Sunday, October 14, 2018

Friends and Family - Our Friday and Saturday

It's been a cool rainy weekend in North Texas.
I got out my umbrella and Louis Dean and I met up with our friend, Donna, at Spring Creek BBQ for lunch on Friday.

Donna has been a friend of the family for over 6 years.
I love her and am so grateful for the blog bringing us together.
Amber's blog at first and then mine.

Donna and her lovely daughters, Melissa and Ellen, flew into DFW that morning from St.Louis to attend a family event and I am so grateful they found time to stop in Irving and visit with us.

Spring Creek is real Texas BBQ and that's where we ate and then lingered long at the table catching up with each other and life!

Louis Dean was in his element - talking and sharing stories!
We could have stayed for hours but they had somewhere they needed to be so we reluctantly said our goodbyes.

We went on to do a few errands in the now pouring rain - including getting our flu shots.
We never got around to them last year.

The we went to see Reaoma and Louis Dean sang and played for her.

He did a good job and she responded to his music.

Reaoma can't express herself very much any more but that day she was humming.

She enjoyed the music and made sure we knew it.
This was the first response I have seen from her in awhile.
We left with thankful hearts that we had been there to hear her hum.

We drove over to Dallas and Quadville to spend the night and have Popcorn, Movie, and Cokes with the family.

This is Amber's foyer table.
She keeps it decorated for the seasons year round.

Can you believe how tall these girls are getting???
Logan and Kailey.....

Amber's movie choice for this Friday night!
She puts a lot of thought into the films she chooses.
We had a bit of discussion before and after and the fact that this movie was based on a true story made it even more interesting.
Back when Amber was just 18 months old, I started a Friday Night Popcorn Movie and Coke tradition and continued that right up until Amber left home for college.
Remember the Titans was one of those movies we watched back then.
Donna and her daughters and I were talking earlier about how often we continue to do things the way we did when we were growing up.
I will not be surprised if the quads all follow this same tradition once they are grown and have families of their own.

We slept comfortably in the guest room and were awake before the children came downstairs.
The kids - usually Kailey or Logan - find my iPad and take pictures so I can find them them when I get home. Normally they are pictures of themselves.

I was surprised to see this one of Granddad.
Kailey took it.

It was good to be back in Quadville!
I think it had been 6 weeks or more since we had been there!

We followed the family over to Hockey practice at the Dr Pepper Stars Center.

A lot of gear is required for four 6 year olds to practice on a Saturday morning!

I think Trystan must be the featured quad of the day!
I seemed to have taken more pics of her than any other!

She still holds her feet in dainty position!

Mama is putting the gear on her!

See the hair tie at the back of her shirt?
That's how I know it's Trystan!

And there she goes!
Onto the ice!

Here's Logan getting all decked out!

Love this pic!

Kailey and Harrison!

She is a little tiger out on the ice - and in real life!!

Louis Dean and I had coffee earlier but didn't think to get something to eat so I went out to see what was available in concessions.
This is NOT your average sports concession stand!
This is the Dallas Stars kind of food!

Meet Kirk!

Kirk is the sous-chef and he is absolutely as charming a chef as you will ever meet!

sous-chef de cuisine (French for "under-chef of the kitchen") is a chef who is "the second in command in a kitchen; the person ranking next after the executive chef." Consequently, the sous-chef holds much responsibility in the kitchen, which can eventually lead to promotion to becoming the executive chef.

His friend is Chef D.....owner of Chef D Catering and Personal Chef  Services in Dallas.
You can find them and these great burgers at the Dr Pepper Stars Center in Farmers Branch!

The kids were hungry after their practice and Amber had an abundant supply of snacks all ready for them! But Kailey spied the rest of the tasty French fries and scarfed them down quick quick!

It was wonderful to have spent some time with Amber.
Ever since the babies were born - and they will forever be 'babies' to me - she and I have had to grab the spare minutes and hours we can get. That's fine. The time will come when life will not be so busy but for now - we cherish what time we can get. Be it a movie matinee or a late night movie in QV after the kids are in bed or whenever we can get together - we both snap at the opportunity!

I love how Amber and her dad love each other!

The quads and their parents went their way and we went ours.

We knew we would arrive home to wet carpet and so we did.
Alas, we were hoping the sewing room ceiling would be dry - but it wasn't.
It looks like Louis Dean will be putting on a new roof over the back of the house.
He brought in the shop vac and sucked up 3-4 gallons of water from the one and only wet spot in the house! We were thankful for that.
I tucked myself into bed for a nice long 3 hour nap!
Did I mention the fact that I have been tired?
Like for the last 6 weeks??

