Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve's Eve!

Today was busier and more labor intensive than yesterday but it was every bit just as good.
We were only 5 minutes late to church this morning. Actually as we turned onto the street - we were only 3 minutes late but by the time we got inside.......
Louis Dean asked, "Why can't we be 5 minutes early instead of 5 minutes late?"

I came right in after church and started cooking lunch.....

all of Louis Dean's favorite foods - except the baked chicken.
He would have preferred red meat!
Still, he was so happy with dumplings, candied carrots and seasoned cabbage.
One of the very few things Louis Dean absolutely refuses to eat is raw cabbage....but he loves it cooked!! We watched the Cowboys game and were so excited they WON their division!

Would you believe I cooked lunch in my church clothes? 
(I wore an apron, though! Thanks, Sharilyn!)
I took my apron off at 4:00, put on fresh lipstick and packed a tin full of Louis Dean's cinnamon rolls and we drove over to an open house hosted by the pastor of Western Heritage Church and his wife.

Their home was lovely and the people were all so friendly.
We were glad we went!
Since I'm new I didn't walk around like paparazzi taking photos......
but I did take a couple....

......not sure what happened to this one!

** swiped off a Facebook post.....**

Meet Pastor Jody! 

Kathy is his lovely wife and she is the 'Voice' of the church.
As in leading the music.....Louis Dean and I are loving this church already and we haven't even officially joined yet. But we will in the new year.

We came back home and I hit the floor running!
I started cooking and baking for Christmas Eve.

First of all, I made two pumpkin pies using a recipe in a book I collected 54 years ago.

It is a booklet tucked into my 1962 copy of .....

Better Homes and Garden Cookbook.

I used this book so much when I was a very young housewife - as in 16 years old - and trying my best to learn how to cook and make menus. Homemaking became my passion and I continue to use this cookbook to this very day. I love everything about keeping house - making a home cozy and inviting and CLEAN, of course! I discovered I have the gift of hospitality and that has enriched my life more than I ever dreamt!

Pumpkin pies made! I decided to make the dessert table in the sewing room for tomorrow.

I covered the pies up with a couple of old fashioned Pyrex pie plates I've had for years.
As soon as the pies came out of the oven, I put a cake in.

While the cake baked, I made a batch of Rice Krispie bars - jazzed up a little.

I found the recipe on Facebook and it has a layer of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the middle.
I thought this would be something the grand kids would like.

The cake is a Butter Pecan Pound Cake with a brown sugar frosting.
Hopefully adults and children will like it!

It's late but I took a hot shower and watched 'Christmas Around the Corner' with Louis Dean.
I watch football with him and he watches Christmas movies with me.

I'll be up bright and early in the morning. I always am on Christmas Eve.
I have to put the stew on and the fruit salad and garden salad to make. 
Cheese to cut up and arrange on a tray......lots of things to do and then I have to do the ghastly chore I dislike the most - vacuum the whole house!
And all this needs to be done before 2:30 when we leave for a candlelight church service.
So I better get to bed!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from Texas!!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Have a wonderful time tomorrow Linda. You have just about everything anyone could dream of ready for your company. Happy Christmas Eve Day dear one. I have an used the same cookbook since I was about 18 and trying to figure out how to make a meal (not just a special dish) !

Kathy said...

Happy Christmas Eve, Linda! You sure do have things under control there. Wish I could say the same. So glad you found a nearby church that you both love. That's important. I smiled when you said you were 5 minutes late. If we aren't 1/2 hour early, Joe thinks we are late. He says it's his military training. I am late for everything so you can imagine what our Sunday mornings are like. Have a wonderful time today with your friends and family.

Brenda said...

That is my cookbook!!!!
Have merry Christmas!!

Susie said...

Linda, Slow down, you are making the rest of us look bad. LOL. I just imagine you getting new carpets every year from all wear and tear of running around the house. My sister got that cookbook when she started married life and has still used it.
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas. Blessings to all and prayers too. xoxo,love all of you, Susie

mxtodis123 said...

Happy Christmas Eve to you and yours. Your food looks delicious. Mine is just about ready aside from the finishing touches. I chose not to do any baking this year. Have a wonderful holiday.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Enjoy it all and savor the moments. I’m glad you both found a church you really love! Such a good thing.

