Monday, February 3, 2014

A Susie Homemaker Monday.....

I have done all sorts of housewifely chores today.......from laundry to changing the sheets to vacuuming to baking to the multitude of small tasks that all together make a house a 'home.'

I noticed when I snapped this pic that even that needlework needs dusting!!

This is my craft/sewing closet and it has no door! It is on my spring agenda to take it ALL out, clean it ALL up and put it ALL back!! Oh, my! That's going to take a full day at the very least! NOT happening this week!

Lucy's kennel sits right by the French doors in the sewing room and I vacuumed and cleaned it all up before putting her new dog bed in there. Since she barks at Louis Dean - and Louis Dean ALONE - we use the kennel when we just can't stand another bark! We need a Dog Whisperer!! Other than that she is a perfect!

I found lots of things from Amber and Ben's childhood back up there on one of those shelves.
I made flash cards using construction paper to teach them their address and phone number as well as Mama and Daddy's real name. 'My Special Book' was written by Amber in 1993 and she describes all of our pets at the time. Can you believe we had four dogs, 2 cats, 2 birds and a snapping turtle?
Amber is an accomplished writer and has her own free lance company. She has loved words all her life!

The sewing room gets a lot of use when I make denim quilts.
I grabbed this pic on Facebook of the quilts I made 2 years ago for the triplets and the pillows I made for their recent birthday. I'm glad the pillows matched up!

My friend, Brenda, came over for lunch today. I served soup from Chick Fil A, salad and Rosemary Muffins. They made the house smell good but I should have used more sugar! 

It calls for 2 T and that's just not enough!
Why does the time fly by so quickly when two friends sit down together! She works just 7 minutes from here (I used to work there as well long ago) and that one hour lunch is never long enough! She went back to work and I went to bed for a 3 hour rest. This morning I woke up at 4:30 with a UTI. I called the doctor's office at 9:00 and was assured someone would call back within 4 hours with either a prescription or an appointment. Although I carried my phone in my pocket all day I never heard a word from them.
My last UTI was in September. That was also when I was able to get insurance for the first time in years. I am so grateful for that! Now if I can just get some treatment! Poor Louis Dean! I have been distracted since I don't feel well and have been on the quiet side.  He has had to entertain himself all day long! He watched old movies (as in Airport '77 with Jack Lemmon) and has even spent some time writing a blog post of his own. He gets lonely when I'm under the weather. He's so sweet and has worried about me today. Bless his heart!

It is now 8:30 and a perfectly respectful bedtime albeit an EARLY one!!


Deb said...

feel better....

Wanda said...

You did have a busy day! So sorry you didn't get a call back from your doctor. Maybe tomorrow you can get some satisfaction. I think it's very sweet that your DL is so lonely when you don't feel good. Sometimes I think we have "big boys" for husbands. Gotta love'm to death! Sending some love, hugs and prayers.

HoundDogMom said...

Do you think maybe you could bottle up some of your energy and send it up to me. I sure could use a dose of it, Winter weather has got to come to an end up here in Illinois. I couldn't help but comment about Lucy barking only at Louis Dean, we have one of them type of dogs. We have a rescue basset that only barks at my husband, everytime he comes in the house. I mean he could do 1,000 times a day and she will bark everytime and bark and bark. We believe she was abused at some time before we rescued her, but we dont know for sure. Curious?? Can Louis Dean approach her and bet her at all? When you find the Dog Whisper that helps you out send them my way, please. Sherri

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thinking of dusting the things in tat closet just blows my mind... i have often wondered just how all that dust gets inside closets and builds up on everything on shelves and the shoulders of clothing...
i am with Hound dog , bottle your energy and send me some

Linda said...

That is exactly what we think happened to Lucy ! If LD pets her AS he is standing up snd commands her to sit ~she doesn't bark. OR if he has her on a leash ~she doesn't bark. It's just that when he wamts to get up quickly or is walking back and forth through the house ~ it's just easier to kennel her. She never barks at him as long as he is sitting down. Ever! Only when he stands up! And when he hugs me she goes wild. Never bites or growls. Just barks! Plus she feels perfectly safe in her kennel and does not look at it as punishment. We figure she was abused by a tall dark man. She herds me like a sheep dog but she LOVES him ! Go figure !

Kelly said...

So sorry that you've been sick. UTI's are not fun! Drink a lot to flush out the infection and drink some cranberry juice. Hopefully, your dr has called in some antibiotics for you. A warm bath can help out too.

Cheapchick said...

I hope you feel better soon Linda. I hate cranberry juice but like cranberry orange muffins so I eat those when they strike, plus they have a new cranberry extract pill out now that you can take over the counter that has no taste.

Jackie See said...

Hello Linda, your posts always bring a smile to my heart. I hope you get the UTI taken care of, they are uncomfortable. Our EmmerLou (chocolate lab) is restless and ready for winter to be over. She comes in to lay on her blanket and can't sit still so we put her out then she sits at the door and barks. Thank you for sharing, I enjoy looking at your photos and reading about your days!

Carole said...

For my 2 cents worth I used to drink loads of strong black coffee and then drink heaps of water/cranberry juice - it did seem to help a lot. Hope you are real well real soon. Take care

Vee said...

Oh that isn't not hear back. Be the squeaky wheel tomorrow! Hope that you are chug a lugging the liquids.

I am shocked that LD doesn't have Lucy wrapped right around his little finger. Glad that you have found a solution. Jack, my grandbeagle, lands in a kennel whenever he gets wound up and he calms right down and feels more secure.

Hope you feel better soon...

Carla said...

Well if you need another area to tackle please come tackle the organization of my sewing room. It's not too back but it's messy. I was taking pictures around the house the other day and the dust showed in my pictures. Oops