Saturday, May 11, 2019

Kids Art, Early Morning, Brunch With Lillian and Movie With Brenda....

It' been a busy few days around here.
Louis Dean decided to take the entire gazebo down and start all over.
The deck had sunk some and nothing was square so he said it was just easier to take it all down and then put it up right.
He worked all day on it Thursday right up to when we drove over to Dallas to visit with Amber.

The school art show was that evening and I really wanted to go.
The art teacher there is amazing.

All manner of art featuring all the elementary grades.

Our personal little artists!
Harrison had a stomach bug so Granddad stayed home with him.

We were home before dark and I was in bed by 11:00.
Imagine my surprise when I woke up at 4:00! As in the morning!
And as in 'awake' awake.
I thought I might as well get up and get on with things.

By 4:30, I had already made the coffee, emptied the dishwasher, started the laundry and made my breakfast which I took back to bed with me to eat.

By 5:30 I had taken out the trash and pulled weeds in the semi darkness!
I've heard morning people talk about getting so much done early in the done but I have not had much experience doing that. It was pretty cool. Probably won't be doing a lot of it but I did enjoy my 'early' morning. 

Friday was Mother's Day Brunch at the nursing home so I dressed up and was on the road before 9:00!

You should have seen Lillian's face when I came in the door!
She has never seen me there this early before!
I caught her before she went down to have her hair done so she and I had a cup of coffee together.
(Margaret had already gone down to the beauty shop.)
I brought a thermos full of hot water and three different pretty little coffee cups and matching saucers.
Lillian likes the International coffees and I had some tiny chocolate mint cookies to go with it.
I could tell she was pleased as punch by our special coffee visit.

While she had her hair done, I changed the bedding on both her bed and Margaret's.
Then I went down to help set up the private dining room for the brunch.

I had baked three kinds of Crack Cupcakes and the activities director had bought a fruit and cheese tray plus the kitchen had prepared two kinds of chicken and some tiny tacos.
It made for a special brunch for the mothers and I was glad I could be there.

There was a guest speaker and pretty decorations.
Tammy had filled small clear vases with some soft bead type colored balls to hold up stems of faux flowers.

As I was serving the food, I lifted a cover from the hot chicken pans and knocked over a couple of the glass vases. One rolled off the table and broke while the other tipped over and spilled out all the beads. When I started to try and pick them up, I discovered they were bath oil beads!
Those balls - hundreds and hundreds of them - were all about the size of my little fingernail.
They rolled under many of the tables and as the ladies rolled their wheelchairs, the balls would squish out oil.....I was so embarrassed. I ran out and found a couple of brooms and a janitor that felt sorry for me and said he would come help. In the end, we swept up what we could and then pushed the rest of them in a corner to pick up later. The party went on........

There were gifts of bling for all the mothers.
Just a little something to mark the occasion. 

After the brunch, Lillian and Margaret went back to their room while I helped clean up - it was the least I could do.

We had one more little visit over another cup of coffee.
It's amazing how special pretty cups and saucers can make it.

It was nice to see both ladies dressed up a little.
I've been worried about Lillian. She has given up wearing jewelry and make up.
That's not like her. We talked about it and I learned she's out of make up.
I'm needing to buy some new foundation myself so I will get some for her as well.
Her eyes water so I understand about not wearing eye makeup but foundations, lipstick and eyebrows should perk her right up! They do me!
After our visit I did a grocery run since I won't be here again for two weeks.
Cereal, lunch meat, cheese, bread......simple things that can make simple meals that are edible.
They both love the shrimp seafood salad I get at Walmart but this time they were totally out. I got the crab salad and a chicken salad for them.
I tend to stay longer than I intend to and it was nearly 4:00 when I left to go home.

I had a movie date with my friend, Brenda, and she was picking me up at 5:00 when she got off work.
I barely got home in time!

Meet Brenda's two sweet dogs!
They are so much fun and chock full of personality.
I loved getting to see Brenda's beautiful home and all her pretty things.

We visited a little while and then headed off to the Movie Tavern.

We were there to see a chick flick!
Without our husbands and they were so happy to get out of going.

I am so looking forward to when Brenda retires!
I love her like a sister and we are going to have so much fun when she doesn't have to work anymore.
She and Billy have big plans and will travel a lot but when she's home, I see movies and thrift store outings in our future!

This was our movie of choice and we loved it!!

It was 1:00 in the morning when I went to bed.....after getting up at 4:00 AM.
I made up for it today by sleeping in until nearly noon!
It has been a chilly rainy kind of day here with the rain leaving but the chill remained.
I liked it....other than we have a wet spot in the den over by the organ. 
I cleaned it up and put fans on it and am hoping for dry weather next week while we are at the ranch.
This evening I got out and finished cleaning up the rose beds and mulched them down.
I love mulch. It makes everything look so nice. And it makes the weeds easier to pull.

I love home days.
I did some housework and laundry. Cooked a good supper of grilled pork chops, sweet potatoes, black eyed peas and cantaloupe. 

I'm sitting in the den with Louis Dean watching a movie as I write tonight's journal entry.
Our tastes in movies are not quite the same but I enjoy spending time together.
He's been known to watch a chick flick with me and I'm watching an old western with him.


