Monday, February 18, 2013

Back to the Camper!

Yesterday afternoon Louis Dean and I decided we had done everything we wanted to do on this February trip home.

Friday night we watched Jeremiah Johnson - my all time favorite movie!

Enjoyed a light meal by the fire watching the movie.
I can quote nearly the ENTIRE film!
No telling how many times I have seen it!
The movie was based in part on a book by Vardis Fisher called Mountain Man.
I LOVE that movie and I read the book so often I wore it out!

Saturday we cleaned and baked and cooked a family dinner for my oldest son and his family.

The table was set, tea poured, candles lit!
We all fit around the table with Sam sitting on a bar stool.
I LOVE family dinners!

Our after dinner entertainment was music!
Sam brought his guitar. He played for us and then Louis Dean got into the action.
I think their common love for music is a bonding agent for those two!

I served easy finger food desserts!
Surprisingly the liqueur cake was the children's favorite!
Of course they ate some of the chocolate chip cookies as well.
EVERYONE loves chocolate chip cookies.

Jesse brought a Tim Hawkins DVD which was hilarious!!
Can you see Faith's bandaged head?
The three kids were running through the house - I KNOW!
I have so much STUFF and DEBRIS it is hard to imagine they were able to RUN around.
Louis Dean has a hard time just WALKING through it!
Faith fell and cut her head - nothing serious but it was pretty traumatic!
When she discovered she was actually bleeding she starting screaming, 
"I'm losing BLOOD! I'm losing BLOOD!!"
My son (who is the most patient, calm and kind daddy EVER!) made her a head bandage worthy of her injury!
Then we watched the entire Tim Hawkins DVD together.
I think we all had a good time!

By Sunday afternoon we were talking about going back down to the camper!

We had visited lots of family, hosted a dinner, sat on the driveway with a glass of wine, stared into the flames of a fireplace.......

I had enjoyed my bedroom, sleeping late every morning!
I cleaned and tweaked every room in the house.
Now they didn't get a PERFECT cleaning but that will happen when we return home for good.
I hung some photos in new frames on the side of the cabinet.

Doesn't everyone hang pictures on their furniture?

Louis Dean says when I run out of walls I just hang things on any flat surface I can find!

My daughter in law came with a bag FULL of Christmas gifts for us!
The picture on the upper left was in that bag!
 I do not often have blank spots on my wall so I was thrilled to fill it with this pretty plaque!
The little angel bag was also a recent gift from a close friend and reminds us of our friendship.

  Everything was clean and pretty in the house.
We did NOT do much OUTSIDE! That's on next month's agenda!!
So, without further ado, we decided to head back down to the camper.
By leaving Sunday evening it assured us of being in Quadville for the first feeding.
Off we went and we were here, unloaded, settled and in bed before midnight!

Lucy takes the back and forth between homes in stride but Maggie is a little more sensitive.
There ARE no hiding places in this 31 foot camper.
No closets. No corners to curl up in unless you count the back of the girl bunk and I guess she does!

I left the camper and drove the six minutes to Quadville this morning about 7:30.
I am happy to report I think the babies all remembered me!

Granddad was back in the game!!
We thought we might have lost our knack but found it was pretty easy to step right back in to the routine!

Logan was as cute as ever!!

Kailey is still the gymnast of the group.

Trystan is the first to get a tooth!

Harrison is SUCH a b.o.y.

It was fun to see how the babies interact with each other -
especially Harrison and Kailey!
Trystan and Logan are cute together but I missed getting a pic of that!
They all crawl over and around each other!

Logan helped me with the laundry! 

It was a good day in Quadville.
We were home by 5:30. 
The thing I miss most about home is having the space to have some alone time.
After being with the babies (and Louis Dean) all day I just need a tiny bit of QUIET time.
Alone time.  I'm really a loner at heart! Here in the camper that is just not possible.
However, I have a really sweet husband and he went over to the rec building shortly after I got home.
(He leaves Quadville a bit earlier than I do.)
He knew I needed a little down time to read or sit or putter around here and he wanted to give me some private time.
We met up again after a half hour or so over on the patio by the lake.
A supper of grape salad, cottage cheese and garlic toast was just right.

He's playing the guitar as I finish up my writing.
I think a shower and early bedtime is exactly what we need.
At my age I truly NEED that extra few hours of sleep!


Deb said...

You packed a lot of fun into your time home... Those babies are growing!!!

Vee said...

Oh I'm so glad that they remembered you! They're smart kiddos and growing so big and sitting up so straight. Those ten days went flying by, didn't they?! You got so much accomplished on your trip home that I'm amazed.

Kathy said...

I'm glad you got safely back to Quadville. It looks like the babies are sitting up by themselves now. Just a few more months and they will have their first birthday. Time flies!

You packed so much into your time home. But I'm glad to read you slept in every day. We all need to sleep in now and then.

Bernice said...

Love your dining table, so pretty and warm what a wonderful place to dine with family.
Glad you had a wonderful week at home, especially that you were able to sleep in and sleep late in your own bed.
The Quads are getting so big and cute, looks like they are happy Grandma is back:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the kitty pic and those babies are just sprouting up so fast, the next thing we see will be them walking.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Delightful end, to being in one home. And delightful "re-entry," to another home. :-)


Carla said...

Those little Bells are growing so fast. I love to see all their expressions.
Poor Lucy and Maggie. They can't figure what's going on I'm sure.
Favor would you trace one of their(quads) little feet and email it to me.

Anonymous said...

Of course they remembered you, you're both such a huge part of their lives!

And I'm so pleased that although you packed such a lot into your time at home, you also managed to wind down and have some rest.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

What a fun life you have with all those precious babies!
oh, and by the way, there is no way I would let my hubby decide what I keep and don't long as he has a frig, couch, TV and bed...he is GOOD!