Monday, December 10, 2018

The Gift of Days......

I have had a lovely three days at home.
No stress and low key with no real agenda or a long list of things to do.
I needed these days.

Saturday was delicious!
I lingered longer in bed than usual, stretching it into the afternoon.
Between reading, praying, catching up in my Country Diary and looking through recipes for Christmas, the time passed but slow enough for me to savor the hours.

I changed from a nightgown into fresh pj's after a long hot shower in the afternoon.

It was cold Saturday so I built a fire in the den and settled down to address my Christmas cards while I watched a Hallmark Christmas movie. Perfect, right??
As I write this tonight, all my cards are ready to go out in the mail tomorrow.
I do want to mention that I hand addressed each one. However, I did not write a personal note inside on any card. The reason? I had the cards made from heavy card stock and selected white letters on a black background for the reverse side. Alas, I wasn't thinking about the fact that I couldn't write on it!
Pam suggested I get a silver ink pen but I never got around to it and I was in a 'Get 'R Done' mode.
So I hope you will overlook the lack of a personal message......
By the way, if you would like a card - it features my Western Santa - I have a few left
  and will be so happy to send you one if you will email your address.

I never left the house Saturday!
My idea of a perfect day!
No make up, no dress up clothes, no hairdo.
Poor Louis Dean, having to look at me like that all day.
I'm hoping my smile and twinkling eyes made up for my appearance.

Sunday morning we both got up a little earlier than normal - probably because we both went to bed quite a bit earlier than normal! We sat in the den with our coffee for a good hour before time to get ready to go to church. I've missed a couple of Sundays lately - Louis Dean hasn't though. Every week, they have asked him, "Where is your lady?" Well, Sunday I was there! and it was GOOD to be there!

Normally we would go over to Brookdale after service to visit Reaoma.......and it sprang to my mind to ask him if he minded if we stopped by over there.....and then I remembered.....she isn't there anymore. It wasn't a sad thing to remember.....I just forgot for a moment.

We came home and I think I set a record in being a quick change artist!
Within 4-5 minutes of walking in the front door I was out of my nice Sunday dress and back in my flannel pj's! Louis Dean wasn't as fast as I was but we met back in the kitchen to fix lunch together.

He made the best bacon burgers and I fixed rosemary roasted veggies.
Oh, my goodness! It was delicious!!
Then I went back to bed.

I got up in time to watch the 4th quarter of the Cowboy/Eagle game.......
apparently the most exciting part of the game.
We usually pause it and the game is over while we are still watching.
And I totally admit that I cheat and check online to see the final score and if they lost, I quit watching. Sunday was an exception - we were in real time and it was exciting to see them win!!

I've been wandering around fluffing and tweaking the decorations.
There was a container of gold and cream ornaments left and I was compelled by my obsessive/compulsion nature to use them. 

Then I went outside to turn the lights on and noticed a basket of unbreakable shiny bright gold ornaments. What to do with them? While I didn't use them all - I did tucked a few into the folds of the mesh ribbon around the front door. I like it!

Just a touch more sparkle and shine.

I love looking at all my Christmas decorations.
I made this sequined Styrofoam ball using plain straight pins in 1964 when I was 16 years old.
We lived at Mrs. Morrison's apartment house.
I've taken it out and admired it every single year since then. I love my memories.

This is the oldest ornament I have and it came from my childhood Christmas tree - back when I had a childhood. It hung on the tree in 1954 when I was 6 years old. Deanie was 3 and Nita was 1. Mother was pregnant with Lonnie and he would be born in January 1955. It was once covered in blue glitter but only a few specks remain. I have two of these and they were on all the trees from 1954 on. Mother gave me a box of ornaments in 1964. It was my very first Christmas tree after I married in 1963 and I have hung them on my tree every year since. In addition to the two blue bells, there was a gold one as well..... but I have lost that one. I don't know how that happened because I keep everything!

Sunday night we closed out the weekend with our feet up by the fireplace.

The weather said it was going to get down to 29 degrees Sunday night.
It was 40 degrees by the time I got up this morning but I decided to make a cold weather breakfast anyway!

Oatmeal, bacon and buttered toast.
Note the difference in the size of our bowls.

It was another day at home except for a trip to return the rental car and pick up Summer's vehicle from the body shop. I had 'normal' clothes on so I clapped a hat on my head, put on some lipstick and drew in my eyebrows. Went straight there and straight back!

I decided to bake up some fruitcake cookies so I could get them in the mail tomorrow when I go to the post office to mail out all my Christmas cards. Without thinking I set the oven to preheat -

and forgot all about Santa being in there drying!
I jerked him out as soon as I smelled the heat!
He did get a bit drier with the heat and I'm so glad he didn't burn!!

