Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ruth Ann's Farm and other Things! Wednesday and Thursday

I am happy my phone has an alarm - and that I know how to set it - and that Summer gave me a wake up call - just to be sure! Louis Dean took Dean and me to Waco Wednesday morning where I rented a Red Jeep Patriot so Dean and I could go to Roy's mother's funeral and still leave Louis Dean with his truck. He greatly appreciated that!

 We met Sherry at The House of Pho in Burleson where we had lunch before driving on to Breckenridge.

The food was as delicious as it was beautiful!

After the funeral, we drove out to Roy and Ruth Ann's farm to check on things for her.

Her farm is just as wonderful as Dean's ranch. Different flowers, trees, and such but the same ambiance! It is beautiful.

Dean and Sherry on her front porch.

Louis Dean and I visited here for a long weekend once. I believe it was Labor Day Weekend and it remains a treasured memory.

The farm house is old and chock full of character. I wish it could talk.
I believe one of Roy's aunts lived here long years ago.
Ruth Ann has stories she pieced together of what she found in the cupboards.
The aunt canned and gardened and loved this place just as Ruth Ann does now.

The side yard where Ruth Ann hangs her swing and fills the bird bath and feeders.
She has lots of hummingbirds and you can find Painted Buntings here. I looked and didn't see any but she has. I want to come back and spend more time here.

Every farm needs an old barn and hers is magnificent!!!
This would make a good painting!

Sherry is going up to the gate so she can close it after I pull out.

There is an abundance of trees here - and cactus! Lots and lots of that!

I left the camper at 9:30 Wednesday morning and returned at 10:30 that evening.
I was tired to the bone and went right to bed.....on the couch where Louis Dean had set up a box fan in the window behind it and I could sleep in the cool night air. 

Louis Dean did well all 'Home Alone!' He bought what he called a 'lovely' steak and grilled it, baked a potato and then sat out on the deck waiting for us to get back. Of course he worked all day! He is getting this DONE!!!

I had to wake up early again this morning so I could return the little Red Jeep!

Look who was on our deck as we came out?

We returned the car, ate breakfast at IHOP and came back to the camper where Louis Dean continued his framing work and I rested most of the day. Reading, writing and housekeeping - all 31 feet of it - kept me occupied.

Instead of using ice - which is precious - LD would pop a couple of bottles of water in the freezer that sits outside on the deck and we would drink those when they got icy cold. He kept that going all day. He also covers the freezer with a packing cloth during the morning and afternoon when the sun shines on it. Soon we will have shade on the deck all day after he gets the roof on. He is figuring out how to pull that plywood up all by himself. He knows his physics and how to make things work.

My hero!!! 
He may be 80 but he likes to quote that old Shep Wooley song ......
"I'm wild and wooly and full of fleas and never been curred below my knees!
I can dive off deeper and come up drier....."

One of our breaks this afternoon! He said, "LINDA! I can still fit into my swim suit!!!"
I told him, "Yes, and my earrings still fit me!!"

Isn't he the cutest thing???

That pile of building materials is dwindling!!

I stayed outside a good bit to keep an eye on him.

I turned the water on to fill the camper reservoir and stopped to take a picture of the pretty flowers.
The horse mint are fading now and other flowers are appearing.

These flowers make me smile......

I went out to feed the horses a few sugar cubes.
They come as soon as I stretch out my hand.
The black and white one came too - but I couldn't get a picture because they were right up there with me.....tomorrow I have apples for them.
I fed the gotas and rode my bike.
Then I poured my wine and blogged.
Now I need to fix dinner and watch the night fall down around us.

Cousin Gay posted this pic on Facebook today.....

If only she had posted sooner!

I'm running low on data so I may not post again until after the weekend.
I don't know why my laptop eats up data like candy while my iPhone and iPad simply snack at it!


Carole said...

Love that barn. One day I'm going to do a photo essay with photos of falling down old sheds and barns. Cheers

Linda said...

Is that a real frog? I enlarged the picture and still couldn't tell. I enjoyed seeing all the Texas scenery. No a/c makes me remember my childhood in Texas. I can still feel those hot bedsheets when we went to bed after a hot summer day. Our rain has finally stopped. Today it was about 70 degrees. Monday it is supposed to be 88 and I will be screaming. Hopefully that will only last a day or two before going back to the 70s. We have a/c but seldom need to use it. I love being able to keep the doors and windows open. Keep having fun.

Susie said...

Linda, I swear that LD is a working fool and I mean that in a good way. LOL. He must have a song for every event that happens. LOL He's always thinking too. I bet sleeping under that fan did feel good. I do wish we knew the stories of old homes we run across. Get plenty of rest and keep that LD cooled off. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Susie

Ginny Hartzler said...

My favorites tonight are the frog and the cute pictures of Louis Dean. That man can do anything!! It will just be wonderful when it's done.

BeachGypsy said...

Hi Linda, was glad to see you'd stopped by and that you enjoyed the post about the flower fountain. Thanks for all your kinds words---I do love to go out and find the "pretty things" as you said, and then share them with y'all! I'm enjoying reading all about your all's adventures out in the country....sure looks fun, and peaceful, and just plain nice!--I know how you love it there and the peace and quiet and all the sunsets and the wild flowers and the horses and all. Louis Dean sure works hard....and HE SURE GETS THINGS DONE! Enjoy!

Bluebird49 said...

"Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man."
And that would be Louis in the blue shorts! :)
Make him take care...with heat...on the roof! One fall...well, don't even wanna think about it.
You, Sherry and Dean had a Texas sized lunch, there. Thanks for taking us 'round the farm! Coming here is so fun!

White Lace and Promises said...

Your posted are always so refreshing. I was thinking about that old barn. Before I read your next line, I thought that needs to be a picture. So you go ahead and paint it. That man of yours is a young 80. Make him be careful. We have a family friend of 78 much like your hubby who was on top
If a ladder on top of his RV. He fell 13 ft and was in ICU trauma unit with brain bleeds and broken arm and leg. He miraculously going to be ok but will take months to rehab and walk again. Be careful Louis Dean.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sure my phone has an alarm but I don't know where or how to set it. I did not know I had a calculator on it until yesterday when someone said use your phone. I said I have a calculator???
your 80 year old is so much like mine they could be brothers....except yours wears coveralls and mine where shorts. I see by other comments we are not the only ones that have these guys that don't know their limits. thank you Lord for that for us.

Nonnie said...

I simply cannot believe LD is 80! What a blessing that he is going so strong. You're right about that barn photo and I love your flower pics. The old house reminds me of my DH's Granny's home in Buffalo, Texas. I should dig up some of those old pics. Have a great weekend!

Changes in the wind said...

Both you and LD are amazing and I loved your response about your earring fitting:)