Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tuesday Treasures and Summer is HOME!!!!

Summer is HOME!!! I will start tonight's journal entry with that wonderful news!
She woke up in a hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Tuesday morning grateful to be there!

She is ADORABLE!!! Don't you agree???
What was she so happy about???

"It's the little things in life like; brushing your teeth, flushing the toilet and having clean hair. Rayne was thrilled to take a sit down bath and not a 6 cup shower."

She and Sabrina, along with Rayne and Sunshine, drove from Louisiana on to Dallas Tuesday.

While we waited for them to arrive, Ruth Ann and I did a Spa Day!

Hair Cuts at K Hair on Beltline in Irving with Miss Yulisa and Ms K!
They work miracles there!!!

Next - a little Goodwill Hunting!

I didn't make a HUGE haul but I DID find some treasures!
A Christmas pitcher and a Christmas wine glass......a soft storage 'thingy' to hang in the camper bathroom. a pair of bling bling sandels, an awesome feathered mask for me to wear on Halloween when we hand out Trick or Treat candies.....and a big red and white bowl from Crate and Barrel .....

and this great fall wreath! I do so love all things 'sunflower!'

Summer called and said they would be in Rowlett about 6:00.
Ruth and I decided we did NOT want to be late so we drove over at 3:00 - just to be sure we missed the traffic and all. We hung out at a great strip shopping center and browsed through Dollar Tree, Ross for Less and Target before driving a few blocks up Highway 66 to Chili's.

We drove up and parked right smack dab in front of the restaurant and were just getting out of the car when Summer and Sabrina wheeled in driving their rental car and parked right beside us!!
It was just like in a movie!
We all hugged each other long and hard!!!

This has GOT to be one of the best dogs ever!!!
I do love all my grand dogs!!!

We had a great photo op and they were so gracious in letting me take picture after picture!

I now have plenty to keep for my desk top covers, Facebook covers and profile pics and Blog Fodder!!!

I wanted to freeze these precious moments in time for I will always remember how I felt just being able to see them!
Rayne is such an awesome and brave little girl!
Summer and Sabrina were so courageous and strong and a blessing in the tight little community there in Palmas/Humacao.

Sabrina was anxious to get to HER mom just as Summer was wanting to get to me.
We hugged and said our goodbyes to Sabrina, Rayne and Sunshine and then we went in to Chili's where we sat and listened to Summer tell about her experiences with both Hurricane Irma and Maria!! We hung on her every word. She has an amazing story and I hope she documents it because I would love to share it with you.

We lingered long there and at last we felt like we were ready to go home.

I am so proud of Summer!

Ruth Ann is as much a part of our family as if she were blood and Summer gained a lot of comfort from her being with us last night.

We came home and watched a little TV before going to bed.
TV seems to help Summer zone out as she decompresses from her traumatic hurricane experiences.
I asked her if she wanted to shower and she said she had showered that morning. She is still in 'conserving the resources' mode.

 Summer grew up in this house and found comfort in going to bed in her old room.
I tucked her in and had prayer over her as I stroked her hair and she cried.
She has been through so much and is still so concerned for those still on the island.

I fixed a good breakfast for us this morning before we did our Bible reading and prayer time.

Prayers are being answered!
Summer told me the names of all of these people who flew out from Puerto Rico yesterday.
There are others she and Sabrina are praying for......
Hopefully the ones who need to get out - will! And hopefully soon.
Right now Puerto Rico needs those who can help in rebuilding the infrastructure and make the island habitable again. There is and will be a limited amount of resources for some time to come and these need to go to the people working there and taking care of the native Puerto Ricans who will not leave the place they have lived all their lives.

We have had a good day. We have rested, napped, visited and relaxed.
I have unpacked from our time in the country and watered all day long.
Everything was parched and dry and it gave me something to focus on.

Yesterday Louis Dean went to the dentist. When I made the appointment, she said it would involve scheduling the cleaning and I said, "You don't understand. Once you get him IN the chair - do NOT let him up or he will NOT come back!" She said, "I understand."
He was there 3 hours!

He goes back tomorrow for the first of 5 more sessions.
I'll tell you more about that later but tonight you can see him sporting a smile!