Bluebird49 said...

Same here about movies with Ed and me. I watch his, and he may play Solitare on his computer if one comes on that I like. More likely, I'll be watching a BBC show on Prime, and he'll be watching country or bluegrass videos on youtube! It works well for us -- we'd sitting across from each other!
I was sorry about the bead chaos at Lillian and Margaret's place, but it wasn't anything, really. Sorry you had to spend time cleaning it up. Glad you found out about Lillian's make up situation!
Hoping the den dries out quickly. What a pain!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The grade school art is very good, especially the pink vase & flowers and the birch trees. I sure hope Harrison feels better soon. I love your quail tray, I bet it is a Goodwill find! I have been watching the floods in Texas on the news, and was worried about you. So glad you are alright!

BeachGypsy said...

Happy happy Mothers day, my friend! Loved reading what all you've been up to. Oh my goodness pork chops and black eyed peas are one of my favorite suppers!!--sounds so so good!! As soon as I read y'all were going to the movies I thought "they should go to see POMS!!" and lo and behold---that IS WHAT y'all seen, LOL! I saw the previews and said to myself " Gotta go see THIS ONE, IT LOOKS GREAT!" Hope you are having a lovely weekend! Hugs!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Very good busy days full of hugs and love (and those rascally bath beads). Hugs for you and for LD too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your little artists have inherited there moms and your artistic genes. I nearly fell out of my chair that you were up and going at 4 am and all that you did, that is normal for me, but not for you... happy mothers day.. you deserve to be spoiled on this day

Vee said...

The children are such artists! I am sure that they inherited that gene from you. How wonderful that you could attend and make them feel like so special.

Speaking of which, Lillian and her roomie are so blessed to have you. You are so thoughtful and just looking for the things that they need or want. As for "the incident" it will be the stuff of legend and laughter. A more odd thing to happen I have never heard, but how good everything must have smelled!

Watching old Westerns would be a gift of love, but then watching chick flicks would be as well. ☺ I knew that you and Louis Dean make the best team.

A blessed and happy Mother's Day, Linda!

Vee said...

like so special? I am no Valley Girl. Must have been planning a different route, but changed my mind. Just leave out that "like."

Arlene G said...

I had been wondering if I would enjoy the movie, Poms. Thanks for sharing that it was good. Such a nice day with your friends at the nursing home. I am so glad they have special days for the ladies. I cant believe how big the quads are getting!! Hope Harrison feels better soon.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are such a blessing to your family and friends. They do keep you busy but in such a happy way. Hope you have a very Happy Mothers Day! It's wet and chilly here today, but no leaks and am cozy and warm. Now off to get ready for church...

NanaDiana said...

What wonderful artwork by the kids! Amazing really! Good luck to LD as he rebuilds the gazebo. Happy Happy Mother's Day to you, Linda. I know you are missing your mom- Love to you- Diana

Changes in the wind said...

A very full day with so many people, you are loved. Am surprised you didn't fall asleep during the movie after going full speed since 4:00 am. Wishing you a happy mother's day:)

photowannabe said...

You truly are a blessing to Lillian and her roommate. You do so much for them, it really must make them feel loved and cared for.
Oh my, the "incident" of the bath, it must have smelled good though...As someone said, that was a legend in the making.
Happy Mother's Day
Rest and pamper yourself.
P.S. Pork chops are my favorite yumm

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh those darn beads lol, what a mess lol, you poor woman, I could feel your panic in your words,,, You are such a sweet heart,, you do so much for everyone and get more out of life and give more into life than anyone I know,, and you look darn cute in your outfits!!!

Carole said...

I'm looking forward to Poms! Great cast. Don't overdo - conserve some of that energy... Cheers

Chatty Crone said...

I want to see Poms as well.

Carol said...

Those ladies are so blessed to have you in their lives. I attended a Ladies' Tea with my mother in law at the nursing home where she is currently on Friday and thought of you while I was there.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You are a real treasure, my friend. I'm glad that your in person friends value you.

You made a happy celebration even nicer by your special coffee times, with Lillian and Margaret.

I've seen the previews for that movie, and while I probably wont go see it in the theater, I'll definitely watch when it comes to Netflix or Amazon.

We introduced our kids to John Wayne movies several years ago and they like them!

Rain said...

I'd be watching the Western I think! :) The food all looks lovely, I'm glad you had a nice Mother's day! I'm an early bird myself. I tend to lose steam around 2pm so I get up early and get most of my stuff done before noon, so I can relax the rest of the day before making dinner! When I "sleep in" (i.e. past 7am) I feel so lazy!!!

The Feminine Energy said...

Wonderful happenings made more special by a wonderful woman.... YOU, dear heart. I wish you a belated but heart-felt Happy Mother's Day, Linda. You are a treasure to all who know you. Love, Andrea xoxo

Susie said...

Linda, So glad you made it to art day at school. Such cute pictures too. The children look wonderful. Glad to see you enjoyed Mother's Day. You are so special to all the people at the home. Blessings to all, xoxo,love you, Susie

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a busy and very long day you had, Linda. Kudos to the student artists. The vase mishap was unfortunate with the squishy bath oil beads, but accidents happen and glad things moved on well. Luckily, Pat and I have similar movie likes.