Monday, May 29, 2017

Celebrating Sunday!

We missed a few Sundays while we were at the ranch so it felt really good to be back in church today! We were even on time!!!

After the service, Amber and Mike went down to get the quads from their classroom and I went in the Ladies room while Louis Dean waited on the bench right outside.

Well, everyone in the bathroom - and it was packed - started laughing because we could all hear the kids screaming "GRANDDAD!!!" as soon as they saw him!! They made quite an uproar! To Kailey's credit, I did hear her say, "Where's MeeMAw?"

But we all know the big attraction is GRANDDAD!!!

Harrison took this pic!

It was an early birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse.......

The quads will be 5 on Wednesday......
and Amber's birthday is June 6th!

Louis Dean was a happy camper!
He ordered a 16 oz steak!!!
However, he brought some of it home and finished it off tonight.

We have so much to be thankful for!
 We came home and they went back to Quadville.
It came a terrible rainstorm on our way back to Irving. I had planned on going to the grocery store but decided to take a nap first.

In the late afternoon, Amber and Mike brought the kids over to spend the night!
We are getting an early start to our Quad Monday!

Kailey got a guitar with some birthday money and was anxious to show it off to her Granddad!!
I know that's Logan holding it but the kids are so fast I can't catch a scene before it changes!

Amber said they all packed their own bags!!

We had a game of croquet in the front yard.

They take the game seriously!

Trystan has been on medication for her strep throat since Friday evening.
She never did get really sick. Just a fluke that the pediatrician caught it on her checkup!


Logan! They all have their own little stances!

It was time to tell Mama and Dada  goodbye!
Amber and Mike needed a little quiet time!

Bye!!!! BYE!!!!

We stayed out in the front for a few more hours.
Granddad rested, Harrison brought his Matchbox cars out and the girls had a tea party while I worked in the flower beds. The girls helped me by cutting the roses and Kailey snipped the grass around the walkway while Harrison helped me pull weeds. 

It was time to come in!
Granddad loves Paw Patrol so they watched that while I cooked dinner.

It's been a wonderful day from start to finish.
Showers followed and while the girls took theirs, Louis Dean worked with Harrison on his cursive. 
He is such a ready learner!!

I'm sitting up in bed as i write tonight and when I click Publish - I'm turning the light out an going to sleep. Louis Dean bedded all the kids down in the den where they take their naps. They are used to sleeping there and will probably sleep better than all of us crowded into two bed. LD is sleeping in his recliner.

As is our custom, I set out snacks for when the kids wake up.
Fruit snacks and packages of crackers/cookies/granola bars.
I told them if they wake up before I do, they can go in the guest room and play - but it can't be before the sun comes up!!


Linda said...

What a fun post. Do they still teach cursive in school these days. So good for Harrison to have LD to teach him. You act like it's nothing having four five year olds to spend the night and the next day. I'm not sure I could handle that. I know I couldn't unless I could borrow LD. There's no way I could do it with Bob. What wonderful memories those kids are going to have.

Bluebird49 said...

Linda, so many of your pictures could have been Norman Rockwell paintings! Your life is a picture of Americana!

Penny said...

Beautiful family day with the quads. These are all precious memories in the making X

Nancy Chan said...

Your grand kids have grown so some and they are so beautiful and adorable! What a happy family gathering!

Vee said...

Five...what a beautiful year...with all the days and memories strung together right here in your blog. Now that's a treasure. Golly, Harrison is quite the photographer...great picture! Have a happy, happy day! 🇺🇸🎈

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a great Sunday! Those quads are something! I feel like I love each one and don't even know you all in real life! :) This is a gift of blogging!

Enjoy your day!

Susie said...

Linda, What a joy to be greeted by those loving grandkids in Church. They do love their grandparents. :):) I like the simplicity of playing in the yard. It good they get along so well. I am in shock, 5 years old already.:0 Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sitting here with a silly smile on my face from listening to all those byes... so sweet and I hope the parents had a great time off.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You and Louis Dean are looking so pretty! You both must have lost weight and gotten a tan at the ranch. I think it's no mystery why Kailey bought a guitar! It is not too early for some simple lessons from Luis Dean!! Your table is so pretty. I will be looking for croquet at the Goodwills!

Arlene G said...

I have enjoyed catching up with you wild Texans, Linda. So glad Summer is doing better. And the quads...hard to believe they will be heading to kindergarten next year. I know what you mean about coming is always bittersweet for us. We will be home for about two weeks before heading back. I am looking forward to seeing LD's finished project.

Debbie said...

such a beautiful family - i enjoyed all the red, white and blue!! the little ones are getting so big!!!

BeachGypsy said...

Looks like a wonderful time! I like Texas Roadhouse too! Your new hair-do looks GREAT!!

Judy said...

You are so organized in hosting your grands! Great pic's, as always! It sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday from start to finish.