Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday's Adventures!

I always wake up on Tuesdays feeling all excited! I KNOW something FUN is in store for me!!
As soon as I sipped down that first cup of coffee I called Ruth Ann.
I was up 18 hours Monday - from 6am to midnight - so I was moving a little s l o w this morning.
Ruth Ann and I were on the same page - as we most always are!
We decided to take in a movie at 2:15 so that gave us plenty of time to get our act together.

I went out and spray painted this pumpkin basket. I love spray paint!!
My niece, Leah, suggested I use white fall things in my bedroom last year.
That was a great idea that I am trying to do this year.
So far I have this white pumpkin basket. That's it. AND that tree branch behind it. Maybe I'll use that as well.

We movied and I hesitate to even tell you what we saw. Ruth Ann and I are PG-13 viewers but we ventured out to see Tammy which was rated R for language.

We hit up the Goodwill and I scored on this cute twin seat set! I am going to clean it up and keep it here at home for when we have little people come over to visit. I don't think Amber has room for many more chairs at her house!!

This was too good to pass up.
The vase is really heavy and there was no price tag.
They rang it up at $0.99! With the senior discount - it was only $0.75!!

I LOVE this sweater and intend to take it to Colorado with me!
The tiny purse will hold a 'new' billfold and my phone and camera.
I am trying to lighten my load and not carry EVERYTHING in a big heavy purse!
I still have the purse - I just leave it in the car and carry the smaller one in!

What's not to love about a soft taupe sweater?

$0.75 for a hand painted wine glass? Yes, thank you!

I used the new glass to serve Sabrina's wine tonight.
We did a little wine blending and came up with a good combo!

I love this photo!!! Can you tell why?
That's Ruth Ann in the background. She is having a hard time getting the Liquin jar open!

Dinner tonight smelled delicious!!!

I love oven roasted veggies!!! ESPECIALLY with sprigs of fresh rosemary!

I wasn't the only one who thought it smelled enticing.

I worked on Santa tonight. I need about three more sessions with him before he's 'done!'

We made progress in our kitchen the last couple of days.

All that 'debris' on the counters and above the cupboards is clean and fresh.
I washed everything and painted the wallpaper.

This is where I have decided my tea pots and creamers will live - for now.

I like my kitchen. I know it's busy and chock full of so much STUFF!
But I love it all!!

I painted the trim to go around the opening.
Louis Dean and I will put it up on Thursday along with the garland and lights that go around it.
The little tea kettle clock got a new life when I spray painted it red!
Everything on the shelves has been washed and organized.
I waxed the shelves and really like the way it freshened them up!
Later this fall I plan to clean all my cupboard doors and wax them.
So much easier than refinishing them!

It's 89 degrees at 10:30 as we sit in the gazebo 'wine-ing' down our day.
Maggie is hanging out with us but I am fix'in to sit in that chair to finish my glass of wine.
Lucy is at my feet as I write this journal entry.

Speaking of wine.......
This was on Facebook and I thought it was so clever!!

I am a Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay .......and Chardonnay with an ice cube!
Okay!! I admit I am the 'Under $10' and the boxed wine, too!!!



Ginny Hartzler said...

The wine chart is FUNNY!! And you have given me some good inspiration for my kitchen!! Your finds are so cool! Really, I never find a THING!! But this weekend, I am going out of town on a day trip, they have a much larger Goodwill! Your dinner looks so good and comforting. I adore beef stews but now have been ordered to eat no beef or pork..Those branches are very pretty, they would even work well in the winter. I want to see what you do with them and the round basket.

Jutta said...

Too funny - the wine cathegories I mean. So many common thoughts listed.
Your kitchen indeed looks so busy. But the most important thing is that you have what you love. Right? :)

Penny said...

I am a great charity shop hunter too Linda, love all your finds X

Deb said...

Yeah Tuesday! Sounds like a fun day....great finds at the thrift store

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the cat at the table is my favorite today.. made me laugh. that food is beautiful to look at and i know it tasted delish to... i saw them painting those glasses on TV show and also selling them on QVC, they were not that cheap though.

Pondside said...

The photo of your dinner plate made me think I'd like roasted vegetables this evening.
It's always such a treat to visit your blog - like a breath of fresh air!

Sweet Tea said...

I made a Thrift Store stop today and found a few things, but not nearly the finds that you scored.