Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday With Amber!

It's Tuesday! Traditionally that means a movie, Goodwill and art!
I did two out of three - I totally forgot about Goodwill!!!

I drove over to Dallas to meet up with Amber and take in a movie together.

Look how cute the Pumpkin Family is!!
Amber and Mike took the kids to a pumpkin carving party Sunday afternoon.
How cool is that?
I tried carving one once and it was a lot harder than I realized.
I was impressed with these.
I think Kailey's is on the left,  then Logan's, Trystan's and Harrison's!

They had the Pumpkins and Cat they painted back when they were little displayed on the front porch!
I remember they were still in the quad table and I gave them sponge brushes.
They base painted the pieces and I put it together and added details.

They still have the fence post scarecrows we made a few years ago and they are as cute as they ever were.

I love spending some quality time with my daughter.
For the last six years now most of our time together has revolved around and with the children.
Now that they are in school, we are slowly getting back to where we used to be.
I am so blessed that both Summer and Amber want to spend time with me.
I hope they always will.

This was our movie choice.
It was good. Slow. Kind of odd. Lots of  close ups of Robert Redford and Sissy Spacek.
My favorite scene was with Casey Affleck when he touched his nose the same way Robert Redford and Paul Newman did in The Sting. Priceless!

This is more Amber's type of movie!!

I went with her to pick the kids up at school and we went to Sonic for milkshakes before I headed home. I totally forgot to stop at Goodwill. It never even entered my mind.
I guess I was preoccupied with getting ready for my trip to Arizona.

I got my bags out last night and I packed them tonight.
All that I have to do tomorrow is some baking before I drive over to Fort Worth and visit Mother and the ladies at the nursing home. Then I'll spend the night at Nita and Mike's.
We will be meeting Deanie, Lonnie, Trish and Andie at 4:00 Thursday morning and begin our caravan drive to Arizona. I will be getting up early for five straight days.
So I guess I better go to bed now!


Ginny Hartzler said...

The Quads did the best job on the pumpkins!!! I never would have believed that kids their age could do this. I could not myself. It is a lot harder than you would think. I KNOW how much fun you were having, because you never forget Goodwill!!! I hope you have a fantastic trip!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Have a great trip!

The Feminine Energy said...

So glad you had a wonderful day with your daughter... and perhaps there would have been nothing at Goodwill for you anyway, this week? That's the attitude we can always have, isn't it. :) Have a lovely visit at the nursing home and a safe & fun trip to Arizona. We'll all be here when you get back. Much love, Andrea xoxo

Bluebird49 said...
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Bluebird49 said...

The quads did a wonderful job with the pumpkin family.I
I always love hearing of you time with your daughters!
Enjoy that sibling getaway --- I know you will!

Susie said...

Linda, It was good to see the children's pumpkins and the scare crows they painted . I love decorations like that. Glad you and Amber had some time together. She's a sweetheart. Wishing you and your siblings a great safe trip. I know it will be fun. Blessings, xoxo, Love, Susie

Anonymous said...

Now that’s some awesome pumpkin carving! You have such a wonderful friendship with your girls, it’s heart warming, have a great time!

Arlene G said...

So glad you get some mother daughter time. It is the best.

Changes in the wind said...

Weren't all the Halloween decorations cute. Nice that you and Amber get to do a movie and spend some time. Know you are excited for your trip.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Nice you get some visits in before leaving for your trip. Nice too you always bake something to take along. You are so thoughtful of others. Nice to see how you spread happiness everywhere you go. I cannot imagine you without a smile on your face. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I somehow missed the siblings trip to AZ.. have fun, I know you always do.. so glad you got some Amber time and a movie.. hard to believe you forgot Goodwill. bet that doesn't happen often

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that is me - I could be a morning person too if the morning started at noon.
Glad you got to spent time with your daughter I like to do that too.
And I forget - 4 kids = 4 pumpkins!

NanaDiana said...

Love the pumpkins- so cute! I have never even heard of that movie with Redford and Spacek. Wonder how I missed it. Love anything that Redford is in(9 times out of 10).
Enjoy your trip and travel safe! xo Diana

bj said...

All the pumpkins are so cute. They did good jobs.
Have fun on your trip....and, yes, time with our kids is sooo important. I met my girl for lunch yesterday and neither of us was in a hurry...so we had a good visit.
I don;t like seeing Redford close up...he's not aged well at all....

Carole said...

Another trip, so soon! You are becoming quite the traveller...overseas next? Can't believe you forgot the Goodwill! Have a lovely trip. Cheers

Stacey said...

Your mother= daughter days sound wonderful to me! The Old Man and the Gun is on our list too. Didn't even realize it was showing already. Thanks! :)