Sunday, June 9, 2019

Our Big Red Screen Door!! The Garden and Wildflowers! Sunday At the Ranch!

It's been such a good Sunday 'At the Ranch!'
If you are on Facebook - that's Dean's Facebook page and we would love it if you visited there and would be thrilled if you 'Liked' us!

Louis Dean's biggest accomplishment was putting up the big red screen door that I bought at Mart's city wide garage sale a couple of  years ago. We were just beginning the new room and that red door set the color scheme!

It is up and functioning!

Our borders are now closed to the swarms of invading flies that we have been swatting all day.
They were literally dancing and frolicking all over the place.

About the time the screen door was up, the weather kicked in high gear and the wind gathered itself up and blew over everything in the front room that wasn't tied down. All the windows were open and we didn't get to them fast enough! I had been inside the camper where my friend, Val, was telling me about the sudden storm that blew through Irving, knocked out the power and blew out again. It left without flooding rain this time.

The temps fell when the wind arrived and once it blew itself out, we went down to see all the gardens and critters.

I do so love this place.

These geese are pretty but aggressive.
The pyrenees were hanging around us and the geese are afraid of them so we had safe passage.

Pretty chickens.....

This is the peacock that came from who knows where.
It was good to see he has survived so far. 
Dean and Sherry say they can't put in in the pen with the other two.....

because the two males would probably kill each other.
There's a peahen in there and that's probably what attracted the visitor.

Three of the four baby goats.
They have gown but are still at the cute stage.

The youngest baby.......Baby Goat Elsa.

And the Great Pyre that guards her.

The meadow was looking all pretty and green!
Louis Dean is 'outstanding in his field.'

Next on our tour was Dean and Sherry's garden.

Although my pics are out of order and this pepper came from teh garden patch across from the camper. Louis Dean planted a row of various peppers and I picked this ripe one today.

Sherry's tomatoes.

Pretty as a picture!!!

And her hot peppers!

These look like green bell peppers.
They are supposed to be colored ones.
Sherry doesn't like green ones so if they stay green.........
perhaps we will get them!!!

She has the most beautiful roses.
I've never seen this kind before.

And then there are all the wildflowers......

They are everywhere and different than the ones we had last year!

The black eyed Susan's are my favorite.

These small purple ones are new to the ranch.
They are as beautiful as they are plentiful this year.

"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them."
A.A. Milne

It was a glorious Sunday on the ranch!
And we get to stay all week and have one more Sunday here before we go home!
Win! WIN!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love wildflowers, and believe there are NO weeds!! Your door is beautiful, and I love the shade of red you painted it. I love the ears on the goats!! I guess soon, they will grow into them. What a beautiful sunset. The rose is gorgeous, I have never seen one like it.

BeachGypsy said...

I hate flies as well!! Dang VARMITS, HA HA lol. I do love that pretty new red door though!!--that sure looks great. I loved this visit with y'all, and I love seeing all the creatures!! It's so pretty and peaceful looking there. I can sure see why y'all love it. Those wildflowers rival ANY fancy florist ones, don't they?--so colorful and pretty. I love that quote about WEEDS!! I'm glad y'all are there at your "happy place"....y'all enjoy all your days and nights there, and keep posting pictures for us ok? I love the way you have fires every night....oh how I love to sit outside by a crackling fire and see the stars! Glad you stopped in and don't worry....there area always lots of folks in that alley, it's very safe. It didn't USED TO was a dueling spot in the old days and men dueled each other there!!...yikes.

Kathy said...

When we saw your new door on facebook Joe said it was beautiful and he wished we had it. It looks great at your place. Finishes off the room. I hate those flies too and have been having a battle with them myself.

What gorgeous flowers you have there. I'd be picking a bouquet every day.

Have fun this week in your "happy place."

Vee said...

Just as I knew I would, I lOvE that red screen door! (Sorry about the fly problem while it was being installed.) Yes, Louis Dean does look pretty impressive standing there surveying the kingdom. Keep having fun!

Susie said...

Linda, Gosh you sound like me, I hate flies and gnats. Oh let's face it I hate any flying or crawling thing in my house that should be outside. I loved all the pretty plants and the baby animals are always so cute. Tell LD, I have always wanted to be outstanding in my field...but I just didn't want to be a farmer. LOL. That's an old joke we used at work. Does your new red screen door make that smacking sound? I can hear my mom now ,yelling, "stop letting that door slam shut." LOL Blessings for a great fun filled week at the ranch. Love you guys, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your red screen door. Nice it's keeping the flies out for sure. They are pests. Red doors have always been a sign of welcome to me. The garden and the flowers are such a blessing. Here many are just planting their gardens. It's been so wet. More rain coming to day but for the things that have managed to grow, it is good. Enjoy your week!

Arlene G said...

Love Love Love that screen door. I have been thinking of one for Grimmwood ever since you mentioned yours., Linda. I am going to have to look for one and paint it myself.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The flies were bad here a few weeks ago!

Our weather has been nice, now it’s cool and rainy today. I’m not complaining as it could be hot and humid. Glad you’re getting a nice full week in at the ranch, which I do follow on FB! Tell Sherry I think her peppers will change color as they ripen.

Love the red screen Door!

photowannabe said...

Love all the wildflowers Linda and I envy your gorgeous red screen door.
You will definitely be happy now that's it's functional.
LD is absolutely "outstanding in his field".
Enjoy your week at the ranch and the blessings each day you are there.

Chatty Crone said...

i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THAT RED DOOR! Very stylish. The wildflowers are awesome. I agree I had flies. Enjoy and I will look for Louis Dean on Facebook.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your country home is a photographers paradise, I would snap myself silly if I could visit. that is a SUPER SHOT of LD in the field. really. I liked Deans At the ranch.. I agree with Sandy LOVE LOVE LOVE the Red Screen door and also theblack on the inside. I hate flies to

Wanda said...

Oh Linda how I love your Ranch. It's straight from a Novel. And you and Louis Dean are the wonderful characters in the book. Thanks for your faithful prayers and visits. Today Don not only carried Molly down the stairs, but took down the garbage. How I love that man!!

jujupage1 said...

I wish that I could stay not that ranch too! The outdoors look so pretty and there are so many cute animals. Hope you have a good rest of your time there.💜

jujupage1 said...

*on that ranch*😂

Carole said...

That door is just great. We don't like flies either - even in winter we still cover our glasses... when there aren't any! Unfortunately there are a lot of wasps around at the moment - we don't like them either. Cheers

Terra said...

Where you live is glorious country, I like all the photos of the animals, birds in the pond and visiting peacock. He needs a girlfriend since the peahen already has a fella.