Merry Christmas dear friend!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I always love to read your posts...I live my life through yours sometimes! Hope you don't mind! Have a wonderful day! Holiday hugs!

Changes in the wind said...

Like you I have my first cookbook but I have collected many more since as I love to read them and I don't cook very much! Nice you made it to the church gathering and that you are following LD's lead, am sure they enjoyed having you come. Had to laugh at Susie's comment, think she just might be right. Merry Christmas.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We wish you and Louis Dean and your family a wonderful 🌲Christmas spent together and it certainly looks like it will be a sweet and delicious one with all those treats, Linda. You do have a talent for making your home so inviting and it’s always nice to drop in. Thanks also for your comments on our blog especially during our cross country adventures this past summer. It was also great following you and LD on your Alaska trip. Have a wonderful holiday filled with love, joy, happy times...and that great food too🎅🏻

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Merry Christmas to you from Ohio! I hope to finally time to bake tomorrow. Sounds like you have a wonderful Christmas Eve ahead.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your church sounds like one we would love to attend, and yay for cooking in your apron over church clothes. I LOVE DUMPLINGS, not the chicken in them though... enjoy today and tomorrow. love you and Merry Christmas

Hootin Anni said...

Y'all have been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger! My goodness, I need to sit down after reading about your day! Oh, wait...I AM sitting. Okay a nap then. While watching the Houston game, I read afterward the Cowboys won their division...I thought of YOU right away!

Happy holidays Linda!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

As soon as I saw your pumpkin pie recipe, I left your blog, and ran out to the grocery store! It was OPEN! I got all the stuff and am back home now. I have never made one before, but this looks easy!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day, Linda!

Chatty Crone said...

I am always kind of late too - I used to be early.
Your meal was awesome looking.
You need to make your own cookbook.

VintageCrafter said...

Merry Christmas from Alberta, Canada! I love baking but you are definitely the "QUEEN OF BAKING!" I can't wait to try making your pumpkin pie recipe. Love reading your blog, Linda! All the best in 2019!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Rice krispy bars now that does sound good.
Coffee is on

Carol said...

I just made a batch of corn flake wreaths for my husband. He loves them and I really don't like making them so I decided that since he hasn't asked for much I would do a bit.

I was going to make pies, but he said no so I won't worry with it today. I have a new mixer coming tomorrow so I assume I will need to bake more. LOL!

Merry Christmas to you and Louis Dean!

Vee said...

Oh have a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I can tell that you are as organized as can be. I have the main courses made and ready, but now it's time to bake a Christmas cake. I don't think that I have time for anything else. I am glad that you have found a church where you feel perfectly at home.

Mary said...

Merry Christmas & love from Quincy, MA Beautiful card this year, you are so talented

Carole said...

Lovely post as always - we've had our Christmas Day lunch now and are busy digesting! Unfortunately the weather has not been kind this year - wet and not as warm as it has been. But it's Christmas. Cheers from Carole's chatter

BeachGypsy said...

Oh it all looks just wonderful, Linda! Fun and festive and bright! You work hard and make it so nice and welcoming for friends/family. Loved hearing all about your goings and doings. Have you ever made Louis Dean fried cabbage?--I grew up eating fried cabbage and I just love it to this day. Y'all have a wonderful and happy Christmas! Enjoy! Hugs from Charleston.

jujupage1 said...

Hope you had a great Christmas! You sound like an excellent cook, I'm sure the grandchildren loved what you made. Hope the new church goes well!

The Feminine Energy said...

It sounds like your Christmas was busy even before it officially arrived, sweet friend, but I know you loved every minute. I pray your Christmas Eve and Day were just as fun and that you are now able to rest a little bit. Our grandchildren just went home less than 2 hours ago as they stayed on after their parents went home on Christmas Day night.... so finally now we are able to take a little breather. I feel like I could sleep for a week. *haha* As bad as I sleep these days, I should probably take advantage of the feeling. Love you, Andrea xoxo

Rain said...

Hi Linda! Merry Christmas!!! Oh I love Pastor Jody's hat!!! :) That Better Homes and Garden Cookbook brings me memories of my grandma's house, she had one, how nice that you own one! All of the goodies look so delicious!!!

Carole said...

Hoping you got through Christmas without exhausting yourself. Weather much better now so am upping my swimming. Cheers