Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Distracted and Preoccupied!

I can't seem to keep my mind focused on anything but Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico and My daughter, Summer! Summer and I share a sixth sense and we can practically read each other's mind!
This morning, just as I finished a time of fervent prayer and said 'Amen' - my cell phone rang and it was Summer. She has been so good in sending updates throughout the day.

Early this afternoon, I decided to take my mind off the hurricane and hit up a couple of Goodwills in Waco. I drove the big white truck up to the gate, got out and unlocked it, drove through and then got out and locked it back up.

All this time I could see what I am supposing is a mother donkey and her baby playing together.
I rolled down my window and took the one and only photo of the day.
Everything seems to remind me of a mother and daughter.

I had just driven into Mart when Summer called.......I pulled into a parking lot and we visited for several minutes.
God had - in his infinite mercy - provided a safer place for them to stay.
It's a home built to hurricane standards and fully equipped with not one but TWO back up generators!
It was truly an answer to prayer!!

I continued to pray all the way to the first Goodwill on La Salle Dr.
Even though I walked up and down every isle there, I left without buying a thing.

On the next Goodwill on New Road.
Walked through the entire place without showing any interest in anything......
until I got to the books. I spent nearly an hour looking at all of them. I went systematically down every row. I ended up with an even dozen books which cost me $19 even with my senior citizens discount. I found some really good ones! I love a good book!

Louis Dean gave me a couple of errands and I was at Sam's buying a 120 foot water hose when Summer called me again to let me know the storm was approaching and the first outer bands had already arrived. They expect the most serious part of the hurricane to be ther by 8:00 AM and expect the storm to rage from 36 - 48 hours. It began at 3:00 this afternoon.
She said they would probably soon lose cell phone reception and, indeed, two sentences later - we lost connection. She was able to send out some text messages throughout the evening and I am grateful for every single one. She also sent photos and that helps me so much to see they are in a comfortable place with ample supplies. 

Sherry brought dinner down for us tonight! A big pot of spaghetti and meat sauce plus salad and garlic bread. When I get nervous, I eat a TON of carbs! It's like she KNEW!!

It's just after 9:00 tonight as I write and I am thinking about going to bed soon. Perhaps I can get lost in a book or play some Scrabble and Words With Friends until I can go to sleep.

A recent text from Summer said,  "It's going to be a long couple of days!"
Same here.
Thank you all for remembering my daughter and her family in prayer.

I'm praying for all of Puerto Rico .....and especially Summer and Sabrina and Rayne!


Bernice said...

Summer,Sabrina and Rayne continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.I said a prayer of Thanks when I read that they found a safer place to stay,and it was built to Hurricane standards.
I also eat when I am nervous,worried or scared,like you it's nothing but carbs.
Hope you are able to get some sleep. Sending you many hugs💕

Kathy said...

I know you can't help but worry. Please know that I too am praying for Summer, Sabrina and Rayne. I know God will protect them. I too eat carbs when I am upset. It must be that our bodies need them for some reason.

BeachGypsy said...

they were in my thoughts quite a few times today! I know God will protect them and keep them safe!

Aloha Acres said...

Praying for your family.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Praying! So glad they are in a safe place!

Blondie's Journal said...

Sending love and prayers to your family. Mother Nature is taking it's toll everywhere.

Jane xxx

Bluebird49 said...

Mothers and daughters have a special bond. I am praying our God will protect them, and that HE gives you peace! 💜

MimiG said...

Every time I checked on "Maria" yesterday, I thought of Summer and her family in PR. Many prayers have been lifted. Post as soon as you can on how they're doing, please.

Susie said...

Linda, I have been praying for your loved one. I am also praying for all. I know what you mean when you can't stop thinking of the children. Sending hugs to you today. May God keep everyone safe. Blessings, love, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I to am thinking all the time about Summer and R and all those people there. and for Mexico to... love you Linda

Vee said...

Hang tough! It sure takes some grit to endure this season of storms, most especially when Dear Ones are smack in the center of them. So good to know that they have found a refuge. Praying for all...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Knowing you have family there, I've been watching the progress of this hurricane. Time does seem to slow down when we're waiting to hear from our loved ones. Hope and pray they remain safe. I always read before going to sleep. I've done so since I was young and it's become a habit. Can't seem to go to sleep now with out a book. Hope you enjoy yours.

Estelle's said...

She went right into another Hurricane center....sounds as if they were in a safe place. A mother's worry is tough....sending good thoughts for all in PR.

Changes in the wind said...

So happy to hear she was able to go to a safer place and you have heard from her. Continuing to pray.

Arlene G said...

I was just watching the updates on the weather channel. Praying Summer and company are safe this morning. As a mother, we never stop worrying over our children. But to know there is a hurricane bearing down on them is very scary. So glad we have a Heavenly Father to take our cares to!

Jan said...

Keeping them in my prayers-so glad they had a safer place to go!

Judy said...

How hard is that to have a daughter in the 'middle of the storm'. Thinking of and praying for her this morning. How wonderful to God is with us whatever storm may come. Hugs:)

ellen b. said...

I can only imagine your uneasiness during this time. So glad Summer has been able to give you updates. Hope that continues. I would be heading to a Goodwill or two to make the day go by faster while waiting to hear. I was watching the weather channel and following what goes on. Oh Lord, keep Summer and her family safe in the midst of the storm...

Cheapchick said...

Glad to hear she is in a safer house, so scary what is happening with all these storms, hugs

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks so much for the update! I think of her every time I see the news of it on T.V. I have been praying. How wonderful that she is in a good place. I think it is good that you went shopping, to try and take your mind off it. Because there is nothing else you can do, except pray. Please continue to let us know!

Joyce F said...

Praying for your family and everyone else in Puerto Rico.