Friday, September 5, 2014

Just Call Me the 'Nap Whisperer!'

It was a busy day in Quadville!!
I woke up before Amber and the babies so I made my coffee, turned on the news and started breakfast. While breakfast cooked (fried potatoes and onions, turkey bacon and biscuits).....

I cleaned up the playroom and ran the vacuum.

I'm a firm believer in starting the day off organized - if possible!!!
It doesn't take long for the quads to toss the entire room but I do think they play better if all is in place to begin with. I remember Amber had a playhouse when she ws their age and I would put everything in its place twice a day. Once at night after she went to bed and again while she napped in the afternoon.

We had a great morning! The kids were in good moods for the second day in a row!!
Amber was feeling good for the second day in a row! It was a Win! WIN!!! kind of day!
Amber had some workers come in for some repairs upstairs. It just so happened they came during lunch and worked through nap time - upstairs in the nurseries!
I told Amber not to worry. I had a plan!

My sister, Luann, worked in the daycare business for many years and she and I had just talked about how she handled nap time when she was working. SO.....I did today just as she had done.
I got all four of the pillows I made them for Christmas and put down the quilts our friend, Carla, had made. I told them they MUST keep their heads on their pillows.
I stroked Kailey's hair and patted Trystan - because I could reach three of the four from where I sat on my little folding chair. I kept telling the ones who tried to get up to put their head BACK on the pillow. And they did.

Within 30 minutes all four were sound asleep!!
Harrison fell asleep first. Trystan followed and then Kailey. Logan was the last.

They are just precious!!!
They all had good naps and woke up in good moods. YES!!!
Even I rested on the love seat while they slept!

We all went outside on their playground for some water play in the late afternoon.

Popsickles all around!!!
Even coconut ones for Amber and me!!!

They had a ball!!!

I love Kailey saying, "Giddy UP!!!" 
And look how Logan gets out of the pool - straight legs like a soldier!!

This is the view from where I sat in the shade.
The kids and I are always watching for the butterflies!

Upstairs for baths and play!!!
As they got out of the tub I started singing, "Chick a BOOM! Chick a BOOM!! Chick a BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!"

They really got into that!!! They played and laughed and we had a good time!
Their daddy came home just as we were all coming down the stairs.
They were so excited to see him!!!
Now this is just between you and me.......
they get MORE excited when Granddad comes!!!
But then again they don't see Granddad every day.
I gathered my things, told Amber and the family good bye and came home to Louis Dean.

He was sitting on the driveway waiting for me with a glass of wine sitting on the little table between our chairs. Lucy was glad to see me, too!
As good as it is to go - it's just as good to come HOME!


Deb said...

What a fun day!!!

Amber said...

It was a very good day!!! I needed one so bad! Love you :)

Susie said...

Linda, I know those peaceful days sure are better than the ones with turmoil.The little ones looks so sweet. Glad to hear Amber is feeling better also. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,Susie

Linda said...

The quads are so cute.................2 is my favorite age. I would have been exhausted after an hour. Glad everyone had a good day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love your greeter in the last shot. you are indeed the nap whisperer. i worked in daycare and that is what we did. you dont have to go to sleep but you have to keep your head on the pillow... it works.... i love coconut pops s to

Wanda said...

A few nights ago, we watch Robert Redford in the "Horse Whisperer", and I thought of you and your darling quads. The video of the pool and those soldier legs is so cute. And the dancing to Chick a are just the best Mee Maw ever.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your heads on the pillows rule!!! Well, granddad is not there as much a dad, plus he sings and plays for them! The napping on the floor is adorable!!!

Carla said...
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Carla said...

I see the quilts are being put to good use. Logan's is at the quilters right now. I gasped when Kailey came down the slide with more of a plop and so much of a slide. ;o) They're growing so fast.
Can I put my head on the pillow too. I promise it won't move but can I use the couch. LOL I so want to sleep right now.