Thursday, May 25, 2017

We Are HOME! Our Garden, Summer Update and a Visit With the Quads! We're BAAAACK!

It took all day yesterday to load up, clean up and close up the camper but we finally left about 6:30 in the evening and headed home.

We were a scruffy looking lot by that time.
My hair is driving me crazy and I can not WAIT to get Yulisa to cut it!!!
No more hair in my eyes or on my neck!

I drove the back roads from Mart to Hillsboro - roughly halfway - and we stopped for dinner at The Lone Star Cafe. The food was seriously good and we ate every bite!
Louis Dean lost nearly 10 pounds with his new exercise program - building a room! - and it will take more than one meal like this to put any of it back on!

This was on the wall of the Ladies Room and I think I will make my version of it after we get completely through with our building project and use the leftover pieces. This would look good hanging on the outside wall right next to my red screen door!
I've already been collecting all the bits and pieces of wood in a box to save. Now I know what I'm going to do with them!

WE got home about 10:00 and within 7 minutes of opening the front door - I was in the shower.
Louis Dean unloaded - which wasn't all that much since we left most of the tools and such at the ranch. Then when I got out of the shower - he got in the bathtub for a good long soak while I put the food and stuff up and started the first of many loads of laundry!
By 11:00 we had opened up the gazebo and poured a glass of wine.
We were in bed asleep before midnight!

I set my alarm this morning for 8:00 as Summer had an appointment with Dr. Kosmoski for 10:15.
I left Louis Dean sleeping and took my coffee outside to check on our garden.

I was so excited to pick a basket of produce - FRESH produce!!

I checked on my herb garden and it was beautiful!

I noticed the wild purslain was growing in the bottom right corner of the if it knew it belonged there. Tomorrow I am going to use some of it in a salad.

All cleaned up and ready for a photo op!

Everything looked good around here - thanks to Sherry, Stephanie, and Ruth Ann for watering and care taking of our place while we were gone!
Sherry even left dinner in the fridge for us! We ate it tonight!

A tiny miniature rose by the back fountain.

Canas that came from the Comanche House and holds such good memories for Louis Dean.
They were from Ellen's mother and grandmother and Louis Dean treasures them.

I finished my coffee and got dressed. Make up and hair plus nice clothes instead of wearing a hat and comfy old things. I do love being at the ranch.

I don't look near this good down there - and I am okay with that!!
My sweet Summer.

Her appointment went well. We all love Dr. Kosmoski!
Her surgery was a success and the pain she continues to have is due to the piriformis.
From Facebook Posts today:
I'm hanging in there. The back surgery was a huge success. Still struggling with the piriformis issue. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, much appreciated!

Bless your heart if you are struggle with piriformis issues. Pain takes a toll on the body. Wish you a speedy recovery.

Louis Dean was a happy camper this morning!
Summer gave him an early Father's Day gift - Willie Nelson's new CD release....

I cannot TELL you how excited Louis Dean was over that!!!

Here.......see for yourselves!!

He LOVED it!!!
Summer is such a trouper!
 She had surgery on her hand on Tuesday. She's set to leave for Puerto Rico where she will stay for six weeks.....and yet she remembered Louis Dean and Father's Day.
Plus she gave her doctor a framed photo I'd taken from one of her visits.
I didn't see it but I hope it was the one where she hugged him and cried because he had given her such relief. On September 19, 2016 - she was napping on the sofa in her office. She turned over and two things happened simultaneously......the first - the muscles that were holding her spine in place (due to a birth defect) snapped. At the same time - the piriformis muscle snapped as well - on both side of her hips. Praise God she is dealing with only ONE pain issue now......even though that is an extremely difficult one.

This afternoon we were off to see the Quad Squad graduate form Pre K!

After the ceremony, there was a celebration complete with cake!
Notice Louis Dean's empty plate!

Kailey was loving her granddad being there!

Harrison took my phone and my photo!

I love this little Logan was a tired little girl!

I'll share pics of the ceremony tomorrow......they were adorable!!
Afterward, we went over to Quadville to see the kids new swing set.

I LOVE this set of pics......
Logan is standing on a small stool that Amber meant for them to use to reach the trapeze......

instead they use it to JUMP up to it!!!!

Success!!! That Logan is going to be a great gymnast - we just know it!!

The last time we had see the quads was Thursday - two weeks ago!
It was time to come home!


Linda said...

No doubt you saw change in the quads after two weeks. I look forward to seeing the graduation photos. You have very good friends that will take such good care of your garden and keep your plants watered. Amazing. You clean up real good. Both of you look great. So good to get that report on Summer. She's really been through a lot but she's kept her pretty smile. Your garden produce was certainly worthy of a photo-op. If I liked fresh onions I would covet it. I do believe LD is a true farmer.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the Louis Dean & Willie Nelson duet!! Your veggies and herbs look beautiful! This is a fantastic picture of Logan jumping up on the swing! Our Anne Marie won many medals in the state gymnastics competition, and I bet Logan will be right behind her!!

Judy said...

Love that last photo of you and the quads. Welcome home!

Bluebird49 said...

So very cute! I know they've missed you! (I've missed them!!) I am so glad you posted during your time in the country, and now we're friends on Facebook, I get such a kick out of seeing you all!
Harrison's a good photographer!!

I've caught something like hubby, Ed, has had. Mine was dx'd acute sinusitis and it hurts my throat and ears, too. Augmentin on board, Tylenol, Vicks and warm salt water gargles! Can only take Tylenol 'cause of Coumadin therapy! oooh! That's just since yesterday, I knew when I got up Weds. that I had to shower and get over there! (Okay! I don't talk about my ailments on FB much, so I just blasted you with it!)
Hope you've enjoyed your family, and your tomatoes!
Hope the book is nearly finished!
ps - Our grandson, David, 12 was given 'The Joseph Award" at his Christian school today. It's given to someone who is patient, forgiving, hardworking, and accomplishes his goals. (Proud Meme here!)

Susie said...

Linda, I loved the photos. I love being part of your family that way...we get to enjoy all the sweetness too. I can not believe how those children have grown. Such sweethearts. I think you and LD look good. He sure loved his father's day gift . I pray Summer does well. Your home grown foods looked wonderful. Blessings to all for a great holiday weekend. xoxo,love, Susie

Vee said...

Oh that video was fun to watch! Gonna do it all over!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Willie is bob's favorite singer.. he knows the words to most of his songs.. but he can't play along as he listens... he does sing with it though. glad you got home safe. love all those bright dresses on the girls...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I forgot to say, when I saw the name of the CD I thought that is BOB... God's Promlem child.

Kathy said...

I'm glad to see you got home safely. That was a long day for you. I hope Summer has a good flight and somewhere along the line gets relief from her pain. I loved how she said the way to a man's heart was through his stomach or his music. So funny but true!

It was so good to see the quads. Hard to believe they are old enough to go to Kindergarten next year. How did that happen?

Your produce is beautiful! It's been raining so much that I haven't had the opportunity to plant anything. Hopefully this weekend.

Jan said...

I know you're glad to be home! We attended our oldest grandson's Pre-K graduation at our church. Our oldest granddaughter graduated from 5th grade and elementary school yesterday. These grands are growing up too fast aren't they?