Saturday, November 9, 2013

Goats, Dogs, and Karate!

Dean has it all down here in the country!

Goats, dogs, turkeys, chickens, fresh air, green grass and a Karate Retreat!

This is MiMi and she was watching all the Karate moves!

The sun came out and the sky was blue in patches - at least for a little while!

There are all sorts of nooks and crannies to explore around here.
I found this bird nest in one of the barns.

We have had a good day. From our camper window we could see all the Karate people doing their forms.
While Louis Dean worked on the brisket ......

I went out to watch the class.
Okay!! So I took a picture of them and was posting it to Facebook!!
But I DID watch some!!

When the training sessions were over it was time to light the bonfire!

It was a TWO fire night!! The bonfire in the meadow and the fire pit in the picnic area!

I think the Karate camp was a big success!!
We are glad we could be here and be a part of it!
Louis Dean has certainly enjoyed seeing his son in action!
AND he has enjoyed spending some quality time with his grandson.
It has been a Win! WIN! week!!

This is the way we end our evening in the camper.
We have to go home soon so we are milking our time for all it is worth!!


Rob Hunt said...

What an awe sum time you are having there is nothing like family and being in the country... Yee Haw!!!

Sweet Tea said...

I can't keep up with you, GF! I miss a couple days reading your Blog and the next thing I know you're out in the country watching goats and Karate. LOL!! Never a dull moment!

Blondie's Journal said...

How fun....I really thought you were knitting there, not doing FB!!


Kathy said...

What fun! I know that meal turned out fantastic. LD's son looks just like him. You can tell they're related!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those fire pics and of coures MIMI is my favorite

Nita said...

I love how it looks like MiMI is smiling, she is a happy goat!

Kelly said...

What a nice place to do karate! I bet that was fun watching them do that. My son used to take Aikido. I think he would still do it if it weren't so time consuming. There is great discipline learned from that art.

Susie said...

Linda, So glad that you and LD had a great time. The goat looks happy, like it's smiling. It would be fun seeing your child do things they like and are very good at. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Carla said...

Glad y'all got to spend time in the country with LD's family.