Monday, September 18, 2017

Old Love, Art, and Prayers for Summer!

Louis Dean went to town today. By himself.
He needed to return a water heater that - upon taking it out of the box - discovered that it was dented - both top and bottom!! I worried about him going alone but he needed to get some parts for the shower and other supplies - and I know NOTHING about any of this - so I sent him off all by himself.
And while he was gone - I painted!

But not before I did house work and had lunch while watching.....

It was 1982 when this movie came out.....and I saw it then and several times since.
After I ate a bologna and cheese sandwich with a side of nachos....
and finished the movie....I went out to the new room to paint and wait for Louis Dean to come home.

I finished this one! You can tell because I signed my name.
I have been known to sign before I'm done, though.
It's easy to keep working on a painting to the point that you mess it up.
A teacher once told me to stop two strokes before you think you are finished!

I actually based in this canvas last night.
Art has been a high priority on this trip to the country.

I finished this Santa from 2016.....and I cannot remember if it was mine or one promised to another!
I'll figure it out when I get home.....

This one is based in and I plan on painting the details tomorrow.....
after I get back from my Goodwill Treasure Hunting!

I am pleasantly surprised at how much I am loving this canvas.
I take a gift box and make it into my own painting.
Sometimes it looks the same but often times it morphs into your own vision of it.

I was so ready for Louis Dean to get back to the ranch!

I was out in the new room painting and watching and waiting for his return.

My handsome husband!
I loved my time alone.....but it didn't take long before I was missing him.

Old love is every bit as much romantic as young love.
I have had both and they are equally special.

Here's a reality shot.....
The new water heater is on the left....Louis Dean's 'stuff' is at the bottom and my art is in the middle with some fall decor and Louis Dean's aloe vera plants hanging above.
We might as well decorate and enjoy the space we have even as we are working on the room!
AND - I am excited about a conversation LD and I had tonight about the wall between the camper and the new will be tin! I love TIN!!! 
We are a work in progress here at the are we all in life.
We are on our where we need to be.
And I am trusting God to take us there.

I close tonight with a prayer request for Summer, Sabrina and Rayne as well as all of Puerto Rico!
Hurricane Maria is headed straight for that island and I am praying God will turn the storm away from them.
They are as prepared as possible.
Here is a post from Summer's Facebook page:
One trip to Puerto Rico and not just one but two and possibly three Hurricanes!
🚙 filled with ⛽️ . Laundry being done, stocked on bottle 💦 , LP ⛽️ done, waiting for electrician to wire up new generator, will fill 🛀 with 💦, storm shutters ready to close, stocked up on non perishable food. Included trips to Walgreens, Walmart, National Hardware, Home Decor, Puma, Sam's for cases of bottle water and other things including alcohol🍺🍷🥃🍸and bags of ice, so let the Hurricane Maria party's begin!

Thank you for every single prayer.....


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have heard of tin roofs, but not a tin wall. That will make it really special and country! I love your sledding Santa! I pray that the hurricane will not harm them or where they are staying! I never did find out why they moved there. Is it for her health and the climate? We saw this movie in the theater when it first came out, then again on T.V. It is so romantic!! It seems Richard Gere has never been in a bad movie.

Blondie's Journal said...

You and LD are a match made in heaven. I can always feel the love you have for each other in every one of your posts.

LOVE your are amazing!

I'm sending many prayers for your precious family. I thought Summer would have had some progress...I'm having fits with my back-seeing my doc tomorrow.

Jane x

sanpiseth40 said...

It seems Richard Gere has never been in a bad movie.


Linda said...

I can see a tin wall. I just don't know how LD's going to feel about you putting nail holes in it to hang all your debri. Our nephew used tin in their kitchen, the roofing kind, not the fancy kind with holes in it meant for cabinets. I do hope Summer is safe tonight.I'd like everybody in the hurricane's path to be safe.

Bluebird49 said...

I love thinking about, and seeing you two anywhere---city, country, and in between! I've never seen a tin wall, either...but I know Louis can do anything he envisions! And y'all will be working together, as usual!
I love seeing your paintings in progress?

Aloha Acres said...

I love that movie. It's one of my favorites. Praying for your family in Puerto Rico. I sure hope the storm turns. Can't wait to see the tin wall!

Hootin Anni said...

I too have you and your family members on the island for safety AND that your stress and worry will subside when all's well and Maria turns northward.

Susie said...

Linda, Yes, I am praying for your girls on the island and all in the storm's path...I am sick of this hurricane season. All those poor people. LD is a hard working man and I am sure he hated to interrupt his work to return the water heater. Hope he got rested up. You are making some wonderful paintings. I like that cardinal and barn . Using the gift box for an idea is great. Blessings to you and LD, take care of each other. love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

I love all your paintings but that barn one really speaks to me. You are so creative. I thought about Summer when I saw that Maria is taking aim for the Islands again. I too pray it moves away! We are enjoying our week at Gulf Shores and it is hard to believe that there is another big storm out there as it is beautiful here and the sea is calm. I can't wait to see your finished Ranch Home. Love the idea of TIN! It will look great.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessing to have Louis Dean in your life. I've been a widow now over 20 years and do miss that companionship but never found any replacement that would here I am, but not alone for I have lots of family to keep me well occupied. Your art work is to be admired. I've usually busy for me and haven't made much progress on mine. When I do, I'll show you some pictures. Will definitely be praying for your loved ones in harms way. It does sound as if they are prepared as they can be in this situation. The good Lord will take care of the rest.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Everytime I hear of PR I think of them! I am praying for them.

You are a wonderful artist Linda. It shows in everything you do. I am so happy for you and LD, and the life you have together.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

praying for Summer and Rayne NOW... Lord please spare Sunmmer and Rayne, keep them safe from harm, protect and lift them up. Let them feel your love and comfort. Give them peace of mind and heart.Amen. with your talents you will never ever be bored. like Bob was with no TV..... love the new paintings and all your are doing to your 'country'home

Vee said...

Yes, praying for the safety of all... God knows and they say, sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms the child in the storm. I will be glad for all these storms to cease. Love to you and Louis Dean...

Carole said...

Your part of the world seems particularly afflicted by Mother Nature - just lucky you are all pretty resilient! Wishing Summer and all of you safety and happiness. Cheers