Friday, September 22, 2017

Critter Chores!

Dean and Sherry were away so Louis Dean and I took care of the Critter Chores this morning.

BBQ was looking mighty fine!
Notice the little tank is bone dry!
Back in the spring and early summer this was full to over flowing.

Louis Dean staked Thumper further up.
He took care of the goats while I fed and watered the chickens and let the ducks out.....
and gathered eggs!

One of the chores we do every day is to fill the camper reservoir with water,
He came in from turning on the water faucet telling me about these pretty yellow flowers that bloom all the way down the main stem of the plant. He thought I might want to cut a bouquet.

  Good thing I know what ragweed looks like!!
No bouquet of that for me!

It's been another hot day in Texas and certainly does NOT feel like the first day of fall.
The hummingbirds are still coming to the feeder and even the praying mantis visited it.
One of the wasps flying around kept buzzing at him trying to get him to move.

This is the way Louis Dean hangs his laundry to dry.
I was glad to get all the wash finished today.

I haven't felt well today. Not really sick but I got too tired this morning and then developed a headache. It could have been the ragweed. My shoulders and neck ached and all the bones in my feet hurt. I went back to bed this morning after chores and again this afternoon.

I thought a lighter movie would make us smile and this one did!
I'd seen it belong long years ago but it was just as clever today as it was then.
Surprisingly, Louis Dean said he really REALLY enjoyed it!

He brought the last bit of laundry up from the line carrying it on his bike.
He's been working hard today but had to take several long breaks.
The bathroom will not be a done deal when we leave on Monday but it will be a lot closer than we arrived. Everything takes time and Louis Dean can't work morning until night as he used to do.
We have to pace ourselves and enjoy the process.

I still haven't heard from Summer but I am not complaining. I know the conditions in Puerto Rico are awful and it takes time for help and aid to arrive.
My birthday is Sunday and I am hoping and praying to hear her voice by or ON that day.
It will be the best birthday gift I could get!
Last year for my birthday, she had something delivered to me every single day of the entire month of September. She sent everything from socks to flannel nightgown to Vick's Vapor Rub to super soft tissues to candy  and on and on. Every day I got a package!
That was so special and thoughtful of her.
This year I just want to hear her voice.


Linda said...

I believe your time in the country for this visit is done. It's time to head back to the city. I believe you need to be back in Irving while dealing with Summer's situation.. I'm sorry it's so hot in Texas. I'd gladly share some of Oregon's cool days if I could. It's wonderful to wake up to crisp cool air in the mornings. I'm always more than ready to feel fall in the air. I think the hot summer days have about gotten the best of you.

Carole said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Suday - yes, this is a shout out! Just waiting on your mind being put at rest by hearing from Summer. Cheers and Kia Kaha

Kathy said...

You are the two busiest people I know. No wonder you are tired. I think you need to go home in order to rest up. I always used to say that when I worked -- that I had to go back to work to rest up from my vacation. Still praying for Summer. I know you will be so relieved to hear from her. Happy birthday early.

Susie said...

Linda, I am praying you get your birthday wish. I know you and LD sure do keep busy while there caring for the animals. LD's drying of his clothes made me smile. I remember mom would throw the jeans over the line and not pin them if all her pins were holding the other know way back the whites and lights got washed first. LOL. Blessings , love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Carol said...

Happy early Birthday and I do hope you hear from Summer. It was nice of her to do such a special thing last year with the small gifts, sometimes those are the best.

Vee said...

That photo of Louis Dean bringing in the laundry on his bike is priceless! Hope that you are feeling much better today, though I shouldn't wonder if the stress of the week is causing it. Still in prayer for your dear ones in Puerto Rico.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hope you hear from Summer soon. We are all praying and hoping that they can get enough help to really make a difference. What a hard year it's been. I hope you have a MOST Happy Birthday!!! And that you feel good this weekend! Lots of birthday hugs coming your way! Hugs, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope you feel better soon and that the rest was beneficial. Being out in that hot sun could be the cause, remember to drink lots of water. It would be wonderful if you got your birthday wish. I'll be praying it is so. These days I seem to rest more than I work so I know all about having to pace oneself. Take good care so you can fully enjoy your birthday!

Beth said...

I hope and pray you feel better soon, and that you will be able to talk with Summer very soon.
Praying mantis kill hummingbirds, believe it or not. That's probably why he is on the feeder.
Blessings and prayers, Beth

MadSnapper n Beau said...

praying you hear from Summer soon. I loved that movie and would like to see it again. trouble is, bob will not watch that type of movie and I don't have a lot of time to use the tv... everytime is these goats I want to be where you are... cool to get a present a day

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, that is such a neat picture of the praying mantis under the feeder! Oh my, I hope you are feeling better by now! Maybe it was a bad reaction to the ragweed. I wish you the best birthday EVER, and I know that will happen when Summer calls!!

bj said...

I am always so so lifted when I gather energy to visit you, dear sister friend. Because of a shattered heart, I find the smallest things seem so big right now....hard just putting one foot in front of the other.
How fun that you have such amazing times together. all the chores that might have seemed,at one time, just work, turns into events you share together. I love the goats...the laundry drying...and, yes, as we age, we just HAVE to slow down and rest several times during the days work. Love to you, dear one

Judy said...

I'm hoping you are feeling better by your your birthday (tomorrow) and that you get that much anticipated call from Summer. Happy Birthday...and nejoy the rest of your time on the ranch.

Aloha Acres said...

I hope you feel better and I hope you hear from your girl soon. I've been keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Arlene G said...

Praying your birthday wishes come true, Linda and you will hear from Summer.

Bluebird49 said...

Praying you get your birthday wish, dear one!

I love your posts from the country, but, I have a very strong feeling in my heart that you two need to go back home and rest! You ñever want your country dwelling to be something you dread! It needs to have joy!
I pray you and Louis go and çatch your breath and recharge your batteries.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope it is your best one so far!

Bluebird49 said...
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Diana said...

That looked like goldenrod, not ragweed.