Monday, December 17, 2018

Goodbye, Ranch! We are Home Again.....

Louis Dean and I both slept even better Sunday night than we did on Saturday.
The country does that for us.
I woke up first this morning and got up to turn the coffee pots on.
His is in the camper on the kitchen counter.
Mine is out in the front room on my 'cooking table.'
It was a crisp cool morning but not really cold so I took my first cup of coffee out on the front porch.

I never get tired of this view from our 'front yard.'
The country sounds are soothing to my soul......the cows that what they do??
The birds twittering and just the sweet calm sounds of there anything more peaceful?

I lingered long over that cup of coffee thanking God for all his blessings.
If there is anything in this world I want to be - it is to be grateful and to be real.

Louis Dean woke up and he's allergic to what he thinks is 'cold' so I had my second cup in the camper while he had his feet close to the heater Summer gave us. It is a really good one that can keep the 31 foot camper warm and toasty all by itself.

I fixed us a bite of breakfast -buttered  toast with slices of ham and cheese on top and we read the Bible - Proverbs 17 - before we set about packing up and leaving.
We had not brought much so it was an easy job to close everything up.
I vacuumed both the camper and the front room, cleaned the bathroom and made up the beds, straightened the covers on the little sofa/couch and flipped the switches to OFF on the water and water heater.

We drove down to Dean and Sherry's to say goodbye to them and the critters.
This is Rudy.
He's a mean rascal and I'm glad he's in the peacock pen now.
Reaching in to feed and water him in a small space is not easy!

This is the new peacock Dean bought for Sherry for her birthday.
He is beautiful!!!

These are the new guineafowl.....I love that little hen staying in line with them.
A guinea wannabe?

I fed the horses carrots on Sunday....except the black and white one arrived late to the party and I was all out. My favorite thing is to hear them galloping! It takes me back to being a child and watching Roy Rogers and Gene Autry and hearing the horse's hooves thumping along. I love that sound!

I have to admit that I do not remember one single time that we have driven through that gate that I didn't feel a tinge of reluctance about going. It's always a whole lot more fun to arrive than it is to leave. But we will be back and soon! And when we do - we get to stay as long as we want!

Louis Dean drove us home in good time.
 We arrived before 5:00 and went into our usual routine.....
he unloads and I put up. Everything is back to rights. Laundry going and most of it is already done. 
Food is put up. I did some housework that I didn't get to before we left - as in vacuuming.
Keeping house is therapy for me and I am feeling better this evening.
I am grateful for my life.
I have a city life and a country life.
Both are important to me.
The fact that Dean and Sherry have invited us to be a part of their country life is such a huge blessing.
We pay no taxes. No responsibilities. We get to drive down there and enjoy the fruits of their labors.
We do pay our own way so we aren't guilty of being moochers but money can't buy what they have given us......a retreat to restore and refresh our mind, body and spirit.
I can't wait to go back!!


Bluebird49 said...

Sounds like you got a thorough refreshing there! It won't be long now til Christmas 2018 is in the past. When all that is over, you can be home on the range again! 🎅🎀🎄

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sounds like this getaway was a much needed break and gave you time to recharge, Linda. Soon enough you and Louis Dean will be returning.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Rudy is beautiful and very colorful! I love Guinea fowl; they are so funny! I had been wondering how big your camper is. On your last post, the inside looked so big! I guess you will return after Christmas, and with no return deadline! I don't know if that has ever happened before. Coffee in the country listening to the animals wake up, this is as good as it gets!!

WE said...

Well written post, looks like you had a thorough enjoyment :)

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Soothing the soul Linda. Hugs.

The Feminine Energy said...

You sound refreshed and renewed, precious friend... and I'm so glad about that. Long live your ranch life! Love, Andrea xoxo

Carole said...

It is fantastc that you can have such a country life. Enjoy

Vee said...

You are both a City Mouse and a Country good for you to have two places to call home. I know that you love them both. But now it’s time for enjoying Christmas and all that it means with family and friends. If you are like me, you enjoy that first cup of coffee and devotions by the tree each morning. Sparkle on, Dear Ones!

Carol said...

Living in the country can be very refreshing to your soul as I know that each of us need that. I am so glad you got a chance to go before the holidays.

Susie said...

Linda, I want to thank you and LD for the beautiful card. I love it. So nice that you both could get away even for a short break. I know you love that quiet spot. This next week will be rushed and busy for many. I know you will have much family time, that's the best as we all know. Please hug everyone for me and wish Merry Christmas. I am wishing you and LD the very best . Hoping to have some joy here also. Blessings to all, love you so very much, xoxo, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

So happy you have your little get-a-way place and it sooths both body and soul.

Arlene G said...

We are heading to Grimmwood tomorrow and I am looking forward to the country life for a few days. Linda, I received my beautiful card and I want you to know that I treasure them!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do hope the peace you found in the country carries you over until the next time you get to go. Hope this Tuesday is a wonderful one for you. Hold tight to those memories!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You are truly blessed to have that retreat which is to me paradise. it is so good of them to share their country place with both of you..

bj said...

Oh, dear Linda...what a sweet sweet soul you are blessed with. I love how you are so thankful for things in your life, big and small. I love how much YOU love going to spend time at the ranch...and most of all,how thankful you feel about having your spot there. I feel so much the same way living in my son's pool house. It is such a nice house that he and his darling wife have blessed me with. Close to him is the blessing...just to look out and see him in his yard...wave at me as he heads to work...coming over every evening "just checkin' on you, Mom" and never walking out the door without a "I love you, Mama." I sometimes wonder what on this earth I have done to deserve a son and daughter that are absolutely THE BEST.
I don;t know....but I sure am thankful.
I love all the pics of the animals...and I've always been afraid of roosters...they sure can be mean!!
Take care...have a good family Christmas...I love you.

Chatty Crone said...

Not many people are as blessed as you to have a city life and a country life!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The ranch is restorative to you and it was just what you needed! I'm glad the next time you go, you'll be able to have a long stay. Dean and Sherry have given you a beautiful gift in sharing the ranch.

Your view point of being grateful and real is so important. When we are grateful it helps us see all our blessings, and being real allows us to help others who might be struggling with the same things.

That peacock is gorgeous and having had a mean rooster or two, I understand what you mean about Rudy!

Enjoy this week before Christmas!

Teresa P said...

Its always great to get away from it all for a couple of days for some spiritual therapy for the soul. I read your prior post about the rather unpleasant visit you had with your Mom at the nursing home. We could so relate to all you said. My late MIL was in a care facility for almost 4 years. It was like a box of never knew what you were going to get.

Sometimes it would go smooth and pleasant other times she would be angry and mean spirited and other times quiet with not much interaction. She went through rotating room mates for a while as she couldn't or wouldn't get along with anyone. My poor sister in law was afraid it was coming to the point the staff was going to ask for her to move to a new place. Thankfully, it never came to that before she passed but boy she could try our patience. She never wanted to go to any social functions unless you dragged her. Many times we did..ha! Praying your next visit goes more smoothly. Have a Merry Christmas.

Brenda said...

The card is gorgeous
Thank you

Brenda said...

Teresa and Linda
Sad about your mom and mom in law and behavior sad!!
Wonder how many times our mothers shook their heads at our behavior!! Lol