Thursday, February 13, 2014

A Spring Day, Gazebo Canopy and Garlic Tea!

It's been like a spring day here in north Texas! I opened the doors letting the fresh air into the house!
After our coffee and Bible reading this morning we each headed off in different directions.
While Louis Dean went to his music room I took my last cup of coffee and went outside to look things over.

I never noticed this ground cover had flowers before. I found only one but that one counts!

I also surveyed the extensive damage to our beloved gazebo! 

It has been through a lot!
 A HUGE hail storm a couple of years ago, heavy snow, heavy ice.....
they have all taken their toll. 
Not to mention the damage the squirrels have inflicted! They enjoyed having the place all to themselves for 7 months last year and they did a real number on it!

Not to worry! 
We bought an extra gazebo when we put this one up for the sole purpose of using it for 'parts!'
Louis Dean planned to take the cover and netting down this afternoon and have it out on the curb for the trash pick up in the morning. He pulled out the box with the new one in it......then asked me to come out to the gazebo. He had some BAD news!
We had ALREADY used the cover!!
NOW we remember!!!
We were SO disappointed! 

I went straight to the computer and PRAISE GOD found gazebo cover replacements!!
We ordered TWO!!!
It would be hard to replace our whole gazebo because it is a combination of the new one as shown above  as well as parts of the old one. It was reinforced and LD had also cemented all four corners down.
We bought our FIRST gazebo when we were newlyweds and upgraded after a couple of years when a heavy snow caved the whole metal structure in. We sure would hate to start over again and now we don't have to!

Whew!!! That deserves a good glass of tea!!
I make tea EVERY day but this pitcher was especially good!
We fixed lunch and watched a TV  program before going back to work.
I drink a LOT of tea and discovered when I had poured another glass and taken a huge gulp......
Louis Dean had spilled garlic powder IN my tea pitcher when he was making some garlic toast!
YUCK!!! That was just awful! You know what he said?
"I thought you LIKED garlic!!"


Wanda said...

There is something special about a Gazebo. I really like yours. We had one similar, and when we moved to Southern CA, didn't have it anchored down, and no one told us how bad the Santa Ana Winds last year, it frame was twisted, canopy in shreds so alas...we have no Gazebo. But I do need a new canopy for our porch swing. I never thought to check on line.
The Garlic Tea made me laugh out loud...HaHaHa " I thought you liked Garlic."
Happy Valentines Day to your love, DL.

Amber said...

Glad you are getting the gazebo fixed and gross to the garlic tea!

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you could get the replacements. I know how much you enjoy your gazebo and only a man would not think spilling garlic in the tea would be a problem:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh yuck on garlic tea... glad you found the part you needed, gotta love internet shopping. hope the two of you have a wonderful valentine day..

Susie said...

Linda, It 's great that you found some parts for your gazebo. You'll be glad when the temperature turn hot again. Garlic in your tea doesn't even sound good LOL...Now remember all the good things LD did for you while you were feeling well. Maybe he was in a hurry at that moment. So don't clobber him . Take care, wishing you both a day of hugs, xoxo,Susie

Pondside said...

Just the thought of garlic and tea makes me feel a little faint. Men, indeed!

Vee said...

Garlic? In tea? Really, LD! Your story about using the new gazebo cover already reminds me of just a few things around here. Sigh. Glad that you were able to find a replacement.

Carla said...

As you can see I'm way behind in reading again. Glad you were able to find a new cover. Y'all use that gazebo every day possible.