Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I Went to Town Today.....All By Myself in the Big White Truck!

I admit to not really getting to sleep until after 1:30 this morning. It's not that it was THAT hot in the camper. Still....it wasn't cool, either! After going to bed a little after 10:00, by midnight I was up reading and sipping a glass of wine. I was grateful for Pinot Grigio and The Little Paris Bookshop! Between the two of them I finally went to sleep.

When I woke - late this morning - Louis Dean was already working on the rafters for the roof of the enclosed porch. It was very pleasant in the camper with a breeze blowing through the windows.

I went out to see the horses with sugar cubes in my pocket.

This one was first to come to me. All I had to do was stretch out my hand and be still.

It's a magical place down here. I do love it so!

Louis Dean worked most of the morning and I did some housekeeping chores inside while it was cool. Around noon I went down and gathered enough eggs for our 'brunch'.
We seem to have settled in to a two meal a day routine.

I left the ranch around 3:00 and headed to town - all by myself and in the big white truck!
Poor Louis Dean! He spent all morning preparing the rafters and putting that first piece of roofing on......then the wind kicked in! I left him as he promised he wouldn't do anything stupid while I was gone!!

Dean (my step son) gave me a detailed map on how to get to the best Goodwill in Waco and then Walmart and Lowe's - all in a straight shot!
You know Ruth Ann and her husband, Roy. Well, Roy's mother passed away on Mother's Day and the funeral is tomorrow, For the first time EVER, I did not arrive at the ranch wearing 'nice clothes.'

My mission, this afternoon, was to secure an outfit worthy of a funeral.
I found ONE pair of pants!
They were comfortable and black and HAVE to work!

But I found several tops!
The one above the pants seems the most appropriate,
It looks matronly and perhaps that's where I am in life now. 

The purse I brought with me is a denim bag, NOT suitable.
But this one is!

I've already changed out my money, credit cards and insurance things.
I did have to fill a fun red checkered bag with my hair brush, mints, gum, calendar, and other necessities!! 

This black top would work better if I had a black and white shrug to go with it....which I do! At home!!

THIS is a fun top and I will get a lot of wear out of it but not tomorrow!

Also a good top for the country and  I will be leaving it here!

This is a maybe! I have a black -what do you call it? - open front cover?
I wear it a lot these days to cover my arms,

I scored with these Nature sandals,
I'm leaning toward these.....

but then I have these!!!

Louis Dean has been hard at work today!

We have to leave here a week from tomorrow.

He intends to have the entire deck framed in and the roof on before we go,

Okay....here's the deal.
Please keep Louis Dean in your prayers tomorrow.
My step son and I will be driving to Breckenridge, Texas in the morning and Louis Dean will be 'Home Alone.'
And please remember Roy in the loss of his mother,,,,,,,she was 91 but losing a mother is never easy.


Linda said...

I'm impressed you're hanging in there. LD seems to be making good progress. Perhaps you and Dean should whip in a store and buy an air conditioner while you're out tomorrow? Another week without a/c seems like a long time to me.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about Roy's mom. It is so hard, no matter what age. I love the things you found. Will you wear the black top with the little ruffles across it? That may be my favorite. When I was growing up, and then a young woman, you always dressed up for a funeral,and always wore mostly black, or navy. Nowadays I am always shocked when I go to a funeral or visitation. People dress in shorts, wild dresses, and anything you can think of!! Maybe I am just an old fashioned fuddy duddy. I will say a prayer for Louis Dean tonight. Our men DO need us nearby when they are doing a project! We are the ones who feed them, and make them drink and take breaks.

Blondie's Journal said...

I love all of your photos, Bed! So great{

Vee said...

Oh good grief.

Now you did very well with all those fimds. I expected that the end of the story would read "and I filled it to the brim." 😉

You are a dear friend to round up clothes to attend a funeral. Course you are more like family and Dean is family. Losing a loved one is hard no matter what the age.

Louis Dean's project is coming right along. Perhaps Robert will show back up when he is needed most!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

You hit the jackpot when you found all the funeral clothes and I had to laugh because I thought popped into my head when I saw the two black purses. No one should ever go to a funeral without a black purse haha. The new deck thing it's looking good and I wish I were there to see all the horses and that beautiful Farm your own

Susie said...

Linda, I wish I lived near by...I would go keep an eye on LD...Honestly I just hope he doesn't over do . I don't like to leave Ted outside too long by himself. LOL. I am so sorry about Roy's mom...When people say, Oh they lived a good long life...I like to think the elderly have more to give and more to offer the rest of us. They are history keepers. Sending hugs to all of you. You sounded like a young kid saying you drove the big truck to town by yourself. LOL. Blessings, love, xoxo, Susie

Stacey said...

Linda, you are just so doggone cute and you make us smile. Your positive nature is infectious. :)

Curtains in My Tree said...

I love the looks of the horses and your camper spot also those farm fresh eggs.It all looks fun with your sweet husband.
Sorry about the funeral, you are correct never a good time to loose your MOther

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Its always sad to lose someone you love! I'm thankful you're close enough to attend, it will mean so much to them.

Your deck is looking so good. I hope you can get some a/c going soon!

NanaDiana said...

Praying for a safe trip for you...a safe work day for LD...and a prayer for the family that lost a matriarch.

You found lots of good clothes! Whoo Hooo...and I am proud of you for taking the big white truck to town all by yourself. xo Diana

Bluebird49 said...

I love LD, you know, but is it too much to that you model your own clothes?! ;)

Yes. Lost Mama at 96 years of age in 2011. Never over that, nor losing our daughter in '98 at age 31.

Jill said...

Keeping you all in my prayers and safe travels!


Carole said...

Had to giggle seeing LD modelling your tops! And you could never be described as matronly! Hope the funeral isn't too upsetting. Take care

Penny said...

Hope the funeral went well and gave comfort and hope to the family. You did well to go on that trip alone in the truck and I do hope Lous Dean managed without you X