Saturday, September 14, 2019

Get 'R Done Saturday!

I woke up this morning around 10:00, went out to the kitchen to turn on my coffee and peeked in the den to say good morning to Louis Dean......and he wasn't there. I went back through the house looking for him and I still couldn't find him. Then I thought to check the driveway - and the car was gone. I called him on his cell phone and he was at Home Depot buying a blade for his saw to cut through the tail pipe on his truck. I was wrong about it being the muffler yesterday.

When he gets something in his mind he frets about it until he figures it out.
Apparently in the night that's what he did - figured it out!

 I saved my first cup of coffee for when he got home and I went out in the back yard - side yard, really - and started working.

I wanted to get all the plants I bought yesterday in the ground or in pots.
It's nice to see at least s few flowers and my herb garden looking healthy.

I have been watering the dickens out of the back.
It went for all those 100+ degree days without water.

It's beginning to shape up a little now.
Still so much to be done out there.

Both upper and lower decks along this kitchen side of the house will be replaced.
Louis Dean intends to deck the walkway where the stones are on the right so he can get a wheel barrow through there. Plus that's where another sump pump and French drains are so decking over them will work better in case he needs to check on them.
Hard to believe all this looked a jungle of abundant greenery in late spring.
I'm not sure how much ground cover will come back around the old tree trunk.
It was Asian Jasmine, English Ivy and another ground cover that grew great but I can't remember its name. I love the red cedar mulch. It covers a multitude of sins. And plain dirt.

I came in during the heat of the day and was baking cookies when Louis Dean asked if I would drive him to the muffler shop to buy a 30 inch piece of steel for his tail pipe.
He just didn't think he could drive himself.
Since I had been working outside - in my sleep dress - I put a hat on and sunglasses and said there was no way I would get out of the car. Why, I didn't even put earrings and perfume on - and I never leave the house - or the bedroom - without those!

I'm telling you - Louis Dean is a man among men.
He can do anything!
I saw that blood on his arm and figured he had nicked or bumped himself.
Come to find out - he had lost his balance and fell into the rose bush garden - and couldn't get up.
He was supposed to take a nap while I took one but he came out and started working while I was still asleep.

The old tail pipe.
He's all excited about getting the new one on and then he will start on the mud flaps maybe tomorrow or Monday.

He watching football on TV and I have my art set out in the dining room and will go back to it as soon as I close here. I'd like to have these three canvases finished before we go back to the ranch next week. This time we will be on Critter Duty!

That's all the news I have here on this September Saturday night....


Bluebird49 said...

I don't like hearing he fell! Scary. He's such a hard worker--both of you are.
Love Santa and his horse!
Have a happy Sunday and week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh goodness,how did he ever get up? What is the gorgeous purple plant? And the really tall pale green one?

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Poor Louis Dean. It must have been painful to fall into the rose bushes. Their thorns are so sharp.
Love that purple ooking plant in your yard.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Falling is not nice at all - sorry LD fell on rose bushes. Thanks Linda for your post today. Sleep well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

once again these stories of your life are a mirror of mine.. so sorry he fell and glad he is not hurt.. I am used to seeing blood dripping off of Bob, which meant when I saw this photo, I expected to see it, just not the way he got the bloody arm... it is much scarier to me than the fall, that he did not feel like driving to the store. prayers for our men, who have always done everything. I am also glad you showed your back yard, I have much the same stuff to look at and never show it. all the things he was ABOUT to do, have now been there for 2 years, since he had the stroke. he still works but it takes much longer once he starts, and takes a long long time to start it

Vee said...

May today be one of resting—doing nothing. 🙂 No cooking, no planting, no fixing, just relaxing. 🎶Slow down, you move too fast, gotta make the morning last🎶 (Having keeled over into a rosebush myself, I know how unpleasant that had to have been.) Love you two!

Susie said...

Linda, LD is an amazing working man. Or he has a head like a rock..LOL..he should not be working in heat , especially if you are not around to assist. My Teddy has been stubborn this week too. So thankful tomorrow is his dr. appt. You will soon have that area all green again with you pretty plants. I have wanted to mulch this year, but have yet to be able to go buy any. Maybe even with critter duty, you and LD can get some rest. I am wishing you both a great time at the ranch. Blessings, oxox, Love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

My guys took down some trees along the property line with our neighbors. I love handy men! I hope Louis Dean feels better today. Right now my garden needs to be cut back. I love giving it time to rest over the cold seasons.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure is a lot of work to take care of so much. My hubby and I woke up this morning having that discussion! But then there's football to look forward to! Go Cowboys!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There are not many at his age that would tackle as much work as Louis Dean does, but he really should stay out of the heat of the day. It does takes its tolll. Your here garden is going to look very nice. The ground cover show recover nice too. I love to see things come back again in the spring even though summer took over with the heat. Here we worry about the cold of winter freezing every thing out.. Right now we are enjoying some beautiful weather. It's to be mid 70's near 80 today with low humidity. Rally a good day to be out. Nice you have set yourself a goal. I am counting down the days now and it's 100 days until Christmas

Arlene G said...

I honestly dont know how LD does all the work he does. He makes me tired just reading of his exploits.:) We are at the beach this week and so enjoying the sound of the surf. It is so calming. I brought a stack of books with me to read while sunbathing. And sunbathing for me is sitting under the umbrella in the

Debbie said...

i love ld, he is amazing...and handsome too!! chuck is the same way also, there is nothing he can't do or fix!! chuck keeps lists...and they get long, but he gets to everything eventually!!!

Rain said...

You've got a great man there Linda. He's a catch. But I worried when you said he got dizzy and fell. I hope he's okay.

photowannabe said...

Thank you...I did sleep well last night!
The first one in quite some time.
I feel like I can face the day today....
Your precious LD is something else.
What an amazing Work-horse...
He really can do anything.
You definitely have a keeper there.
Glad your garden is perking up and all your new plants will be wonderful back there.
A deck over the French drain and pump is a good idea...a lot easier to check on.
Happy Sunday...we went to church last night so I am enjoying my coffee and blogs this morning.

Carole said...

My Keith leaps about on ladders/roofs etc - I always worry because he isn't as young as he used to be either - but telling him off is pointless - he just does it anyway! Bless his and LD's heart. Cheers