We were in the gazebo earlier having a glass of wine before dinner.
This photo reminds me of the times we would attend Fellowship Church and we would walk up and Louis Dean would nudge me and say, "Just watch! Look at all the TEETH!"
He meant all the smiles from the greeters.

Louis Dean's favorite preacher is Ed Young, Sr who just lost his wife last week.
We attended Second Baptist Church in Katy, Texas back when we were living in the camper when the quads were babies.
LD has a desire to go to Fellowship Church this weekend and so we will.
We haven't been there in years now so perhaps it's time to visit again - if nothing more than to pay our respects. Ed Young, Jr is the pastor there.
Two great preachers!

In the time I've been writing, both Louis Dean and Summer have both gone to bed and I am right behind them.

I am so grateful that it is this time THIS week rather than this time LAST week when Hurricane Maria was raging over them!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Such happy good news. Thank you Linda. Hugs.

Terra said...

What an exciting post and how good your reunion with family and loved ones.

Ginny Hartzler said...

God has been and IS so GOOD! Praising Him that summer is home! I am curious as to why Louis Dean spent three hours in the dentist chair. The church will be interesting and different!

Linda said...

Oh Linda, this is so good. I think all of you are going to need some settling-in-time, you from your time in the country and Summer from her experiences, then it will be time to enjoy fall, even if the temps are in the upper 90s. It's time for you to turn your attention to the coming holidays. It's been an intense summer. Time to have some fun time for the rest of the year, time to restore yourself.

Carole said...

Your 11.22pm is 5.22pm here but it is Thursday. Time is funny. So glad Summer is back with you. Sleep well. Cheers

Carol said...

I am so happy to read that Summer is home. Will she be traveling back to Puerto Rico anytime soon? I believe that the island is going to take a truly long time to recover from this disaster.

Arlene G said...

So glad Summer made it home!! I know you are a happy mama.

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad Summer is home safe. Ruth Ann is family...such a beautiful person. Just like you and LD. Oh my sympathy for LD going to the dentist. I really hate going myself. Sorry about your preacher's wife passing. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

MimiG said...

Wonderful news that Summer and her little family are back in the US and that you were able to touch and hug each of them. As a mom, I understand the need to hear the voices and to hug them! Prayers will continue for those left. My son's brother in law was sent to PR as part of the National Guard. Prayers for them as well.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I can just feel the joy as I look at the pictures. How wonderful that they are all home safe and sound! Certainly is a lot of blessings to count there at your house!

Phoebes World said...

So glad that Summer and family are home safe and sound. So many prayers are being sent to those who are suffering right now.
This is such a "smiley" post. Everyone looks so happy...even the dog laughing. Though I wonder if Louis Deans will fade when he goes back to the dentist
Wonderful Goodwill finds.. I can never find anything when I go there. But you have inspired me to go and have another look.
Blessings to you all
Phoebe x

Changes in the wind said...

The pictures says it all. A wonderful day to be remembered.

Vee said...

So wonderful to know that Summer is home with you and that there was such a blessed reunion right there in the parking lot. Bless God!

(I need to employ that line when I call for dental work as I am the same way as Louis Dean. Just do what you gotta do and get it over with because I do not like you nor this place. LOL!)

I doubt that the simple things will ever be taken for granted by anyone going through such challenging times as your family has. And oh the sweetness of sinking into one's own bed with a mother's prayers spoken above her...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

As I read this post I'm watching CNN reporting of the devastation and the people with no food and water and all the horror that's going on in Puerto Rico. It is just awful and I am so so so happy that your family is out of there and safe at home with you and prayers go out to the ones who are not safe yet. You know I love your granddog

Jan said...

This is such happy news-what a wonderful day!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What good pictures and I am so thankful that Summer and the girls are all home! I understand what you were saying about people needing to leave and to allow the infrastructure to be rebuilt and to leave the limited resources to those who have always lived there! Hard choices for those who love it there. I think many of the islands will have to have choices like that. It will be many years before things are back to 'normal.'

ellen b. said...

Great news! PTL.

vaiybora said...

Thanks for providing good information,Thanks for your sharing.