My main goal this evening was to finish the quilt top and I did!
I washed and dried it and will put the quilt together with the batting and batting tomorrow.
You can see the duvet cover I bought at a thrift store on Thursday.
It has the denim blue color and browns in it so I thought it would look nice.

It has rained a lot and will continue to rain for the next several days.
I was so looking forward to getting back down to the ranch.
When I'm there - it's hard to leave because sometimes it's hard to get back!
It doesn't look like we will get to go on Tuesday night as we were planning.
I have decided to take a week off from Life.
I shall sleep in and stay home.
The next time I must leave the house will be Tuesday afternoon when we go to Quadville to do school pick up and the afternoon homework routine, prepare dinner and spend the night.
I will come back home on Wednesday and have a full week before our Sibling Trip to Arizona for Nita's grandson's wedding.
I'll be setting up the art table once the quilt is all finished and will lose myself in doing the things I love best. Homemaking, art, gardening and just being.
As much as I want to be at the ranch, I am going to try and make these coming days just as restful as I possibly can. And the very first opportunity we get to run down there for even a weekend - I am going to grab it!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Good plan Linda - doing what you love best. Thank you for sharing today, always love seeing how the grands grow! Thank you Amber.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am having a hard time believing the quads are playing ice hockey and so big and precious. seems just yesterday they were tiny babies and sitting around the table with holes in it that fit them perfectly... now I wonder what they did with that table.. LD has the most melodious voice, no wonder she loved the music. his voice is soothing . the photo of you and Donna is really good of both of you which is hard to do

mxtodis123 said...

Love that you two met blogging. I have yet to meet a blogger friend. I'd planned on heading up to Boston in September to meet a friend, but as you know, plans had to be changed. That Texas BBQ looks so yummy. Wish I could find a place here that I could get some.

Susie said...

Linda, That little quip at the end of this post kind of fits. :) Rats, a new roof. That's a bad thing, but so necessary. What a big quilt , it's going to be so nice. Your "babies" are almost as tall as you !! Gosh Linda how did that happen. I hugged Brock and Emma yesterday and they are giants next to me. I am so glad you and LD had a fun time at Ambers to get in on the family fun . The kids all looked cute in the uniforms. Some families do keep traditions going. My girls still love a fall trip, from our old days of going to the state parks in autumn. Blessings to all of you, love, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Lovely to do some catching up here. This place is such a bright spot. Louis Dean’s songs make me hum, too. Oh and I see where he has his own space in Blogdom...hope that he enjoys it. The children are growing so and are so talented and for example. That’s not an “easy” sport. I am glad that you’ve decided to take some time and rest. Soon enough, you’ll be back at the ranch. So sorry about the roof...always something.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Lots f things can make us tired, including life. Ha ha. Your plan sounds good.

I will see you in Texas sometime inthat last week of November! I’ll message you! I’m excited to hug you!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So sorry to hear about the roof still leaking. At least you were home when you discovered the water and could take care of it. Sad too that you cannot get away for now, but life goes on and so must we. We just have to make the best of what we have and go with the flow...Nice you could spend time with your friend and the family, good days for sure and we must take the good with the bad. The good days make it all worth it !

Curtains in My Tree said...

You two really stay busy down there in Texas.

All this rain has brought a leak problem again to my house here in Missouri, only I don't have a smart do it yourselfer husband like Louis Dean

It is amazing how fast your Quads have grown, and I like seeing them.

I have met 2 blog friends here in my town and we get together every other month at one of our houses for lunch and tea

I need to get ready for church I will check in later


Changes in the wind said...

Can't believe the quads on ice You seem to gather friends everywhere you go and nice that you keep up with them. Anxious to see the finished quilt. It seems we too are going to have to have a new roof but the first bid sort of blew us out of the water. Listen to your body and rest when you need to.

NanaDiana said...

I can't believe how big those kids are getting. It's amazing how tall they seem all of a sudden. How nice an old friend stopped at the BBQ and that you were able to hear Reaoma hum along while LD played.

I love that last quote, Linda. It is SOOO true. I think one day I will be able to stop rushing through life. I hope so anyway and hope it is because I want to and am not forced to do so.

Love to you- xo Diana

bj said...

It doesn't seem possible that all those little babies are big enuf to play these games. They should all still be in strollers. LOL
So glad ya'll had a good visit with your friends. You and LD sure stay energy level must be waaay below yours. I run out of steam pretty quick.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am sorry you cannot leave for the ranch when you had planned. I think it is much easier to rest there, at home lots of things seem to come up! Ice Hockey! So are they ALL playing it, and do they all like it? We go to see our Dara play soccer on Saturday mornings, it is really big around here. The girls are up to your shoulders now!! I have never seen a concession stand like this!! It is upscale concession! My mouth is watering now. Kailey is a good photographer. Did you get the Geezer flu shots? That is the kind we get, stronger shots for seniors. Amber has such a good idea! Since she does not have much time, she just chooses one place in her house to decorate for the seasons! Easy peasy! At some point, I will likely have to do that. I like the second son that Louis dean is singing, sounds like it is in a minor key.

