Saturday, May 25, 2019

Friday With Lillian and Saturday at Home!

I spent nearly every Friday in Fort Worth with Mother for years and years.

Now I still spend nearly every Friday in Fort Worth - with Lillian.
Lillian was so good to Mother - even when Mother was unkind to Lillian.

I love this photo so much!
I took Lillian out for the day.
You can see she's excited. My favorite thing about this picture is that she has her purse!
I don't think she's been outside the nursing home for over a month.
She seldom goes anywhere. There's no one to take her.
She still has one daughter living (her oldest daughter and her only son have already gone to heaven) and three grand daughters. I have only seen one granddaughter ever visit and that was when she was there to take Lillian to see her daughter, Ann, one last time while she was in the hospital.

Also, note the new flooring and the fresh painted walls!
They are going to be painting the rooms and putting the same flooring in them.
Now that is a real spirit booster!!

We went to IHOP for lunch.
That was one of Mother's favorite places.
It warmed my heart when Lillian ordered the fish and she ate all of it!
I helped her finish off the 'potato hash' which was really good but didn't look like hash to me!

I love her so.....

After lunch she wanted to go to a thrift store and so we did.
It didn't take but a few minutes until she found a place to sit.
Lillian has had three back surgeries and walking is painful.
I was so sorry she didn't find a treasure at the thrift store!
She did find one top in a beautiful color - but it had a stain on it and she didn't think we would be able to get it out.

I found a couple of treasures.

This reminded me of what Amber told me once......
"Mom, you dress up just like a little doily!"

I ran into Tuesday Morning to pick up some coffee and tea. Lillian stayed in the car with the AC on.

Our next stop was to see Deanie and Charlie.
It dawned on me the other day that I have not seen a single one of my siblings since January 29....the day of Mother's funeral. We talk nearly daily on a message thread but we have not laid eyes on each other.

Meet Winston!
He is Trish and Andie's sweet doggie and Dean and Charlie's GRAND dog!
They babysit him while Trish is at work and Andie at school.

I think he likes me!

We had the nicest visit!
Deanie and Charlie have both retired now and we sat in their new sitting room - where her office used to be. It is beautiful. Mother moved in with them two weeks after they moved into this house.....what was it? Four years ago? They finally have the time and energy to decorate and add their personality to the rooms. As I went through the kitchen to the bathroom down the hall.....I noticed a note tacked to the pantry door. It said 'This is NOT the refrigerator!'
I laughed and asked if that note was still up after all this time - thinking it had been put there for Mother. They both said, "NO!!! That note is for US!"
At least it's both of then and not just one!

There were lots of hugs all around!
I think Lillian truly had a good time visiting.
We looked at the whole house admiring every room.

We drove back to the nursing home where I changed sheets on both beds and added that mattress pad to Lillian's. Margaret has a hospital bed so pads won't work for her.
I made a Walmart run to pick up groceries for them.
They eat sandwiches and cold cereal plus cottage cheese and fruit to supplement their meals.
Sometimes the food is not fit to eat and then other times it's pretty good.
Friday night their trays had BBQ chicken, rice and steamed broccoli.
Margaret ate hers but Lillian just wanted cottage cheese so I ate her dinner before I took off for Walmart. That's what wore me out - I tried three buggies and none of them pushed right. Finally I found a fourth one that seemed to work better than the others but I was half way through my shopping when I realized how much work it was to push that cart!! My knee started hurting and my ankles, feet and everything else. I'd been there over an hour when Lillian called me to see if I was okay. I had just got to the check out line! While my cart was in line - I went over and found me a decent buggy to take the groceries out to the car. I returned to the line and waited another 20 or more minutes for the one person ahead of me to pay. Her card didn't work and she kept pushing the wrong numbers. Management came over to help - twice. Finally, the lady with her used her credit card to pay and then they s l o w l y moved on out of line. By the time I got the stuff to my car and sorted through to what was ours and what I got got Lillian and Margaret - I was exhausted!!
Drove back to the home and realized I had some heavy stuff to get in. Two 12 can packs of A&W Cream Soda and a big container of Perrier water - plus milk and all the other stuff.
Next week I'm taking an old luggage thing I used to use when I was a team mom for Amber's Synchronized Swim Team. I finally got it all in there and put up and then  had to sit for awhile to rest up before I could go home. They both fussed over me a like couple of mother hens......which made me feel good. Margaret gave me one of her Cokes and we had a nice little time together before I left.
They insisted I call when I got home - even though it was after 10:00!

What Lillian and I learned from this outing was that she can't walk much and she can't shop.
She was really looking forward to shopping.
She told me stories of how she worked downtown at All Saints Hospital in Fort Worth and got off at 2:00 in the afternoon. She would go straight to Dillards or Macy's and shop.
I'm thinking I might can take her to Target where they have the electric shopping carts she can ride in.
Also she loved visiting Deanie and Charlie. And she liked riding around and looking at things.
For our June outing - I am taking her somewhere at least once a month - we are going to Mineral Wells. They have the Crazy Water store there. Lillian doesn't drink much at all. Hardly any water. She doesn't like tea! Imagine that! She only drinks one cup of coffee. And usually one Cream Soda a day. Plus a little milk with her medicine. But she said she likes mineral water. I can work with that.

I drove home, called Lillian, and then sat in the den with Louis Dean and a glass of wine and we told each other all about our day. We ended up talking for over 2 hours!

Saturday morning started off late and with a cup of Texas Pecan coffee, a Moon Pie and a scripture.

Here's the coffee and teas I got at Tuesday Morning.
They have such good prices.
It's been a good Saturday.

