Friday, September 8, 2017

Snapshots From Our Country Day!

This was our first full day in the country and it was wonderful!!!

My view as I wash dishes.
The sunflowers on the lower right were a surprise bouquet from Louis Dean.

We slept like babies last night with no AC - just lovely cool air coming in through the open windows.
We had our morning coffee and reading on the deck/new room- and I discovered I had left our Bible Basket at home!!! My Country Diary and One Year Bible, my prayer journal and our meditation book and the book on Norman Schwarzkopf! Good thing we have a One Year Bible here in the camper.

Lots of pretty flowers are still blooming here.

This is a Crepe Myrtle bush!!!
I couldn't believe it!!

But it really is!
I'm surprised it has survived the goats and horses!
They eat everything!


No clue what kind of plant this is!

This one reminds me of cotton once the okra like pod has opened.
All of the above was right here by the camper.

I put on my chicken egg gathering apron and went down to try it out.....

The peacock has lost his pretty feathers.
The hen house behind the peacock pen was empty of chickens AND eggs!

Lots of critters running around!

I brought down some goat food - banana peels and some grapes.

Dean has several really pretty cats - all mousers!

Love the roosters!

They all have such personality!

Checked out two more hen houses - no eggs.
 Alas, Sherry had already gathered the eggs early!
I'll try again tomorrow!

I just love this photo!
It's like this one rooster was visiting the white rooster in the pen......
"Say, what are you in here for?"

The other rooster says, "Hey, guys! Can you help me get outta here??"

So many critters!

And all so unique!

Then there's THIS one!
He's mine!
I said, "Wanna ride your bike down with me to visit the critters?"
I made the rounds and he just waited for me!

This is the newest pen! Dean and Sherry had just finished building it an hour before I took this picture! LOOK at those pretty chickens!!!

They have the prettiest feathered feet!
Dean says they only lay tiny little eggs!
But they sure are pretty!!!

We took the bathroom door off in the camper last time we were here. I needed a mirror so LD put the closet door up between two 2X4's and I put my large bouquet of cotton in front of it. Pretty!
What we are doing right now - between really finishing out the new room and using it as it is - is a real adventure in glamping! Unexpected spots of beauty right next to something rather red necked or primitive. Works for me!

I made another trip down in late afternoon to the meadow.

Such interesting things growing. These 'bulbs' are like inflated balloons.
Squeeze them and they pop.

Dean was smoking ribs for dinner tonight!

I LOVE this meadow!

Dean is a Karate man so - of COURSE there's a weapon on the meadow bench!

My peaceful place and a good spot to pray for all those in the path of Irma.

Rufus - my grand dog!!!

I love it here.

I spent some time fluffing up the camper today.

The pumpkin tins hold treats!
The small one has dilly bits and the big one has pumpkin muffins.
The far left one has the rest of those tasty Trader Joe's tiny chocolate chip cookies! Delicious!!

So here we sat before the sun set!

Another campfire to celebrate this day!
The best thing about being here? Days stretching out in front of us - just like this one.
Dean and Sherry brought down BBQ ribs, potato salad and BBQ beans for dinner tonight.
I made garlic bread and cut up a cantaloupe.

In the country we do a few things really well.
We sleep well.
We eat well.
We visit.
We rest.
We DO things......
but most of all.......we just BE here.

In closing, thank you for all the prayers for Summer in Puerto Rico.
This is a photo Sabrina took this morning.
They dodged the bullet and now we are praying for Florida.
I have so many friends and family there.....
My prayers are with Dawn and her crew, Sandra and Bob, Patti, and Ruth Ann's daughter - Becky and Tim!
And so many others! 
Praying the storm will still turn......


Linda said...

I'd love a farm where you could have all sorts of birds and animals and everything didn't have to pay its own way in order to live there. Sounds like that's what Dean and Sherry have. Country I love, red neck, not as much. I do like the way you eat when you're there.

Susie said...

Linda, I did not know that peacock lost their feathers all at once. So many roosters !! Dean does have some pretty critters. He and Sherry are good kids. Your new sun room is nice. I love not having any AC or heat on. These are the best days. Thanks for your Florida prayers. My granddaughter Sierra is in Tampa. She has taken precautions, I am praying she will be safe. So thankful to hear that Sabrina,Summer, and her sweet Rayne are safe. Take care there and enjoy the peaceful country side. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How wonderful to get away to a farm. I loved seeing all the critters. I do especially love roosters and hearing them crow. No chickens or roosters at all here. But I do get hear the geese in the morning flying over the house to the little lake we have. Hope you have a great weekend.

Changes in the wind said...

In the words you write while on the Ranch it shows that you really relax and enjoy each thing. So glad you can have this special place and time.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love your ranch posts! I think the plant that looks like cotton may be milkweed. Butterflies lay their eggs on it. Pretty chickens.

I'm praying for our family in Florida too!

Sandy said...

Will you share your recipe for pumpkin spice muffins & the fruitcake cookies? My mouth waters every time you mention them! Enjoy your time in the country! <3

MadSnapper n Beau said...

First of all I just love Rufus give him a kiss from me. I am so happy that summer is okay and that the sun has risen on Puerto Rico without doing her harm. I love all the critters and now I am jealous that not only are you on a farm with Critters but that you can sleep without AC. See you after the storm

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your roosters in the first picture! You have made the country PRETTY! Those laying houses made from plastic buckets are so cute! You are the cutest country gal I have ever seen, in your apron and cap! That rug you bought is really gorgeous, it is perfect for this place. Sabrina's picture is beautiful.

Linda said...

Absolutely! Send me your email and I will get them to you! Or I can find the links on my blog where I've shared them in the past.

Sandy said...

Vee said...

Joining you in that prayer...

Too bad about no eggs, but you were rocking that apron! 🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻🥚 🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻🥚🌻

Nita said...

What a wonderful day ! It's nice to have a place the you can just in your fortunate to have a haven like this and how thoughtful you are to share it with us . Love you.

Nonnie said...

I love all those chickens and your egg gathering apron. You and LD have such a beautiful place in the country. Thank God for the energy and enthusiasm you two have.

sanpiseth40 said...

Sabrina's picture is beautiful.