Arlene G said...

The quads are growing up and learning new things!! I am impressed with their hockey skills. We had TGI Friday nights on ABC when my kids were growing up. Full House, Urkel, etc. My daughter still loves Full House and made it a point to see the house where the outside was filmed in San Francisco.:) Enjoy your time at home. We are home for three weeks before heading back to Grimmwood. I am looking forward to being home as well.

Carole said...

'Doctor' Carole prescribes eggs for breakfast to help deal to tiredness. I also find them very settling for the digestion. Cheers

Chatty Crone said...

Sorry about all the watering and all that work - it seems it is always something in a house.

I look at four hockey players and think they must work for hours to get them ready - yikes.

No wonder you are tired.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have had a busy time, Linda, so it' no surprise that you felt tired after. Nice that you and your friend could spend time together and share some great-looking food. Your granddaughters look like they really enjoy hockey and nice that you were able to see them in action as well. Too bad about coming home to that water issue.

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Linda, you and Louis Dean have spent your weekend in a very meaningful and fruitful way. Meeting up with friends, visiting those who are not well and ministering to them with your time, music and songs. Yes, your grand kids have grown so much.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are serious about taking time to just rest as you and Louis
Dean are so busy taking of others. His music was just wonderful and I
was humming along with it as he made those important chord changes.
Great photos of the Quads and they are beautiful children. Bright
sunshine here in the northwest and very chilly nites. Just about
perfect weather for October. Will await your next blog. Phyllis

Bluebird49 said...

Honey, you stack more into 24 hours than I can in a weeks time! 🍂 🍂🍂
I know you wanted to hit the road,but I always think there is usually a God-reason. He guides our footsteps and if things don't lead you to the ranch this month, I know you will follow His lead to be where He wants you each day, wherever "you are planted!" You always bloom most richly and beautiful there.
I think of you and Louis Dean as lovely, earthly angels going around and doing God's work. Your lives are your testimoney.
Kailey is catching up to you in height! (I know that's not hard, as short as we are--- and all my grandkids are looking down at me now! Hard to believe, but to see David growing taller than me now makes my heart burst, and my little Kat is looking into my eyes,too. Praise God for all the miracles He gives us so freely, and He hears each prayer His people ask Him!! I feel He wants communion with us, He wants to bless us, and He has!!
I love your quote at the end. Will that day ever get here, I wonder!! You just inspire me with your zest and love for life, and hope some will rub off on me!
Now, if I can somehow strengthen my back and legs, maybe I can drive again. I must use it before I lose it!!😱
Love you, my friend!Thanks for lifting us up in prayer!!
P.S. Can't wait to see your art appear again. You were born to paint and craft! You thrive on it, and get and give this from your own talented hands!

Bluebird49 said...

Honey, you stack more into 24 hours than I can in a weeks time! 🍂 🍂🍂
I know you wanted to hit the road,but I always think there is usually a God-reason for not doing it. He guides our footsteps and if things don't lead you to the ranch this month, I know you will follow His lead to be where He wants you each day, wherever "you are planted!" You always bloom most richly and beautiful then.
I think of you and Louis Dean as lovely, earthly angels going around and doing God's work. Your lives are your testament.
Kailey is catching up to you in height! (I know that's not hard, as short as we are)--- and all my grandkids are looking down at me now! Hard to believe, but to see David growing taller than me now me see he is getting his color back and his energy. His eyes are brightening and he's like any 14-year-old right now!It makes my heart almost burst, and my little Kat is looking into my eyes,too. Praise God for all the miracles He gives us so freely, and He hears each prayer His people ask Him!! I know our God wants communion with us, He wants to bless us, and He has!! He always is.
I love your quote at the end. Will that day ever get here, I wonder!! You just inspire me with your zest and love for life, and hope some will rub off on me!
Now, if I can somehow strengthen my back and legs, maybe I can drive again. I must "use it before I lose it!!😱"
Love you, my friend!Thanks for lifting us up in prayer. Please keep us on your prayer list. Kat is going through some things.and needs our prayers now.
P.S. Can't wait to see your art appear again. You were born to paint and craft! You thrive on it, and God has guided your hands to make your own creations!
Sorry this is so long!!