Monday, October 22, 2018

Early Voting and the Rest of Our Monday.....

We purposed to get out and vote as soon as we were out of our stupor time.
Coffee, Bible reading - we are in Judges now - and the ending of one of the '30 Stories to Remember' - a book Louis Dean bought back in the spring. It was published in 1962 and cost $2.
We are three quarters of the way through it and the one we just read was The Company of the Marjolaine by John Buchan. I told him to be careful what books he buys for us because
He confesses that most of the stories have been over his head but there's been a few golden nuggets he's enjoyed.The one before this one was 'A Profile in Courage' (from Profiles in Courage) by John F. Kennedy. It seems conflicts in politics have been going on since the beginning of our country.

I love early voting!
You can get out and get it done!

I dressed up like a doily for the occasion. 
We drove in separate vehicles and he did his errands and I did mine.

One of his was to take my old desk top computer up to the Geek Squad to have his programs and files moved over to it. His computer is an old one that has lived longer than most. He had it long before we married and that was over 13 years ago. The Geek Squad loves Louis Dean. They give him royal treatment and go above and beyond what they are paid to do. Thomas was sad to deliver the news to him that his trusty old computer may not last much longer. There was talk about the mother board and such. I'm just impressed that at nearly 82 years of age that Louis Dean is as computer savvy as he is!

To show our appreciation, I came home and baked a dessert for them.

I sent the entire cake to them and it did smell delicious!
Life is all about relationships.
I love to cultivate and enjoy them.
People are so responsive to kindness.
When Louis dean took the cake back up there - along with napkins, bowls and spoons - Thomas said, "You didn't need to do this."
Louis Dean said, "I didn't! Linda did!"
I love giving my 'Brownie' points to LD!

Louis Dean carried it up  there in this nifty carrier.
We bought it at a garage sale back in 2005 when we first married.
It is hand made and such a great way to transport a hot dish.

I did a good bit of housework this evening while Louis Dean was struggling with passwords and trying to access one of his accounts.
Bottom line - passwords and security questions are hard to remember - no matter what age you are.
The key is to write them down. 
After several phone calls and a long long time......I convinced him to give it 24 hours by which time his account would be unlocked and I would help him change his password and regain access.

We retired to the driveway - wearing sweaters - and sat and sipped our wine.

Feet up and enjoying this beautiful October night!

Then we came in and he played music while I painted.
I do so love our life.
I'm grateful for every day we have together.

I hope I never take my blessings for granted......


Ginny Hartzler said...

Will Louis Dean be getting a new computer? Considering that you bake for them, he should get a huge discount! Your driveway is magical!

Arlene G said...

Yes technology is wonderful but can be a challenge for sure. What a lovely gesture to remember the Geek Squad with that yummy dessert.

Susie said...

Linda, I love that you and LD like to go outside to unwind at times. Last evening before dark, I said my prayers on the was pleasant at that time. The moon which is almost full was out and so pretty. Glad you did your early voting...I keep saying we should but we seem to never get it done. So we will be in line on election day. I love that hot dish carrying device and I am going to show it to Ted. It's a a great gift making idea. Blessings to you, love, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Technology is hard to keep up with and expensive too. Our computers seem to be outdated about the time we grow used to them. Mine is about 8 years old now and I'm hope it lasts longer. Two of my son's did have to work on it and put in a new hard drive. You are so sweet to bake something for that person helping Louis Dean out. I am doing the absentee voting this year. I've done it before but it makes me nervous filling out the form. I'm afraid I'll do it wrong, but thought it a convenient way to cast my vote. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

mxtodis123 said...

I keep a special notebook with all my passwords. Otherwise, forget about it. All would be well, but some force you to change passwords every three months, and at my age?? Forget about it. That cake looks fantastic. Saving the recipe and making it for the holidays.

Anonymous said...

Coming to visit you is like a pep talk in life😊 such an inspiration you are! I love that you jotted down on the recipe some of the times you made it, great idea , I love love love your painting!

Changes in the wind said...

I use a little phone book for all my passwords and would be lost without it. The cake sounds delicious and am sure it was appreciated. It is truly special to just spend time together without tv and etc. Many people don't do it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do not like computer woes and there are many, and that includes passwords and it seems once they are messed up it is hard to unmess them. hope it works today.

Cheapchick said...

We use so many passwords between work and home I have a document with them all - really good for spouses who have separate accounts on some things :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a sweet post, Linda, and you are so right that repaying kindness is always a good thing. Thomas and his co-workers will definitely keep treating Louis Dean royally now😊and that cake carrier was really quite a handy find. Remembering passwords for different sites can be maddening, but I have what I think is a simple system...just can’t share it. And we too have had to wait a day after being locked out of an account😕 Like yourself, I too am blessed with my spouse.

The Feminine Energy said...

Your happiness is contagious, sweet friend, and flows right out of my computer screen and directly into my lap. You are a treasure!! Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

Carole said...

You certainly did not look like a doily! Looking in from a long way away US politics seems a bit strange to us... good for you getting out to vote. Cheers