Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Things......

It was a beautiful Palm Sunday!
Poor Louis Dean was pretty tired so he stayed home while I went to church.
I left him drinking coffee and he assured me he should be wide awake by the time I got back!
I arrived at church right behind Mike and the quads.
Amber was away on a much needed break so he had the kids by himself. Amber had paved the way by setting out their Sunday clothes and prepping everything before she left! I was so proud of him!!! He and Amber make a great team and are super parents!

I drove home and Louis Dean was sitting on the porch waiting for me.

We took the truck and went to Lowe's for plants and supplies.
Please note he is in his 'working' overalls!

But first - lunch!
He didn't want to wait and eat at home becaiuse he was chomping at the bit to get out and get started on his project of organizing his new storage building.

So we went to our favorite hole in the wall hamburger place!

OOh, those ONION RINGS!!!!!
The cook brought them to us seconds after they were lifted from the hot grease.
So hot and so good!!!!

I took a nap as soon as I got home while Louis Dean went  straight to work!

We had a tea break after I got up and before I started in on the front flower bed.
I had done a good bit Saturday evening - cutting back the honeysuckle, rosebushes and rosemary.
I couldn't bear to throw away all those woody stalks of rosemary, so I made huge bouquets and placed them throughout the house! They make such a lovely fragrance!

I bought some additional herbs and a few more begonias and such.
The best thing about our visit to Lowe's was running into a dear friend from First Christian Church.
Yvonne and Doug played a part in Mike's growing up! Mike is an Eagle Scout and Doug was one of his scout masters, I believe. It's such a small world sometimes!
Anyway, we chatted and chatted and had the best time catching up with each other.
Thanks to Facebook, we do keep in touch but it was just so good to SEE each other!

By the time we quit work tonight, it was too dark to take pics!
Except for this honeysuckle which is right under the floodlight on the corner of the house.
I used a lot of  what I cut back for bouquets just as I did with the rosemary so our house REALLY smells good now!

We sat outside on the driveway for awhile before going to the gazebo.
Rain is in the forecast so we pulled and zipped up all the rain curtains.
The quads will be here tomorrow so I hope it won't rain all day.
If it's not thundering and lightning, perhaps we can play outside in the rain!
I better ask Amber to send their rain coats and rain boots with them in the morning!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Mike & Amber make a good team, but so do you and Louis Dean! Inside your gazebo is like a fairyland! It is so beautiful. That lunch looks SO good! Especially the onion rings.

Kathy said...

I love the smell of rosemary. I used to have a rosemary tree in the middle of my yard but it got too big and out of hand so I cut it down. I used to bring rosemary into the house for the fragrance too. Along with the honeysuckle your house must smell amazing!

Jodi W. said...

Hi Linda! You should make some rosemary tea to improve Louis Dean's kidney function. I haven't tried it yet but I heard it was a great detoxifier. It also is good to lower blood pressure. Win-Win!!!

Estelle's said...

busy,,,y;all are busy with life and what a beautiful thing! Have a great week. Spring rains are very welcome right now!

Vee said...

Another happy, busy day. The scent of rosemary is one of my very favorites. I would have it each summer just so I can rub my hands in it whether I used it for cooking or not, but I do that as well. Looking forward to hearing about this day and that new storage unit. Have a happy quad day!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love the beautiful way you have decorated the front of your house! So warm and welcoming!

Arlene G said...

Well I am hoping to get some clutter out of my house today. I am tackling our Attic Room, which is the hold all for things we just cannot decide what to do with!! At the end of the day, I need to come and sit with you and LD in your gazebo.

Susie said...

Linda, Every time I see LD all decked out to work...I think of that Merle Haggard tune" Working Man Blues". Your front porch looks so inviting.:):) I thank the lord that your Amber found such a beautiful man, and visa versa.LOL. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that food looks divine and is my favorite of all foods.. but if I ate that I could not work. I do all my work on empty stomach, once I eat I can't work. I even bathe the dog before I eat breakfast. if I try to work after eating it makes me nauseous.. love the fairy driveway. hope the rain lets you play outside with the quads...

Debbie said...

your lunch do you stay so thin??? i LOVE anything fried but always have to worry about the calories!!

fresh herbs are the best, i love my indoor herb garden!!!

Debbie said...

i missed the "so good" part of how your lunch looks. my mind works faster than my fingers!!

Jan said...

I couldn't help but smile at the Dickey's cups in your tea break picture! We have a whole cabinet full. I call them my "matched set of fancy glassware". That's what you get your drink in if you come to my house!

Carla said...

Lunch did look yummy. David will want to trade me in for a model like that works outside in the yard. ;o/

Wanda said...

Sounds like a very nice Palm Sunday. Lots of work to follow and some nice time sitting and enjoying each other.
I want to get some new plants for our balcony. It's needing some spring color.