Saturday, November 16, 2013

Naked and Complicated!

ALL of FALL has been put UP in the attic!! My house looks a little bit NAKED!
I had 10 large plastic tubs, 12 big black trash bags, 9 white kitchen bags and 3 clear plastic zipper bags FULL of fall stuff and it is now all stored away in the attic until next August!
You can't take that much stuff OUT and it not look a little bit naked!!

The trees are loosing their dresses as well. This is the prettiest and most colorful tree in our neighborhood.
We do not have a lot of fall color in this part of Texas! 
My house and the trees are the 'Naked' I am speaking of.

This is my sister, Luann. She recently moved back to Texas from Tennessee and is fitting into the family.
That's the 'Complicated' part of my post. I grew up with 2 sisters and a brother - Deanie, Nita and Lonnie.
But I have 2 other sisters with whom we did not grow up with. It gets complicated. I am convinced that the majority of families today are a bit on the complicated side. The good news is that while we may have missed childhood together - and I know in many ways I missed 'childhood' all together! - we now have the opportunity to experience sibling love and good relationships.
Which is exactly what we are doing.
I like this quote:
"Even GOD cannot change the past!"
However, the future is in our hands.
So this morning Luann and I met at Deanie's and we all went to Starbucks for coffee!
We had a BALL!!
Luann looks like my mother's mother - we called her Granny - only Luann is a prettier version of her.
AND Luann SMILES a lot! AND laughs!!

She also favors Deanie and in some of Luann's pictures from her teenage years - she looks EXACTLY like Deanie's daughter!! My sister Deanie just looked so beautiful today!

LOOK at those dimples!!
I must say - ALL of my sisters are beautiful and have such fun personalities.

After our coffee we all three picked Mother up at the beauty shop.
I had called Mother earlier this morning and told her Luann was visiting and she was happy to hear that!

Deanie had to go back to work while the rest of us went to lunch.
We visited and talked and Luann pretty much understood most of what Mother was saying.

After lunch Mother wanted to go to Dollar General. She LOVES that place!

Luann was such a good sport and went with us!
She even helped Mother when I couldn't understand what she was looking for.

I am half sister to ALL my siblings -  including another sister who lives in another state - and that is another story for another day - but it is fun to see the similarities in mannerisms and such between them.
It must be in the genes!! There must be something to that!!

This afternoon Louis Dean went back to his son's place for a few days and I came over to Quadville since Mike is out of town.
It is nice to be available when family need us!

The babies are still getting over their colds.
Aunt Deanie sent a big stack of books home with me for them and the girls sat right down and started 'reading!'

It's always entertaining to watch them play!

Kailey dancing to her music!

I am working on that crib quilt for a Baby Shower on Sunday and decided to tie it which is something I can do over here in Quadville. The small yarn ball proved to be a fun play thing for the quads!

Before dinner I used the quad table to start tying the quilt.
I managed to do nearly half of it and can finish the rest of it in the morning.
I'll be going home for a few hours tomorrow and can get it washed and dried and ready to gift!
The backing is Dallas Cowboys fabric - so I hope the mama to be is a Cowboy fan!

The babies are in bed and Amber and I are watching The Help.
It's been a long day but it's been a good one.

My sisters were teasing me about today's journal entry!
Naked and Complicated!
Bet they were surprised to read THAT title!!


Jackie See said...

Linda, the quilt looks beautiful! Family comes in all sizes and shapes in my family too. My granny had 10 kids, and 42 grandkids. I am number 27 and we are scattered all about the world making it hard to get together. Your mom is a beautiful lady and so is your sisters!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are so right about complicated families, it would take many days to type about mine... no sisters for me boo hoo and i just love seeing your mother.

Susie said...

Linda, Your family is bigger than I thought :):) The babies are so darn cute when they are playing. Glad you can help Amber. Your mom seems to always be happy . How LD has a good time. Take care, xoxo,Susie

Kelly said...

Hey! I had to make sure I read your post with a title like that! LOL! Our trees outside are starting to look "naked" too. It was nice to learn more about your family history. You have a large family! It's nice that all of you stay in such close contact with each other despite your different locations.

Vee said...

Yes, I think you are correct. Most of us are from complicated family relationships. Life can be messy, but love can overcome anything.

Wanda said...

The quads are so adorable, the quit I love, and yes, families come in all sizes, personalities and complication...but what would we do without family. Thanks for sharing yours.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I enjoyed every second of this post. Watched all of the little film clips and followed with interest the "complicated" family ties. I doubt there are too many families that aren't complicated any are right there! There are sad times and happy times..though I could do without the sad.
I am watching my family grow and grow and now it is beginning to split apart due to marriage complications etc. of the Grandchildren who are all grown. Yep, you are's complicated. :) Have a wonderful day. Those little Quads are just adorable. They are your Grandchildren?
Thank you for stopping by and commenting.. I appreciated it.

Carla said...

Whew I saw the word Naked .... well I wasn't sure what you were up too!! LOL
So glad you were able to find your sister after all those lost years but you can make lots of memories now.
Loved the book and the movie "The Help" Sissy Spacek cracked me up with her part during the pie scene.