Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sunday Comforts

I woke up at 10:00 this morning and jumped right out of bed and started getting ready for church!
Service starts at 11:15 and I was only 'normally' late. Louis Dean was still sleeping so I let him sleep on. He often doesn't really get into deep sleep until around 4:00 in the morning.
I could feel myself relax as I walked into Fellowship church and could hear the praise music and then the prayer as went on down the hall. I like everything about coming in the door and going into the service. 

And when I got home, Louis Dean met me at the door with a cup of coffee and invited me to watch Winning Walk with him. I had not one dose of church this morning but two! And both from the Ed Youngs - first Ed Young, Jr and then Ed Young, Sr. Win! WIN!!

I made a really good dinner for us today!
The cheese stuffed manicotti, sweet SWEET corn on the cob, salad and cantaloupe and cooked spinach with garlic and Parmesan cheese, plus garlic bread. SO good!!!

Now I am not really a cook or even a baker. I do cook and I do bake but I don't truly love doing it.
I will never forget the time my Son Dean asked me what my very favorite thing to cook was and I told him I didn't have a favorite and that I really didn't like to cook. He had such a stricken look on his face you would have thought I'd slapped him. Now Dean IS a cook! He loves everything about food from the buying of it to the preparing and eating thereof. He even enjoys looking at the grocery ads for Read's as he contemplates his menus and cooking plans.

I hear people talk about being stressed and just needing to get into the kitchen and get their hands in the dough or lose themselves in a recipe. Louis Dean is that way about his baking. Sometimes he NEEDS to get in there and make a batch of cinnamon rolls.

I confess I have been struggling with all the overwhelming things that keep happening around here.
It's like wave after wave of one thing and then another that keeps the house and the yard all tore up.
It seems like every time we go down to the ranch and get good and relaxed - we come home to one mess or another. Mostly water related lately. Then the gazebo got damaged and that creates yet another big job for Louis Dean. is something I do because I need to do it but I turn to other activities to calm myself down and get back to a 'happy' place in my heart and mind.

Today I found comfort in my home. Cleaning, fluffing, making things pretty.
I added a string of lights in the utility room so it wouldn't be as dark when I didn't want to use the brighter ones.

I tweaked the kitchen corner some more, replacing some old things with newer ones.
I am finally at the point where I want to toss some things I have had forever just because I really don't like them anymore.

Another comfort is music.
I picked this CD up at a thrift store and it is beautiful.
My heart seemed to lift and swell with the majestic music this afternoon and evening.
I would take my tea into the living room and sit in the comfy big chair, lean back and just let the music wash over me. I rotate 5 CDs so I added a Sarah Brightman, one of Kenny G and Yanni and the two in the Classical Romance.

Reclaiming a room and restoring order out of chaos does my soul good.
The den, kitchen, laundry room, foyer and living room have all been cleaned and bring peace to me when I walk through and light the candles. I am trying to keep the 'clean' rooms clean!

This evening I added the dining room to that list.

I set the table with my Colonial Rose dishes.
I bought this set in 1983 after my house burned.
I still love them although I have not used them in a long time.

I close this Sunday's journal entry with a peaceful heart......

And for that I am most grateful.


Arlene G said...

I wish I could come and eat lunch with y'all...looks amazing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know that painting also gives you peace and joy. Is that your new basket with the chicken wire on the table? I love what you did with it. So many things have happened when you have been gone...surely this is the end of it. Funny, you always post as if you love to bake! Maybe that is why your son was so shocked by your answer. The thing is, you bring so much joy and enthusiasm to everything you do, whether it is something you like or not! And this is surely the way to live!!

Mary in Colorado said...

The last thing I do everynight before bedtime is look to see if there is a new posting from you. I find your writing to be very well done and full of so many kind and loving things you do for so many people in your world. I especially love reading about your "adoption" of Lillian and her roommate,Margaret and think. wouldn't it be wonderful if we all "adopted " at least one person and made them feel they mattered and were important to someone else just as you have done. I am enchanted reading about your time on the ranch,your love and closeness to your family,your thrift store finds,your cooking and baking for everybody,your warmth,your faith and so many other thins. We could all use a string or two of fairy lights brightening the homes we live in.. I admire you and greatly enjoy reading the happenings of your life. I think we need many,many more people like you in our world. I feel as though I just gave a speech...but I mean every word of it!! Mary in Colorado

Vee said...

For a gal who really doesn’t like to cook (neither do I), you sure make some wonderful meals. Why do you suppose Dean had that reaction to your comment? Perhaps he just couldn’t believe it having enjoyed your delicious cooking.

If anyone has a “right” to feel dismayed, you surely do, but you bob up so well. That’s The Lord living in you. 😊 He gives you that calm assurance that every little thing will be all right. And He sent you Louis Dean to be a wonderful husband, companion, and helper. Amen!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a wonderful Sunday for you. There is a saying that a Sunday well spent means a week of content, and I believe it to be true. Happy Monday!

Susie said...

Linda, I understand the , "one thing after another" we seem to have that going on here. I love that you feel peace in your church . Our homes are suppose to bring us comfort. I wanted to do a few things while I am home from the hospital for a few days. I sure could use that sweet peace described at the end of your post. :) Blessings to all of you there, stay safe and dry. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

One of the hardest things to do, for people who can do so many things themselves (I’m thinking of Louis Dean and my Tim) is to pay to have someone else do it for them. However, as Tim is learning, sometimes that’s the thing to do. Could you afford a handyman to come deal with the gazebo? You’d be giving work to someone who is self employed and getting a big job dealt with quickly and with less stress. Just a thought!

I’ll be praying for peace for you, sweet friend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish Bob liked to cook or bake or shop, he does none of it but he does cook his own breakfast every day... I despise shopping, preparing food, cooking food, deciding WHAT to cook is the worst of all. the 3 years I lived alone, the only thing I cooked was to heat a slice of balonga for a sandwich and lay cheese on it. ha ha....

Anonymous said...

its a joy to come here for a visit and I understand completely, I seem to run out of ideas for meals and some days wish someone would just come and take over lol,, your home is so lovely, I could look at it all day and still see something new,

Chatty Crone said...

I am so shocked that you don't love to cook too!
And I can identify with you on one thing happening after another. Our house is falling apart, my computer, and my car.
Good luck!

photowannabe said...

When life hands you lemons you certainly make lemonade!
I'm right there with you Sister...Cooking is not my forte...I do it because I "have to".
Hubby isn't into cooking or baking at all so for pure survival I do it.
If there is a long list of directions or many ingredients in the's not going to happen!
Thank you for your so sweet and kind words on my blog post.
You made my day.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I can understand how your feel about cooking, Linda, because some days so do I. But then when we have leftovers and I can just add a veggie or salad, then it's not a chore at all, like tonight. I also enjoy making bread and muffins are another favorite. Sorry to read about the continuing water problems and now the gazebo issues as well. Thanks for your comment on my White Castle post, much appreciated.

Sandi said...

I like your peace saying!

Carole said...

We have a big old house and just when we get one thing fixed something else needs fixing - and I don't enjoy that at all. Cheers

Carol said...

I am so sorry to hear that things keep happening while you are gone. I know you love to go to the ranch. Just keep doing the things that make you happy and you will be ok