This is authentic. Given to Charlie by the father of their daughter in law who worked at Walt Disney.

This is the wall by the sink.

This was above the sink.

I am so happy to see Deanie nesting and decorating.

We three sat around the table in the kitchen talking and catching up.
It was a wonderful way to end our afternoon,

I took Lillian back to her place and I headed home on the Express Lanes getting here in 45 minutes - right at 5:00. Seems like I come in and go to bed these days and that's what I did again today.
A nice nap and a little down time to read some and I was ready to pop back up and get to work doing laundry and putting up the art supplies I brought back home from the ranch.

I am happy to say that Louis Dean has not mentioned the pie - and it's still there in the fridge.
Tonight I may pop it in the freezer - after I wrap it up in foil.
There was not much damage control when I got home today either.
Louis Dean heated his leftover goulash hamburger stew - and made toast.
What he DID do while I was gone was some laundry.
That's another thing he simply enjoys doing.
Washing his own clothes.
When we are at the ranch, he actually washes his overalls - soaks them and then scrubs them, rinses and hangs them up outside to dry. Why, I do not know.
I usually wash everything when we get home....but this time he had squirreled away a tub full of his dirty clothes....and kept them in the music room until the coast was clear to wash them himself.
That reminds me - he told me he hung them outside to dry so I need to remind him to bring them in.
I remember the time he washed all the white linens, covers, and duvet on our bed. I like to never found the big down comforter. He had hung it up outside to dry - spread out on TOP of a big table umbrella! I had to wash it again once I finally found it because the birds had drooped on it!!

I will close tonight's journal entry with this pic Summer posted on Facebook this morning!
Bless his heart.......


Carole said...

Lovely post. Bless your heart too! Cheers

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, her walls look like a real interesting museum! I especially love the rectangular painting with the squares with letters in them. Your blue outfits are so cute! Tonight was The Case of Linda & The Missing Mirror!

Bluebird49 said...

Missing mirror...maybe got leaned against another vehicle? Weird.
Bless Lillian - I know she was thrilled to see you!
Love that rooster mug, and Deanie's collection is amazing.
Wonder if he thinks he already ate the pie!?

jujupage1 said...

I had to wash my own clothes too in Portugal but my mum supervised me to make sure I was doing it all right. 😂

Hootin Anni said...

You started of with a gal's Southern Bless your heart and ended with Sesame Street's Animal bless his heart...gotta love your sentiments.

Enjoyed viewing all the nostalgic items in frames.

Carol said...

What amazing collections that Deanie has! I love the way the albums are displayed. I wish I had some interior decorating skills. I just seem to find things I enjoy and put them together. LOL! I am trying hard to get better at it.

I love your finds at Goodwill and I will have to share mine as well.

Vee said...

Fun to see Deanie’s place and how nice to spend a little time together. Lillian did a great job finding tops. It must be being with you. Course she may not have done so well finding the mirror. 😣 Stuff like that can drive a person foolish. My sis and I saw the best mirror when we were out shopping. It made us look sooooo thin. ☺️ That parting graphic made me laugh.

Susie said...

Linda, I could tell right away that Lillian had lost more weight. I loved that you got a photo of you both...like when you and your mother would do that. I bet Deanie was happy to see you both. It was interesting to see her walls. Good for LD finishing the wiring. You will soon have the place as you want it...all done to decorate. Hugs to all. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

Oh Linda, thank you for buying that cross stitch. We call it Saving the Stitches!! It is very pretty and took someone a long time to do it. Let that man have his pie. Any husband who does laundry is deserving.lol I had to laugh at the story about the comforter. Loved seeing Deanie's house. I recognized a lot of this albums. And precious Lillian...she looks so much happier. I think you have been good medicine for her.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no wonder you go from bed and back to bed, your days in between beds are so full I don't know how you keep up. I thought you were going to cut back. ha ha on that. Deanie really has a nice collection, from watching American Pickers, I know she is keeping her treasures the right way. the show always says things behind glass keep perfectly and increase their value. I see Nana said thanks for saving the stitches and I was thinking why in the world would you buy that. different strokes for different folks is the answer. good bargains on the clothes and I can see that Lillian has lost a lot of weight. glad she can eat better.... I was about to ask if you could guess my favorite photo and subject but thought you would know. Winston Wins and I wish I could hug him

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's good to see Lilian doing so well. And I'm sure that you have played a good part in that with encouraging her to get out. Would that everyone in a nursing home had a friend like you. The wall of you sisters sis full of memorabilia and it's nice she has a open space to hang it all up. I'm sure every piece has great meaning to her. Hope the outs laundry came in clean. I love the smell of clothing or bedding hun out in the sun.

Nancy Chan said...

So nice of you to take Lillian out shopping. Great collections on the wall. You and Lillian look lovely in the photo. Cute Winston.

Chatty Crone said...

Love that last joke - reminds me of me.
I have a handbag hanger - I love mine.
Those two dogs are so adorable.
Love, sandie

We must NEVER forget 9-11!

Debby said...

I love how you spend time with Lillian. Love also hearing about LD adventures when you are gone.

Deanna Rabe said...

Animal from the Muppets is my favorite! That made me grin!

I guess sometimes a grown man just wants to do his own laundry. (Smile)

Your days with Lillian make me so happy for her and you. Your sweet family have given her new family to enjoy! That is a gift!

You found some really nice things at Goodwill and LD did a great modeling job with Lillian’s shirts! 😄

photowannabe said...

HaHa...Bless his heart...
I just love your day with Lillian. You both brought home treasures but oh so sorry about the mirror...too bad....
I do like the way Deanie displays the collections. Perfect way to enjoy each and evry thing.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Once again, you and Lillian scored some great clothing deals at Goodwill. Today I went to our local Salvation Army Family Store and bought 2 tops at 1/2 off and a small frame. Nice that Louis Dean washes his overalls and what a lot of work that must be. I agree that the cross stitch was a great find especially with the wonderful workmanship and it should really look great when you fix up the frame, Linda.

Debbie said...

too bad about the mirror, i'll bet it's in the parking lot!! you are so good to lillian, she is so lucky to have you!!

the cross stitch is a treasure, a real work of art!!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like you are a very god friend to Lillian.
Wonder what happened to the mirror. Maybe somebody pinched it when you weren't looking?
The embroidery is lovely, and I'm sure whoever labored so hard to create it would be happy knowing it found a good home.