Sunday, June 2, 2019

Our Weekend.....

We have had such a nice weekend. Saturday was a stay-at-home kind of day.
That's my favorite kind.

While we didn't laze around like this neighborhood cat, we did take breaks in our working to sit and sip tea and visit. I just love being married to Louis Dean. I heard an interview with Donald Trump from several years ago and he was saying how he'd always heard you have to 'work at marriage'.  He said he and Melania don't have to do that. They get along so well and it's easy to be married to one another. I understand what he means. It's easy for Louis Dean and me to be married to each other. We never fight or even raise our voices. I don't know if it's because we were older when we got married or what but I am so glad we're this way. We started out with a lot of laughter and romance and we intend to keep it. Louis Dean tells a funny story about an old couple who were at the doctor. The doctor asked the husband if he still had 'romantic inclinations.' The husband went out to the waiting room and asked his wife. "Honey, do we still have romantic inclinations?" Without skipping a beat she said, "I keep telling you - all we have is Blue Cross and Blue Shield!!"

I fixed a big bowl of Jello and it sure tastes good on a hot afternoon.

Louis Dean said it really hits the spot!

I have gone to church regularly all my life but I have never enjoyed any church like I do Fellowship.

Every Sunday morning I look forward to going!
The sermon today was on Having Fun.
Life doesn't have to be hard all the time. God wants us to have a good time.
The speaker this morning was Derric Bonnot and he started attending Fellowship when he was a teenager. He was already a part of the praise team when I started going and it has been so cool to watch him grow up. He's now married and a father of four and one of the pastors. I think it was 2003 when Amber was invited to Fellowship and pretty soon I was going there, too.

After church we went to Aldi's for groceries.
It was hopping!
We all had the same idea. Even though it was crowded, we were all in a good mood and laughed as we tried to squeeze past one another or reach for something.
The checkers there are super fast and you bag your own groceries at a long counter after you pay.

Louis Dean used to not like that store but he's changed his mind now.
He bought some kind of fancy 'frankfurters' and we had chili dogs for lunch.
See that tomato?

My gardening neighbor, Tamara, gave it to me yesterday.
I forgot what kind she said it was but it was seriously delicious!!
Doesn't turn red but, boy, does it taste good!

We ate lunch and then took a good long Sunday afternoon nap!

Then it was back to work on the drains for Louis Dean!

 I have been keeping my eye on Louis Dean and filling his tea glass.
He works a little while and then takes a break. Repeat and repeat!

This is my favorite place to sit and rest.
I have my tea beside me and can stretch my legs out and read.

I look out to the kitchen......

or into the dining room.
I think the living room is the prettiest room in the house!

In other news.....we are planning on going to the ranch on Friday.
Dean and Sherry got their truck stuck trying to get out yesterday.
They have had a lot of rain!

***Photo from Facebook***

They finally made it but I thought this was such a cute picture.
It was in my Memories on Facebook!
I hope it dries out before we get there but we plan to go anyway!

And that's it for our weekend!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, Louis Dean has a lot of work to do! But I think he loves to always have a project to work on! You look so pretty in your Sunday morning picture! I like to go to Aldi's on Wednesday, when they have their new weekly deals in their aisle of different household items. I have some tomatoes this color! They say the Heirloom and ugly tomatoes are the healthiest for you. Your herb garden is beautiful!!! I bet it smells divine.

Susie said...

Linda, That little sign at the end of your post says it all. I like looking around your house. I missed my daughter's yearly class now I have to wait till the 4th of July for a hot-dog, those are the two times a year I eat hot-dogs. Hope you and LD can get thru the ranch drive. Please be safe. Thank you so much for the card. Ted was smiling ear to ear when I read it too him, then he looked at it and said, Thank the Chapmans for me. That was so kind of you. Then we talked about the quads turning 7 and Ted says he remembers when I first started following your blog, as that is just before the quads were born. :):) Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Hootin Anni said...

I love reading the fact that you two get along so well! That's a milestone these days and you both should be proud.

Your selfie is darling...beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

Ps...forgot the blue cross blue shield. That was SO funny.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Louis Dean’s work on those drains is going to give you major peace of mind when you’re away from home! Slow and steady is a good pace!

One day I hope to see your beautiful home in person!

You look beautiful getting ready for church! Having a church home to serve in and love others, while you’re being fed is a true gift! Happy for you!

Vee said...

Yes, working a spell and resting a spell is a good way to do it. Digging trenches is not easy work. You have made me chuckle today as you usually do. Have a splendid week and keep those iced tea glasses full.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks like a wonderful weekend there at your house. I agree, we are to enjoy life and be thankful for what we have too. I'm one who works a little and rests a lot, It's the only way anything gets done at all here at my house. I know you are looking forward to your visit to the ranch, but oh my I hope that mud does dry up soon.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Hubby and I both laughed out loud at the Blue Cross funny! Love seeing your living room...I always want a better look at the art hanging on your walls! Enjoy your day sweet lady. You sure look pretty all dressed up for church!

Changes in the wind said...

A nice but productive week-end. I think LD is not happy if he doesn't have a project to do:)A good marriage is a precious thing to be blessed with that is for sure. I am going to post about that later today. You sure looked pretty in your picture. I am not sure I would have even tasted that tomato but so glad you did and it was good.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had to laugh when I read you were keeping an eye on LD... more like keeping a lens on him... see what I mean? we are total opposites, we bicker and fight and yell at each all day every day. and it gets worse as we age. we were 40 and 48 when we got married 34 years ago, so I don't think age is it. it is personalities. we are both volatile and same personality. we both know everything and know we are right.
hope the mud dries out before you get to your other home.... our homes are opposites but we both do the same thing, sit in a room we love and look at what we love... that would be the view from my rocker...looking through living room to kitchen to out side.

Arlene G said...

I may start shopping more at Aldi....they have the best deals. I hope y'all have a great time at the ranch. Right now we could use a bit of that rain. We had SO much in the winter and spring but it has been a long time since we have enjoyed a good shower. Maybe tomorrow according to the weather man.

Chatty Crone said...

Man you live a busy and totally full life there girl I am so glad you found your love of your life. Seems you two have a lot in common and I think that is key.

photowannabe said...

Ditto what Chatty Crone said....
God gave you such a beautiful life together...keep an eye on that precious guy!
Your drains are going to ease the worry about all of that water.
Your church sounds wonderful and I'm glad you can find your nitch there too.

Rain said...

Linda you look so pretty!!! :) I'm so happy that you are so in love with your marriage and your hubby. :) Your home is beautiful and that tomato is kind of neat looking!

Sue said...

Love the romantic story, You and Louis Dean seem so compatible, and enjoy each other! My dh and I are the same.
Love the photo of you, for a moment I thought I was looking at my beautiful sister, Mary, you could pass for sisters. ~wink~
We are Aldi's shoppers too! Your home is so lovely, warm and cozy, Enjoy your time at the ranch!

Carole said...

Now that's a sign I'm going to adopt. Cheers