Sunday, December 2, 2018

Sunday in Galveston

Jutta is the early riser and she captured this morning's sunrise.

She gets out and walks the beach at first light.

These are a few pictures she took and shared with me.
That's what we do nearly every day and how our friendship has continued to grow all these years since we first 'met' one another here on the blog.
We've been sharing our lives and experiences through photographs....
and we sometimes add a few words.
It's amazing how strong our bond has become over the years.

Jutta came in from her walk and I was just leaving for mine.

This was one of my favorite moments of this day......

Sunday morning on the beach.
As I sat here watching the surf, listening to the birds and praying, Louis Dean called.
As is his custom every Sunday morning, he turns on his computer and pulls up some gospel songs on YouTube. Since I wasn't home, he called me and I listened on the phone. That was so sweet of him.

Then I continued my walk.

I love everything about the beach.
The sand, the surf, the shells, the birds.....the sounds and the sights of all of it.

I had just reached this spot when Louis Dean called me again and asked if I wanted to hear one more gospel song. That's when Jutta found me sitting on that rock. She's an avid walker and said she would walk on down to Murdoch's and Summer and I could meet her there.

So that's what we did.
 Murdoch's is the best shell shop on the island and we needed to make one more visit!

Plus we hadn't had the frozen margaritas we always get there yet!

Another favorite moment of this day!

We fed the leftover corn cracklings to the seagulls and had one last beach walk together.

We shopped a kite store and stopped at Kroger so I could get tea for my Christmas Tea Party - I had forgot to get the TEA - can you believe it??
Then we came back to the hotel to rest before our dinner tonight at Gaidos.
Jutta was treating me to a belated birthday celebration!

Look who I ran into there!!!
Next door neighbor, Stephanie!
She and her sisters and mother were here for the Dickens on the Strand weekend.

My birthday piece of pecan pie - which I shared!

Our gracious tour guide.....

After dinner we were given a private tour of the newly renovated Carr Mansion.
Amber had recently written a piece about the mansion and the proprietor graciously invited us to stop by. It was so cool to get to look at all the rooms - every room has a special name.
The mansion is a bed and breakfast and features 7 bedrooms.
It had been a busy weekend here what with Dickens on the Strand!
It was a lovely way to end our time here in Galveston.
Tomorrow morning we will pack up and go home. 
Summer will be flying back to Puerto Rico from Houston on Tuesday so we will drop her off at her hotel near the airport and then we will drive on home and hopefully arrive before traffic as we drive through Dallas.
I've already told Jutta that she can visit on the porch for a few minutes with Louis Dean while I run in and do damage control and turn on all my pretty lights.
She said, "I know. It was the same way last time I was here."

Jutta is a pretty special lady!!


Kathy said...

How I long for the shore. We didn't get there at all this year. You and I would have a wonderful walk together. Have a safe trip home. I have enjoyed going along with you. I know you will enjoy having some time with both Jutta and Louis Dean.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You look so cute in the outfit with jeans and the hat! Like a regular beachcomber. I love your sandpiper picture with the reflection. What a coincidence t find your neighbor there!

Bluebird49 said...

You like awfully happy there!

BeachGypsy said...

Juts loving your beach pictures my friend!! so glad you all arrived safely and are having a great time! It's been a long long time since I was in Galveston but I do remember walking by the sea wall, riding the big ferry, and I think I remember the Carr mansion, we drove all over looking at the big pretty mansions and even back then, I was busy making pictures! That's WHEN WE USED FILM FOR CAMERAS, HA HA lol Remember that??!! Have a good trip home and be safe.

BeachGypsy said...

P.S.---safe journeys for Summer as well!!

mxtodis123 said...

I'm enjoying your trip. Gorgeous place, gorgeous pictures. So good to see you having fun.

Vee said...

The beach is so mesmerizing. For years and years, my family had a few beach days every summer. Alas, now the greenies who don’t believe in seaweed clean up, which allows all manner of insects...mosquitoes, horseflies, gnats, midges, etc., have taken over. We leave the beaches to the tourists these days, but seeing your video has brought out the longing in me. Perhaps I don’t need to worry about bugs in December. 😏

God bless Summer’s journey home. How fun that you are able to see her often. And, as you say, Puerto Rico may well be on your docket.

Have a marvelous time with Jutta. These long-distance friendships can develop into the real deal for certain.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a beautiful Sunday from start to finish. How nice you get to have the company of your friend for more days at your house too. Hope you have a safe and happy trip today winging your way home. Happy Monday!

Changes in the wind said...

So happy you have had a wonderful time with your friend and Summer. The walks looks wonderful and peaceful. Safe travels to all....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so much beauty out there, I would be out there early with Jutta and I would love to see that house. have a safe trip home

Susie said...

Linda, It sounds like wonderful bliss. Had to refresh your spirits. So fun that you met your neighbor there. So great that Summer enjoyed time with you and that she will be with his sweet Rayne back in P.R. Blessings to all, xoxo, love you, Susie

The Feminine Energy said...

Linda, you are one of the prettiest women I know. Your smile lights up a room and along with Summer our planet doesn't even need the sun!!!!!!! Love you, Andrea xoxo

jujupage1 said...

You captured great moments in those photos! Me and my family forget things all the time. One time we went to the shops specifically for toothpaste and came out with a bunch of things we didn't need and not the toothpaste!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful to spend time with so many special people. And walking on the beach is my favorite thing to do! Enjoy your week pretty lady!

Carole said...

What a lovely time you are having! Cheers

Carol said...

Sounds like an amazing trip! I can't believe you forgot your tea as that is something I would do.

Chatty Crone said...

You two sure know how to live a great retired life! I am happily jealous for you!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm still praying for Summer. Hope her back is feeling better. Your time at the beach looks wonderful.

You and Louis Dean are a gift to each other! God is good!

I can't wait to see your tea! It'll be special!

Debbie said...

i have always wanted to start my days with a walk on the's just a dream now but i am lucky to live close enough to see the ocean any time i want to!!!

the beach looks especially beautiful there!!

i hope summer is feeling better, i thought she looked good in the picture!!

happy birthday, if i have not wished you one!!!