Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday Traditions - Quadville Style!!


I have been doing art every Tuesday since 1976. That's a LOT of Tuesdays!!!

Since we were in Quadville today, I decided to do art with the babies.

I bought this wooden Pumpkin kit last year just as the season was ending.

I thought it would be perfect for the quads to do this year and I was right!

Harrison painted the cat face, Logan and Trystan each painted a star and a nose while Kailey painted the feet. Amber was NOT feeling well so we sent her upstairs to take a nap. They did a good job and I brought it home with me to finish assembling it plus put the details on it and seal it. I'll take it back when I return on Thursday.
The babies were on the restless side this morning and we have discovered that when Granddad plays his music - they seem to calm down and play nicely with each other.
That worked for us this morning, anyway!

While Granddad kept them entertained, I made their Ice Cube Tray lunches!

They seem to get a kick out these and it keeps lunchtime interesting!

Ice Cube Tray Lunches!

Granddad continued playing his 'GEE-tar' as they ate!


While the babies were napping - and YES!!! They ALL took good naps today!!! - Amber and I started this movie. There are so many movies I haven't seen!! Last night Louis Dean and I watched Con Air which starred Nicholas Cage. LD really loved it - all that fighting and action, I imagine! He opted to nap upstairs while we watched this one. Even so, Amber and I both ended up taking naps as well!!


After naps and snacks, I loaded Harrison up in the car seat and headed for the local Goodwill!!
He was the last one of the four to go off with MeeMaw and he had a ball!! So did I!

He made quite a haul!!!

A truck, a car, a BIG truck and a dump truck!

The girls joined him in playing with them after we got in the house.
Even Mommy and Daddy got in the spirit of it all!
Mike found a small something that BIG truck could shoot out of the cannon and the kids loved it.
PLUS Harrison picked out three books so it was a Win! WIN!! day at the Goodwill!!
Oh, I nearly forgot! I also picked up a Lego table for $3.99 - less 25%!
Everything was 25% off of the prices since this was Senior Citizen's Day!

While everyone played I got dinner on the table.
The kids seem to just get cuter and funnier at dinner and the hour following!

Trystan is really turning into a little talker!!
This wasn't the first time she's said, "MeeMaw's FUNNY!!!"
I love it!

Since we went over to QV early this morning, we came home early this evening.

The locust are louder now than they have been all summer!

Lucy had been in her kennel all day so the least I could do was take her for a walk.
Never MIND it was still 94 degrees at 9:00!

As I write (at 9:40 pm) the temps have dropped to 88 degrees.
I guess that's cool enough to go sit out in the gazebo with our evening glass of wine.
Cheers to cooler weather coming!!!


Kathy said...

I love the ice cube tray idea for their lunch and I am going to share it with my pastor's wife. I think little Miss Aurora would love that! I still don't know why Meemaw is funny, but I guess they think you are. They are all talking so clearly now.

You made good deals at thrifting today. I know Harrison loved going with you.

Amber said...

You are a great meemaw!!

Lunch ideas from my blog, including the ice cube tray: http://bellsandkilts.blogspot.com/2014/08/tyke-bites-breakfast-quesadillas.html?m=1

Ginny Hartzler said...

I HEAR those locusts!! I love the way the quads dance in their seats when granddad plays and sings!! And the huge pumpkin is perfect, something that they ALL made! Where will you put it? I have made muffin tin lunches, but I have not heard about ice-cube tray ones! Have you heard about Frozen? Is was awarded the animation movie of the year, everyone, even adults, seem to love it! We just got a copy and can't wait to watch it.

Deanie W said...

You are a fantastic MeeMaw!!!! I'm with Trystan, you are funny:)
What a great time you all had today. Hope Amber is feeling better.

Angie said...

Those ice cube trays are such a cute idea. I'm thinking I might try that with my Annalee!

Looks like you and your boy had a good day. You sure did spoil him. That is what grandbabies are for though!

Changes in the wind said...

Loved those "ice cube" lunches...what a clever idea.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your night temps are like ours... we will get no relief here until November... what a great idea for the ice cube lunches and they looked like they really liked it... you sure did get a 'haul' at Goodwill..

Sweet Tea said...

I could the prompt, "this plug-in is not supported" on the last 3 photos, so couldn't see them, just FYI. Yet another busy, busy, day in QV.

Susie said...

What a fun grandmother you are Linda. I know those kids will always love being near you and LD. Hug Amber for me. Bless her, she has so much to get through, thank God she has you and LD. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Chatty Crone said...

Glad I stopped by - haven't been around for awhile. I am trying to get my mojo back! I just can't believe that they have gotten so old AND that they are all painting together and have so much fun - but I bet they are used to being together as just another normal day in their life!

Gypsy Heart said...

You're making such treasured memories with these little ones and I love it! I miss those early days so very much. Some days it's so hard to believe that Abby is really gone.

Great art work and great buys too! I honestly would love to know what you take for energy. :)
