Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday - Coconut Chicken Soup and Keeping it Real, Folks!

While we meant to go back down to the ranch - we took today off to rest and recover from the business of the last several days. While we did sleep in late - and ate oatmeal, bacon and toast followed by our reading and then a Closer episode (still in Season 4 of our recordings) plus took a good nap this afternoon - Louis Dean was still out working on the gazebo after all that.

He's working on the electrical part now running the wires for the plugs through the bed frames.

It is a mess back here.
When the family came on September First and the grand kids wanted to go out in the back - we told them it was under construction. 

We will need to re-landscape this whole area!

What the tree trimmers didn't destroy, the summer did. 
We were gone and it wasn't safe to have our little neighbor angel to water back here.

Open trenches and loose deck boards......not a good idea to have anyone here.

I was happy to see the plumbago blooming today.
I have been watering it since we got home and it has come back!

My herb garden pot remains.....

While Louis Dean worked outside......

I worked inside making a coconut chicken soup for our supper.

It was really good and I served it just as the football game started.

There's just something special about watching football in the fall.
I know the game and I know the teams.
Still.....I love the sounds even if I am not paying attention to the actual game.
It's like a sound machine......stirring up good feelings.

While Louis Dean is still out in the den watching the game, I am about to go out and water.
Then I will tuck myself into the bed freshly made up with clean sheets.
Louis Dean has not been sleeping well lately and that man can tear up a bed like no body's business!
I woke up in the middle of the night with NO covers on!
I'm thinking I will get a head start tonight!
He will be up until the game ends and I will be fast asleep by that time.


Bluebird49 said...

Hope you're well into dreamland now! I know you need to sleep before you leave.
We're waiting for the edge of Dorian in the next 24 hours. Don't think we'll see much -- hope not!

Ginny Hartzler said...

There is beauty amid the mess out back! Your herbs, and the blue Plumbago. The coconut chicken soup looks divine, I want the recipe, please?

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Sleep well dear Linda.

The Feminine Energy said...

Our poor Chicago Bears... not off to a very good start!

That bed sure does look inviting, honey. I went to bed right after the game and was so tired.... but here it is, after 2am, and I'm still awake. My body hurts extra tonight and so I think that's what is preventing me from dozing off. *bleh* After laying wide awake over 3 hours, turning the light on to read and then turning it off to try to sleep, I finally just gave up & got up.... so here I am.

At least I have something pleasant to do and that is to read your blog post, my friend. I hope you get your autumn chores done ... we're smack dab in the middle of ours too.

Love, Andrea

Susie said...

Linda, I wish I could help LD with his wiring. He's a work-a-holic .LOL I have never heard of that soup. I like coconut in macaroons. LOL I love fresh bedding. Tv football last too long for me. Glad the both of you took time to rest...well somewhat maybe. Blessings to you both, xoxo, love , Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You always have so many big projects to work on! But you are both such hard workers and have so many great ideas! Enjoy your day! We love football around here too! This weekend...COWBOYS play!!!

Vee said...

Some fine day, it’ll all pull together seemingly at once. Football...not a fan unless the Patriots are playing. Oh-oh...better scoot before I get hit by a shoe. Enjoy the season! Hope your team does almost as well as mine. 🏈

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

That gazebo has taken a lot of work and may not look like much yet, but when it's finished it surely will look really good... Han in the get to use it soo. Can't be much longer now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the drought killed our plumbago, but when the rains came it grew back with a vengeance and is now taking over the jungle yard...yum on coconut anything. I do love cocoanut but have never thought of it in soup

Nancy Chan said...

I hope all your plants will grow back and the project completed soon. Coconut chicken soup sounds yummy.

photowannabe said...

Y'all are just priceless.
I have never seen anyone work so hard as you two.
Your gazebo will be so awesome and the yard will eventually be just the way you want it.
Of course, you will be bored and find another project to fill your time.
Our lawn guys are here nice and early today.
Besides just cutting our grass they have been trimming trees and topping a few that were getting out of hand.
I'm so grateful for the "extra" things they do in our yard.
No ladders for my Honey or me!!
I too love Fall, eating and watching a good football game.
That's what Dave did while I went to my friends home for "caregiver" time while her daughter went to Bible Study.
This is going to be a weekly ocurence so Karen can get back into her study.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Fall has arrived here as well Linda, and we can’t wait for all the foliage colors, which haven’t really started yet. I have never heard if that soup recipe but as Grenville doesn’t like coconut, it won’t be something to try here.

jujupage1 said...

I stole all my sisters covers on holiday when we decided to move our 2 single beds together to watch a movie and I rolled over onto her bed. 😂