I got a spurt of art mojo juice and decided it would be best to finish Santa and hang him up on the wall to dry! So that's what I did.

I have been keeping up with my routine housework and was emptying the dishwasher and getting our coffee ready for in the morning.....when I noticed.....

my possum!!!
I knew he was alive and well and had been eating but I had not seen him in quite awhile.
Louis Dean has....but not I.
Just this afternoon I was talking to Sherry and telling her how much I miss the ranch and feeding the chickens, the ducks, the goats, the horses and Rufus and Blue. I am now only feeding my possum!
So I was really happy to see him tonight!

Real life resumes in the morning but it isn't happening early!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The best of times Linda - so happy you had three lovely days to do just what you wanted and needed to do. Your home shines - a treasure house of Christmas.

Ginny Hartzler said...

We both stayed in our robes for the weekend! We have been under 13'of snow. I think we would have been trapped in here forever if not for a truckload of guys with shovels wanting to make some money. Now we have pathways!! I love your Santa, and am so glad he did not burn up! What a freak disaster that would have been! As usual, your decorating is impeccable and beautiful!! How about a name for your opossum? Maybe Ollie?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Sometimes staying home and resting is the exact right thing to do!

Nancy Chan said...

Some days I too get to enjoy being in my housecoat, taking my own sweet time and not rushing around having to keep tab on the time. I love being home. Your decorations and home look so lovely and having the Christmas festive feel. I like your Santa Claus, glad that it didn't get burnt. Have a fabulous week!

Bluebird49 said...

I love reading about the relaxing time before a bit more of Christmas is left yet to do--and then it will be over for another year again. A lot you've done to get it all together, a lot will then be stored again. Your consistency in life is something I admire so much, Linda.
14 days!

Ryoma Sakamoto.Japan said...

As "Christmas approached, the town became gorgeous".
Christmas song flows, and a roadside tree is displayed with gorgeous neon.
I am excited just to walk the town. "

BeachGypsy said...

Linda I am so glad you had this nice relaxing time and SO GLAD you got your Santa rescued and out of the oven IN TIME!! HA HA LOL We had so much nasty cold rain ALL WEEKEND AN it was certainly stay inside weather. We braved it to go to church!!--and came home and like you, I just wanted to put my jammies back on, LOL I did fall asleep for a long nap, I guess I needed it as I had stayed up pretty much the whole night before. Did you get your cards done? I worked on ours tonight, I'm almost finished and we've been wrapping a few presents, mostly the ones that need to be shipped. That little possum appreciates the food you leave out, I am sure!

Arlene G said...

So glad you had a good weekend. We all need some R and R every now and then.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How funny to get a photo of your possom! I think we have one come trying to eat the seed under our feeders. And....How bout them Cowboys!!! That was SO exciting! I jumped up and down! Enjoy your day sweet lady. I think I need a new coffee mug for the holidays! I better look in the cabinet first though. heehee! Holiday hugs to you both!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing to have a few days to relax and enjoy. I'm looking forward to that myself. Our family gathering won't be until the 29th. so come Christmas Day that will be me. Enjoying it to the fullest in the quiet of my home. You home is such a beautiful and relaxing place to be.

Changes in the wind said...

Whether running or staying in bed you are content and that is the most important thing. I will show a few of my decorations at a later date and you will realize how much I do not decorate haha. I think the difference is that nothing much was saved and passed down with memories. Don't miss understand I had a wonderful home and parents but no one seem to have time to make things and mostly bought what went on the tree and there was no tradition of special ornaments and etc. You so enjoy your fireplace and your time together and the Santa painting looks fantastic!

Tina said...

Isn't it wonderful to have days at home with nowhere to go and no appointments?! Those are my favorite kind of days! We had a very busy November so I was glad to have a few of those days in the last week, to just putter around the house, finish the Christmas decorating, bake and just BE! (Oh, and of course catch up on my Hallmark Christmas movie watching!) Glad you had some downtime before the holidays! Have a great Tuesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I loved every word of you story today, what a happy life you lead. so glad the santa did not burn down your house. once I turned the oven on and bob had stored 5 batteries in there over night because they blow up if they get to cold. they also blow up when heated. he said what is that smell, I said coming from the oven. you do not want to hear the rest of it. my favorite photo today is that sweet possum....

Carole said...

Oh, you almost cooked Santa! Lucky escape... Wishing you many more relaxed days. Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Isn't it great to take a warm shower and then hang around in comfy flannel pjs, which is what we do a lot here in the apt, like tonight. We went out for awhile today, but then got "comfy" as soon as we were back home. All the cards are done as is wrapping of grandchildren's gifts. Glad the Santa didn't get well done.

Judy said...

Sounds like a perfectly delightful weekend. BTW...I treasure the Santa card you sent me last year and have it out again this year. :)