Thursday, February 6, 2014

Not Quite 'Up to Snuff!'

We have had some cold, wintry days this week! Today SNOW was added to the menu!

I slept in all snuggled down under that electric blanket this morning while Louis Dean got up and started the coffee.
It was COLD even though we kept the heat on through the night.
I didn't know it was snowing until I put my robe and shoes on to let Lucy out of her kennel and in the back yard!

We only went out to fill the bird feeders and take out the trash.

The snow was pretty and we were happy to be inside in our warm house!

I have not felt 'up to snuff' today. All week, actually. Louis Dean made a big breakfast for our 1:00 meal to cheer me up! His bacon gravy is delicious! He told me to eat and then go get back in bed and HE would clean up the kitchen! So I DID!!! Nearly every day this week I have had a 2-3 nap.

When I got up THIS was what the kitchen looked like!
He doesn't clean up as well as he cooks!
He was working under a handicap since the hot water froze in the kitchen and he had to get some from the bathroom or heat it on the stove. My sister, Deanie, owns a plumbing company and we KNEW better than to go to bed without letting the hot water faucet drip!
 I knew I wasn't deathly ill since I did 'Damage Control' before huddling back under the blankets in the den!

The reason I know that I AM ill, though, is that I have no desire to buzz around and clean house or do much of anything! Thankfully I go to the doctor in the morning.

I didn't take many pictures yesterday when we were in Quadville - which is totally unlike me!

Every time we go over there - on our way home - we say, "The babies were CUTE today!"

Louis Dean took some great photos with his fancy camera last week and I downloaded the to my laptop and desktop today.

We are SO enjoying watching the quads grow!

How FAR they have come!!!

I am hoping to be back to my old self tomorrow!! Amber's cat, Snowball, had an UTI yesterday. She took her to the vet and he gave her a shot of antibiotics right then and there. Perhaps I should have gone with her!

At any rate, I am going to bed now. I should be plenty rested when this illness is over!!


Wanda said...

Oh Linda, I'm so sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Hope you are much better soon.

Love the picture of DL in the snow. He is such a cutie. His breakfast looked so good...Love bacon gravy.

The quads...What can I say ~ those pictures are priceless.

Deb said...

take care of yourself was a good day to stay under the covers...

Amber said...

Hope you feel better! Those photos LD got are "awesome!" ;)

Stacey said...

Linda, can you believe how cold it is? It snowed all day here in Rockwall. I have to take my husband to DFW Airport at 6 in the morning. We'll see how that goes...

Hope you feel much better really soon. Let your husband pamper you. :)

Vee said...

It is a crying shame that a gal has had to wait all this time to be seen. How much do you like your doctor? So sorry about frozen pipes...that's never fun. Hope that you get what you need tomorrow! Praying for you. Those babies are so cute!

Judy said...

Yes...they are SO cute! Hope you are feeling better soon. Stay cozy!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the babies get cuter each day and I love that shot of LD looking down, hope you are better today when you wake up...

Sweet Tea said...

It just seems WRONG to have that sort of weather in Texas! UTI's are so miserable - hope you're feeling better soon.

Linda said...

Adorable photos, Linda. That breakfast does look pretty good!

Susie said...

As usual Linda, I love the pictures and mini film. Those babies are becoming toddlers did that happen? You have a good man, you know that boy's a keeper. Take care of yourself..many people need you to be healthy.xoxo,Susie

Changes in the wind said...

Hope you feel better soon....

Pondside said...

I hope you are feeling better by now, Linda! Take good care of yourself, and don't be doing things before you're completely back on your game!
What is bacon gravy?

Gypsy Heart said...

I'm surprised and pleased that you've been resting so much ~ good for you! I do hope you're feeling better today, even though our weather is not that good. I think so many people are sick due to the 70's one day and 20's the next.


Carla said...

You've had your fair share of not up to par days. Let's hope with some sunshine you'll be up at'em soon.
Probably are by now since I'm just now reading this