Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunflowers and the Sixth Letter.....

My Facebook post this morning:
Celebrating August with Sunflowers! Last fall when I packed away my decorations, I kept the sunflowers close to the attic door so I could get them down first. Only 21 days and a wake up to September 1st! It may be hot as blazes outside but there's an autumn breeze blowing through my mind today!

I just couldn't help myself!!
I KNEW today would be a HOT one......

so what better way to take my mind off the heat than to stay inside with the A/C cranked up and pull out the sunflowers!

My designated room to clean was the kitchen so that's where I put a good many of them.

I guess orange is really and truly one of my all time favorite colors.

I clean from one end of a room to the other.

Adding sunflowers as I go!

I painted this bag so many years ago I can't even remember!
The other side has bluebonnets on it.

A hall wreath.

My trusty companions on this Monday - Iced Tea and Pine-Sol!!!
It smells GOOD and CLEAN around here this evening!

A semi-fall table scape.

One clean kitchen!!!

I even found a sunflower switch cover and put that up!!

I know it's early but I have been smiling all day long!!! The season is about to begin and I cannot contain my excitement!! I want to savour every single sight, smell or sound that has anything to do with Fall!!

I know it's been awhile since I published a letter from my collection.
When all 15 are published, I hope to have a discussion post as to what we have discovered about this family and the times they lived in.

This sixth letter is dated December 2, 1936  and post stamped at 1:30 PM from Palestine, Texas.

Rather than type this out for you, I am hoping you can read it from the photo.

I can just feel the mother's disappointment......


Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Very interesting Linda!

Four years ago my daughter went to Singapore for what was supposed to be 2-3 years. Last week I learned she may never return, so yes, I understand the mothers disappointment but I wouldn't mind changing places with her in that regard.

Stacey said...

It's the perfect time of year to bring out sunflowers, Linda. Do you think it will ever cool down here? Lordy mercy it's hot!

The letter is so neat! Mums was a little naggy...kind of like me. :)

BeachGypsy said...

hi Linda, wow! you really ARE IN THE MOOD FOR FALL ARENT YOU? LOL pretty sunflowers! That one picture made me do a double looks like you have just poured yourself a big glass of pine sol over ice!! ha ha I am loving these old letters...........aren't they amazing? What a different different and so lovely. So many of our lovely letter writing, have disappeared.

Estelle's said...

You are a girl after my own the sunflowers....all of them! I am so with you on yearning for the fall months....what a darling vintage letter....this made my day!

Hootin Anni said...

First of all, I hope you're not taking shots of the pine sol with your iced tea!?!!

Love the idea of Autumn too. Wishing it would cool down A LOT. And sooner than later.

You're way too ambitious tho...making all of us wonder where your energy is coming from. Care to share the secret?

Arlene G said...

I had to smile when I saw your Pine Sol....that is one of the smells from childhood that means "clean" to me but Marvin cannot abide it so I seldom use it. I am thinking of getting down my fall things in September. Our anniversary is the 4th so I usually decorate around then. It will only be 84 here tomorrow...what will we do????Cold front!! I am going to LOVE it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this means you are going to have FALL whether it feels like it or not. i can't believe the heat you are having there, i see it every day on TV.. i do hope there was no pine sol in your tea.. HA HA... the thought of cleaning that kitchen has me crying on my keyboard. you are such a wonderful cleaner.

Linda said...

I love the bag you painted....there's talent. the pic of the ice tea and pine sol just did not work for me....I kept picturing that the pine sol was in the glass...sorry. Several years ago we had temps like that......I almost melted. We are having a pleasant summer....75 today and we are off to the water park.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It's been cooler and rainy here for the last two days, and my mind keeps thinking FALL! It's my favorite season!

The letters are so interesting and yes, I also could feel that Mother's disappointment! I have a daughter away for school and she stayed there to work this summer. We've missed her enormously.


Susie said...

Linda, I love the sunflowers too. I like the autumn scent of some candles too. I buy some from a girl at the earth festival...they are called," cabin in the woods. " I like spicy scents the very best. You did a fine job on the bag painting. I bet you could make yourself some wonderful little signs . My mom used pine-sol all the time. :):) Memories. Blessings to you and LD...hope you both are getting your rest. xoxo, Love you guys,. Susie

Debbie said...

i always enjoy your enthusiasm for decorating for the different seasons. everything looks so beautiful and i am sure there are many candles burning!!!!

i'm ready, ready for cooler temps and hoodies!!!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

I love those typewritten letters. I have many myself from my grandfather, and I cherish them very much

Nonnie said...

Love the sunflowers. All your rooms are so cheerful. I'm ready for the fall weather, but not ready to see the time rolling on so quickly. Fifteen years ago this month, our daughter went off to Austin for school. She cried and cried and said maybe she shouldn't go off to college. Well, wouldn't you know, she met her future husband there and has been there ever since. Glad she's not too, too far away.

Vee said...

That letter was an easy glad that you didn't have to transcribe it. Mother sounds a bit overwrought to me, but she can write a wonderful, conversational letter. Yes, I can not imagine sharing my disappointment so freely with my daughter. What do you think?

Oh that Texas heat has gone and got to you! Hope that they may moderate to bearable. Wish I could share today's lovely cool breezes with you and the next few days only in the high 70s or low 80s.

Love to you both...good to know that Louis Dean is fighting back.

Penny said...

Lovely late summer/early autumn sunflower. I know you are ticking off the days til the cooler weather, and no wonder! X

Carla said...

You and a co-worker of mine are true harvest queens. LOL
This weather is hot hot hot. Love all the sunflowers though