Monday, August 17, 2015

My Husband and My Son - Two Good Sports!!

It is so good to see Louis Dean feeling like doing projects again!
He put down nearly all of the floor trim in the kitchen for me and just has a few pieces left to do tomorrow. We are taking some time to catch up on the Honey Do list that has grown so LONG!
I know Louis Dean is THRILLED to get back on it!!!

We firmed up our plans this morning with Benjamin about meeting for dinner tonight.
It's a tradition for us to take him out to Joe's Crab Shack for his birthday.
I made a Family Dinner last week  to celebrate but tonight was just for the three of us.
You know how mothers are - we never tire of seeing our children.

I am pleased to say that I used the GPS on my smart phone to navigate us there.
She even talked to me and walked me through step by step!
Joe's Crab Shack in Lewisville is NOT an easy destination and I needed all the help I could get!
THIS was Louis Dean's face when I told him I would order the large platter of coconut shrimp just as he was - and he could have what I couldn't eat!
Win! WIN!!!

We arrived early and ordered drinks and side salads while we waited for Ben.
They had a football game from yesterday playing so it was a very pleasant way to pass the time.

My handsome son!!!
He's 27 years old now. 
I was just one month shy of my 40th birthday when he was born.
I am so proud of him!
He has strength of character, integrity and a great sense of humor!

We LOVE the coconut shrimp!!!

Ben did this steamer justice!
He remembers our neighbor, Stephanie, sending over corn cooked this way.
Delicious memories!!

While this is not a good photo - it will be a token to remember the good time I had this evening with these two important men in my life!

They both teased me about posting on Facebook!
I realized I need a pic of Ben and me together so I innocently asked Louis Dean to take one with my sturdy red camera. The one that's not too small and not as delicate as the phone camera where every time he touches it, he loses the setting.

I wasn't READY!!!
LOVE Ben's expression!!!

I just wanted a little dab of lipstick!

There we go!!!

I drove home with a happy heart knowing that we had already set a date for another dinner together in October! If you don't PLAN it and WRITE it down on the calendar, chances are it will never HAPPEN!


Wanda said...

What wonderful men you celebrated with. You know I think Louis Dean is adorable, and my goodness your son is so very handsome. I've been the the Crab Shack was so good. It was a birthday part too. Love your white skirt with the black look so cute and happy. Love you.

Linda said...

Linda, your photos are great and your son is handsome! He and I have something in common. I was born just two months short of my mother's 41st birthday. :)

Linda said...

By the way, Linda, I love your leaves background! :)

Hootin Anni said...

My sister's one favorite meal when dining out is coconut shrimp. Your order looks mighty tempting. I LOVE shrimp too...but not the coconut....gimme plain o' deep fried batter shrimp. Yum.

You stated: He has strength of character, integrity and a great sense of humor!....Now that is some wonderful traits in a man. You have good genes Linda.

A belated Happy Birthday wish to your son, and happy to see Louis Dean active again. But take things easily for a while longer...don't over-do.

Does your lady friend tell you to 'slide' right/left on exit such and such...I love that 'Slide' part. lol

Arlene G said...

Happy Birthday to Benjamin!! And you are right, if you are not intentional about making time, things do not happen. I am "the planner" in our family and among my friends, making sure we take time to stop and smell the roses.

Debbie said...

Happy birthday to your handsome son! Soo glad you were able to celebrate him in such a fun the crab shack! Have a good week!

Susie said...

Linda, What wonderful fun. I love that your fellows were enjoying the time with you. Love Ben's dimples. :):) What a cutie pie...wish he lived near by g. daughter. LOL. So glad to read you are all planning another dinner date. You are right people have to make the actual plans. Blessings, love to all, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love cocanut shrimp and could eat them all, bob would have to get his own.. you do indeed have a very handsome son... i love all your traditions and i see Sept came early to your blog.. LOL

Cheapchick said...

With a family of six scattered over 3 Provinces I know what planning ahead to make things happen is like. When the kids were little it was mandatory as they lived between 2 households. They hated it as lots of last minute things we just couldn't make happen. Hopefully they are better organized for it :) Your son is very handsome. So nice to see he turned out just like his Mom!

Beth said...

Hi Linda, What a nice family you have! I enjoyed hearing about your birthday outing. So good to see that Louis Dean is feeling better now too. You are correct about planning and writing it down, or it will never happen...time flies by too quickly. Enjoy the rest of your week, Linda!

Stacey said...

Linda, you're such a cutie! I understand about the son thing. :) My oldest son is 26 and he will forever be my first baby.

Penny said...

Having two boys myself, I totally understand your adoration of your lovely son! X

Carla said...

LOL gotta touch up that lipstick. Cute picture of y'all. I love LD's expression in the picture of you two