Friday, September 1, 2017

Celebrating September First!!

I have loved every minute of this first day of September!

I started the coffee and then put the Neil Diamond CDs in - but did not push 'play' until the first tray of Fruitcake Cookies had come out of the oven.
I will always remember the moment when the first strains of September Morn floated into the living room on this first September morning of 2017. Is it silly that I felt such a swelling of emotion that I teared up? No matter. I lit the Yankee 'Leaves' candle Candie gave me and sipped coffee from a vintage pumpkin mug I bought at Marshall Pottery where I had taken Amber and Benjamin on a homeschooling field trip.....long years ago.

This photo is from my 1992 Country Diary,  August 20th journal entry.
I bought two mugs back then and only one remains.
The one I used this morning has a small chip but it is still a treasure to me.

The next thing I did was to make pumpkin spice muffins - another tradition and a favorite Fall Fragrance!

The table was spread with all sorts of good things!

Thankful and blessed is the way I have felt all day!

I am a 'recovering Baptist' and we all know that Baptists ALWAYS put out too much food!!

These are the Boozy Grapes and they were really good!

Chicken Salad sandwiches on Hawaiian Rolls.

Always - cheese and crackers!

My sister, Luann, and Ruth Ann!!
Ruth Ann stayed late last night and arrived early this morning to help get everything ready.
I can always count on Luann to be early! And I can count on her to step right in and do what needs to be done. My normal rule is ' You can always be late but don't EVER be EARLY!'
That does NOT apply to sisters!

The den is a bigger room but we tend to congregate in the living room.

Louis Dean held court in the den where he played music and we would wander in and sit a spell.

My sweet neighbor, Tamara.
She is the lady who gave the quads some gardening experiences last spring....and each one a spider plant ....and some wonderful snacks that they still remember.

Two of my favorite people - we go way back to our church days at Crestview Baptist.
Shirley and Val!!

My dear friend, Brenda.
I love her like a sister!

All good things must come to an end and Val said she had to go.
I'm just happy today was her day off and she could come!!!

Amber was here after volunteering for lunch duty at the quad's school and in between her chores, errands and school pick up!

Having Ruth Ann in my life is one of God's special blessings to me.
I thank him for her daily!

Slowly and one by one, the house emptied out until it was just Ruth Ann and Candie.
Candie is the one is who teaching me to knit and I am so grateful she rescued my misshapen wash cloth and redeemed it! AND she started me on my next project!
Ruth Ann was the last to leave after helping me clear the table and clean the kitchen.

I thought about taking a nap in the now quiet house.
Instead, I put on an old t shirt and a pair of faded denim shorts and went out to pull some weeds and water the flower beds.

Then I treated myself to a nice long phone visit with another dear friend.....who just so happens to have had a birthday today. How special to be born on September 1st!

This is where we have spent the evening!
Sitting in the gazebo making plans for the rest of the month.
We had a camp fire and ate cheese and crackers with our white wine and talked.
I can't think of a more perfect ending to this first day of September!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I'm so happy it was a great day! Your party looked fun and the way you ended your day sounds great too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I also wanted you to know, I listened to September Morn today in your honor!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Perfect! You sure know how to throw a party! But after all, you DID have Neil Diamond helping you! Oh my, all the delicious looking food, and the beautiful decorations!! I can almost smell the pumpkin spice coming out of the computer screen. Those muffins look awfully good, too! Happy Fall, my friend!!

Kathy said...

I have looked at your pumpkin muffins all day first on facebook and now here. I want some. I am going to have to bake tomorrow. You had the most wonderful September 1st. The food looks great. Being a "recovering Baptist" too I totally understand about having too much food. (Ha, ha!) And like Deanna, I too played September Morn today in your honor.

Bernice said...

Your September 1st Celebration looks fabulous, so happy you were able to celebrate with family and friends.You have me hooked on Neil Diamonds "September Morn" and I played it this morning while drinking coffee also.
Thanks so much for sharing your 1st September Morn:)

Susie said...

Linda, As usual your food layout looked wonderful. Yesterday morning as I was putting on my make up I played your favorite Neil Diamond tune...then again before watching Jeopardy (our old folks routine). I remember seeing Neil in concert twice..such a hunk in his shiny jacket and black pants. I have always loved his voice. I had a fine day with my daughter Kathy and Ted.....but later I felt the blues coming on.It may be the feel of fall in the air only got to 65 and this morning it's 54 degrees. I swept leaves from the porch too. It seems fall is arriving. I loved seeing you and your friends enjoying each other's company. Your memory of the mug, is touching. You are pretty in the picture of 1992 not that you have changed.:):) Blessings to you and yours, Love you, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vee said...

Sorry...I do despise autocorrect. Meant to say "no words needed." 🙂

So glad that your day was so very special in so many ways and with so many friends and family.

Mrs.T said...

It looks like a wonderful day, Linda. What a blessing for you as well as for your family and friends who joined you for your party. Happy September.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am kind of special, since I was born on Sept 5, doesn't that count??? I love to see your love for your Sept Morn and your friends and your celebration of fall. at least we know you will not starve. LOL... the food is beautiful as are all the ladies in your photos

Sandi said...

What a relaxing, homey post!

Now, what are boozy grapes? I will have to look them up!

Arlene G said...

I felt like I was right there visiting with you Linda!

Jan said...

I've been looking forward to reading this post! So glad it was a special day!

Estelle's said...

Bravo..sounds like it was everything you wanted and needed it to be...what a blessing! Food looks yummy!

Carole said...

Have you got a recipe for the boozy grapes - I looked on google but couldn't see any like yours. Cheers

bj said...

It sounds like a delightful way to start the new month...maybe someday,I might be in Irving on the 1st of Sept and if so, I'll bring my Blackberry wine and come spend fun time with you and your friends.

Cheryl said...

I knew I could come over here to find some Septembery goodness!! You celebrate fall with gusto and I like that! I can almost smell those pumpkin muffins and your "leaves" candle . . . mmmmm

Happy fall to you, Linda!!

Carol said...

I would love to visit your home as it looks so cozy and warmly inviting. I am thankful that you enjoyed your September 1 party. I am hoping to do some decorating soon, but leaving on a short vacation on Sunday so not much time.

sanpiseth40 said...

I can almost smell those pumpkin muffins and your "leaves" candle . . . mmmmm