I decorated the den all up in red, white and blue!

I decided to just do one room!

I have so many memory treasures.......
this painting Amber did when she was little.
It won a ribbon at the Texas State Fair. The ribbon is still taped to the back.

A few Texas accents......

I realize nearly every photo is so busy looking.
That's the way it is around here.

Once the den was done - I redid the little table in the kitchen.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my son, Jesse, and his family.
It's an old one - the kids are all big now.

Louis Dean has been digging ditches and moving mountains.
Yesterday while I was gone - he fell into the fence behind where the gazebo deck is.
He took a chair with him. While he did not get hurt, it scared him - and it scared me.
That's part of what we talked about last night.
What happened was - he got too tired and wanted to push on to where he had planned a stopping point. The lesson learned is - don't keep working once you are truly tired.
That's when accidents happen.
So today - he stopped at 3:30. Came in and took a nice long hot bath and rested.
We both accomplished what we set out to do today!
And that's a good feeling!!


Mary in Colorado said...

Another pretty amazing and jam packed day in your life!! I so enjoy hearing the details of everything you do for Lillian and Margaret!!! Your house is wonderful and so full of love and memories of your children and things you did with them and for them. Your's is a life of generosity to others and it is obvious that you feel enriched in return. I admire you!! Mary in Colorado

Linda said...

And I hope you know how much I admire YOU! You are an amazing lady who has done so much for so many! You inspire me, my friend!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Glad you shared another life lesson Linda. I am taking that lesson to heart now. Hugs to LD and to you Dear One. Thank you for sharing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't remember the last time I saw a moon pie, at least 50 plus years I think. after reading about your day at the home and all you did, I am thinking you were all worn out from your day before you went into WM.. tired at the starting line. I hate the baskets that the wheels are wonky. what I do is try each one I find in the parking lot push it a few feet and find another before I go in the store... we got new baskets last year but they are all getting bad again. enjoyed reading about our day out..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE YOUR DOILY top. made me laugh and you look adorable in it

Estelle's said...

To be out in the world, seeing and doing things must have felt marvelous to Lillian! You do so much!!! I think lace tops are made for you...beautiful!! The hot weather is here so be careful working outdoors! As always, I look forward to the reading about life at the Chapmans!

Vee said...

What a lovely, long day spent with Lillian. I know that she just loved it. Even though you have decided that adjustments must be made, it was a learning experience. Next time will be even more successful. Sorry that Lillian didn’t find a treasure, but wowzer, you sure did.

Tell Louis Dean that he has learned well, too. I am also paying attention to what you folks are learning, It all makes perfect sense to me. I walk with a cane these days per the physical therapist’s orders. Some days, I’d like to wrap it around his neck. 😉

Wonderful photo of Jesse and his beautiful family. A beautiful Memorial Day weekend to you folks. 🇺🇸

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a lovely long day you had with your friend. You are truly a friend to her and I'm sure she appreciates it very much. My goodness, but you did a lot all in one day. Yes, like Louis Dean, I've learned the lesson to stop while I'm ahead. Getting older has taught me much and not all of it has been good, but for the best.
I love your red white and blue decorating including that sweet picture of your son. Hard to believe it is Memorial Day weekend already. Hope you have a wonderful one!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I never thought about Lillian not being able to go anywhere! I think you’re on to something. If she likes mineral water, Aldi carriers a sparkling mineral water that is like Pelegríino, but way less expensive. My Sarah loves it! Maybe the fizziness would help Lillian drink more water!

Your cart from team mom days sounds ideal. You are so special to both Margaret and Lillian because you care about them!

I’m glad Louis Dean wasn’t hurt, and I’m glad you’ve come up with a solution, and I think it’s a good one. We forget we’re aging!

The Feminine Energy said...

Awwww... Lillian!! Her big smile tells the tale, as does yours, my dear. And that beeee-utiful top you found at the thrift store. I love it on you!! Yes, sometimes we can't always do what we want to do. As the old saying goes "Our spirit is willing but our body is weak". But that's ok... by and by it all gets done and what doesn't get done, didn't need to get done after all. :-) I'm sure the ladies slept much better when they got your phone call & knew you made it home safe. I don't like hearing of you driving at night, in the dark, either... especially being so tired. If I had known I probably would have had you call me too!!! :-D Love, Andrea xoxo

Changes in the wind said...

I know how happy Lillian is to have you adopt her and it is good for you too. Glad LD wasn't hurt and lesson learned. Pretty picture of you with your new top.

Anonymous said...

Nice to read about your day with your sweet friend. You are so generous
and giving with your time. My best wishes to you and Louis Dean as you
enjoy the Memorial Day wknd. Phyllis from Oregon

Chatty Crone said...

I love your new top - so delicate and pretty. You do so much kindness for those women - you are their angel on earth.

photowannabe said...

That definition of you and your "doily" top is so cute.
What an awesome find.
You are so precious to Lillian and I know she loves every minute you spend together.
You are blessed and they are too.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are the resident angel of that nursing home. You even look like an angel in this beautiful white top. You look so classy in this black & white outfit. Taking Lillian to Target is a great idea! Their scooters are very comfy. Your July 4th tree is adorable!! And I love your blue plaid tablecloth. SO scary about Louis Dean falling!!! I am so glad he is alright.

Carole said...

lillian is a true friend to you and you are to her - inspirational. Cheers

Debbie said...

boy you look amazing linda, really great!!! you guys have been so good to lillian, i think it is good for all of you!!

many thanks for your kind thoughts and warm wishes today, i'm getting there!!