Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday's Treasures, Summer's Arrival in Puerto Rico and Other News.....

 Summer spent the night with us Monday and I took her to the airport very early Tuesday morning.
As in I got up at 3:30!

She was so excited I don't think she slept at all!
She's been missing her Rayne and could NOT wait to get down there.

Most people don't change their plans so they can fly down and be in place BEFORE a hurricane is due to arrive! The airlines had added extra flights DEPARTING Puerto Rico but MY daughter was flying in early.

She has such a great sense of humor!

The reason she was so determined to get there was to be with her Rayne.
I would have done the very same thing.

This was her first time to fly Spirit Airlines.
Summer told me, "Mom! They charge for EVERYTHING!!! I'm afraid if they smile or tell me 'Good Morning' it will cost me extra $$$!"

She arrived safely at San Juan in the early afternoon and had arranged for a driver to pick her up for the trip to their part of the island.
They were all hunkering down in anticipation of Irma arriving on Wednesday.

I came home from my early morning run to the airport and went right back to bed for several more hours! It was Tuesday and that meant Goodwill and a movie.

Ruth Ann and I did the Goodwill run first.
For $18 I made a pretty good haul!
I gathered it all up in about 20 minutes and was paying out!
I guess it's a developed skill to go in and sweep through the place picking out the good buys as if I had radar! The pumpkin is going with me to the ranch as is that rooster lamp!
Not yet sure if I will take the pillows or not. They look pretty good right there on the porch bench!
I really like the large Royal Norfolk Christmas plates and they may well end up at the ranch this winter.

From Goodwill we headed to Grapevine Mills AMC theater for our movie.
Thanks to Google Maps for getting us there!

My sister, Deanie, first read this book and then gave it to each of us in turn to read and we passed it around to some of our children. It was a powerful book .....

and an even more powerful movie.
I admit that it tipped me over into a little bit of depression that I found hard to shake.
I cried off and on all afternoon and evening.
That hasn't happened in a long time.
I tried to avoid Louis Dean because the least little thing would have me in tears. However, I did cry on the phone to Sherry and, during art class, to Ruth Ann.....both 'safe' people!
While I am not given to depression on a regular basis, I do have history with it and have discovered I don't have to be afraid of it any more. When it insists on being present, I go ahead and feel the feelings. Feelings aren't right or wrong. They are just feelings. If you deny them or even ignore them, that doesn't necessarily mean they will just go away. Sometimes we need to experience what we're feeling - and then let it go. 

Ruth Ann was such a bright spot that it's not the depression I will remember from this Tuesday - but the awesome birthday gift she gave me!
This is the BEST apron ever!!! She made it herself! The back is completely lined and guess what those two dozen little pockets are for??
Gathering eggs!!
I will be using this very soon!!!

We painted on our Santas and this always proves to be good therapy for me.

Louis Dean and I sat in the gazebo before bed and talked.
Talking is such a healthy thing to do.
When we talk, we kind of figure out what we are thinking and feeling.

I woke up this morning after a good night's sleep and felt so much better!!!
We spent much of the day hovering around the TV watching news of Hurricane Irma.

Summer updated with Facebook posts so we would know what they were experiencing.
While the scenarios looked pretty scary, the storm veered off to the north a bit - which was really good for where Summer and Sabrina are.

I was so relieved!!!

Finally, I relaxed and started baking some more pumpkin muffins so I will have some to share when we go to the ranch tomorrow.

It's a good thing we have a one ton pick up because we both carry a lot of STUFF!!!
Clothes, food, my art supplies, his fishing things, laundry from our last visit - like bedspreads, sheets and covers. All is packed except for the two ice chests.
We plan on having our coffee and reading in the morning and then getting on the road!

My friend, Marie, sent me this handmade card that I opened on September first.
I just love looking at it and will keep it to display lovingly every fall!

Six of the thirty September Morns have passed.
I am celebrating each and every one.


Mummers AKA Summer said...

Great post! I truly was not kidding that Spirit charges for everything, surprised you don't have to bring your own TP. Very grateful the hurricane shifted. We were blessed that's for sure. So many hurricanes, strong hurricanes, this year. Worries about Irma hitting Miami. Plus several more hurricanes developing that we are keeping an eye on hem. God Bless Texas, PR & Florida!

Linda said...


Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you have a great trip! I love your new background and header. Leave the pillows where they are, they look perfect! Well, I for sure will not be watching this movie. It takes a lot to depress you in the fall. Your Santa looks awesome! And the apron is so amazing, I have never heard of an egg gathering apron! It is so colorful and pretty, you could not help but smile the whole time you wear it!

Tammijo said...
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Linda said...

Love that egg gathering apron. That's just the neatest thing ever. I read two of Jeanette Walls books but found them so depressing that when a third one came out I passed on it. I don't want the Texas heat but I would love some fried okra, home grown tomatoes, and perhaps a good watermelon.

Judy said...

Relieved along with you that the eye of the hurricane passed by your loved ones in PR. Love the apron!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I was wondering about Summer when I heard about the hurricane and Puerto Rico. Glad they are fine!

Sometimes we go through feeling a lot of emotions - ours and others' - and we just need to feel it and talk it out and cry if necessary.

Tina said...

Thank you for your comment on my site, I love visitors!
Your post was great, I am happy to hear the storm passed by without too much damage, this is sure a big bad storm. You look like you are prepared for emergencies.

Carol said...

I am glad that she is safe. I am so concerned about the areas that are being hit by this hurricane. People must beware that these are powerful storms and many more should heed the warnings to get out when they are told too.

Susie said...

Linda, Yes, I would be like summer too, when it comes to our little children. My granddaughter is in Tampa and I hope she stays safe. I loved the beautiful apron Ruth Ann made for you. So clever.The Santa paintings are very good. Blessings for a safe trip to the ranch. xoxo,love you, Susie

Cheapchick said...

Glad Summer and Rayne are ok, just heard of all the devastation in the Carribean and it is so scary. The world is truly in chaos right now, very sad. All your pumpkin posts and now I am too craving pumpkin something...maybe muffins. Will have to pick some up today.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad to meet a fellow painter. I'm trying to get old projects finished up so I can paint Santas ! I love your newsy blog and do share your love of Goodwill. I'l be following your blog now and try to keep in touch. I do have two sons and their families that live in Texas.

Vee said...

Very happy to read that Summer and all are okay after Irma. My aunt also said that the movie sent her into a tailspin so I read some reviews. I was impressed with many of the critics comments. Happy Times at the ranch! I am imagining your having lots of fun with fall decorating there! Love that egg-gathering apron! Are birthday wishes in order? 🎈

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so glad to hear Summer is safe and that her part of that city has dodged the bullet...

Carole said...

Linda, so glad Summer and Rayne are ok. I'm putting that movie onto the do not watch list and think you should as well. When you've lived difficult things who needs to be reminded by a movie! Take care

Hootin Anni said...

Oh.........I understand here wanting to be there, but I PRAY she will be safe and Rayne.

My goodness.

Stacey said...

I can't imagine flying to a hurricane. Yikes!

I read The Glass Castle and though it was painful to read, I loved it. Can't wait to see the movie.

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, I've been gone to long from your posts. I so enjoyed every picture and every word. Your September is already looking so "Fall".
Have not read the book or seen the movie. Will have to check it out.
The egg gathering apron is beyond adorable. Please be sure to post a picture of you with your pockets full. HaHa. Love and Hugs and good to be back.

sanpiseth40 said...

When you've lived difficult things who needs to be reminded by a movie! Take care
