Sunday, September 29, 2019

Redeemed Relationships......

God is all about redemption.
 We have had a glorious time with Louis Dean's granddaughter and are once again rejoicing in redeemed relationships.

The message at church this morning was about answered prayer and how God answers but it's not always the way we think he will.
This weekend has been all about answered prayers......

The very fact that Piercyn has met his grandfather for the very first time has been amazing.
When we went to church together this morning,  he asked if he could 'ride with MY Granddad.'
Of course he could! 
Then after church, he rode back to the hotel with us and Louis Dean played a few songs for him before we went to pick up the pizzas for our picnic lunch at Big Spring State Park.

It is a beautiful place high atop the city of Big Spring with a magnificent view of the town below.

This is a picture of a very happy man!
Our visit here has exceeded all his hopes and dreams.

This was a perfect place to gather on a Sunday afternoon and play music after a pizza lunch.

Albeit was windy! But it was NOT hot!

I loved walking around.

Bella loves her baby doll and she and I walked together with Bella pushing 'Baby' in the stroller/shopping cart she got for her birthday.

Bella was very interested in her mama's music as were Piercyn and Kaitlyn.

I think she may have the hang of this!

Look at that sweet face!

I love it when she looks up at her mama!

Granddad told Kaitlyn he has another auto harp at home just for her!
Chandy is a great teacher and she will learn in no time.

It melts my heart to see how proud Piercyn is to have this brand new Granddad in his life.

We went back to their house and granddad and granddaughter played some more music together.

Thanks to our great granddaughter Kaitlyn, for the video link!

Louis Dean was so happy!!

We came back to the hotel to rest while Chandy kicked it into high gear at the house cleaning up the birthday debris, started the laundry, emptied the dishwasher and sacked up the trash.

Then they all loaded up and came over to end our weekend with a pool party!

I brought a loaf of homemade banana bread and some marinated fresh mozzarella cheese with some crackers for snacks. As a grandma I was thrilled that they LOVED the bread! Piercyn especially!
I wrapped up the four slices that were left and gave them to Kaitlyn! Our next visit you KNOW I am bringing several loaves of banana bread.

After we snacked and visited, it was pool time!

That water was COLD!!!
Louis Dean and I never entertained one thought about going in the main pool!

Kids are more adventurous!
Especially Bella!!!
She is two and the last time she was in a swimming pool was when she was 10 months old.

She took to it like she was a fish!

Have I said the water was cold???
That Kaitlyn is a super special big sister!
She takes such good care of Bella as well as Piercyn and does it with such calm and grace far exceeding her years. Kaitlyn is an 'old soul.' Kind, calm, steady......
You may have noticed Piercyn's name is spelled a bit uniquely. 
Kaitlyn wanted her brother's name to rhyme with hers and added the 'yn' to Pierce.

It was a great pool party!!

Time to give kisses and say goodbye.......
until next time.
We assured Kaitlyn,  Piercyn and his Cousin Emma that we would be seeing them again soon.

A perfect ending to a truly great weekend! Never forget that God is all about redeeming relationships! We have been so blessed to spend some time with a truly inspiring family! Our Chandy is an amazing example of the power and grace of God and we are so proud of her and how hard she has worked to restore relationships! Never give up on the ones you love. God sure doesn’t! We love you, Chandy! 


Bluebird49 said...

I've never seen a picture of Louis Dean looking any happier! He looked 30 years younger---all that love and kinship is so wonderful. Praise God!

Chandy Johnson said...

���������� I love yall! Thank you for the FABULOUS weekend!

Ginny Hartzler said...

A truly heartwarming post. How amazing. Walking the doll, I can see AND hear the wind. I had been wondering about the name spelling, that is so sweet. Children NEED their grandparents, they add such an important dimension in their life.

Vee said...

There is nothing more to add other than Praise God! ♥️

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a beautiful and blessed week end with your family. I love that video of bella pushing her stroller. the music sounds so good in that building. we saw autoharps on PBS County last night and I told bob they were common in KY. have not seen one in many years... so happy for all of you that life has been mended.

Arlene G said...

A wonderful message for many hurting people Linda. So happy for yall.

Susie said...

Linda, This is a good's about family. I always believe families should always try to make amends and stay family. We all need to bite our tongues at times. Keep the lines of communication open. Seems the children were needing grandparents. Blessings to all, xoxo,love Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful story...with a happy ending! All families could learn from this. Love the wonderful photos and happy memories you made! Sweet hugs, Diane

Changes in the wind said...

What a special time for all and so happy that is came about. Cute kids and can't you tell they are happy.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing for all this visit was. So happy it all worked out. Looks like music must turn in the family. How lovely!

photowannabe said...

This is such a beautiful post about Redemption. the look on LD's face says it all.
I am praying for redemption in our family too.
2 of my Grands are so upset with their father ( our son) and a messy divorce.
God knows and we have to leave it in His hands.
Thank you for sharing.
Love the photos and videos.

Teresa P said...

What a beautiful post! I am so glad for Louis Dean and you too. My husband and I both had wonderful grandparents that we treasured and were so much apart of our lives. Both sets of our grandparents were of strong faith and principles and taught us so much growing up.

Carole said...

Boy, do I need a family tree to get all your rellies (what we call relations) straight. Glad you had such a good time. How's the knee? Cheers

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I have tears in my eyes reading all about this weekend and watching that video! Thank you God for your redeeming love!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a heartwarming post. Thanks for sharing.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Such a great post, Linda, and I really enjoyed reading about and seeing all the family photos here and in previous ones (even if I didn't comment on all). You and Louis Dean had a heartwarming reunion and how nice to meet a great grandson for the first time. He and Louis Dean looked great together and everyone was so happy!