Friday, November 1, 2013

A Peaceful, Quiet November Day

It seems to me that November arrived in a gentle peaceful manner. After all the hurry and scurry of October I am happy to feel the calm of this day. The leaves have begun to fall and there are even some yellow ones among them. Every once in awhile we get pretty fall colors but most often it is just brown. Crispy brown. I love to hear the crunch of leaves under my feet when I go for a walk.

Louis Dean stayed home this morning while I went to Fort Worth to visit Mother.
I am so fortunate to be able to spend a little time with her every week.

Today was a treat - we had lunch at a new In-N-Out Burger place close to the beauty shop.
Mother LOVES a chocolate shake and the hamburger was good!
She and I did a little shopping afterwards. Ross for Less, Hobby Lobby, a Wine shop, the Dollar store.
She found TWO pair of house shoes at Ross. I should look in her closet someday. It seems like she is ALWAYS buying house shoes! I love that she still wears make up - and she had a few things she needed along that line. I bought myself some Red Door perfume - it's Louis Dean's favorite fragrance on me - although we both call it 'BARN Door!' Hobby Lobby had 50% off their art paint brushes so I braced myself and bought several. You can paint with cheap oils or expensive ones. You can use inexpensive canvas, discarded pieces of wood - you can paint on just about anything! However, there is NO substitute for good brushes!!

I also picked up this cute sign for $6 at Hobby Lobby!
I am a sucker for a sign!

I was home by 3:00 and in keeping with the peaceful feel of the day - I took a good nap!
The guest room is the best place for napping - it was cool and dark and just perfect!

I puttered around the house the rest of the day. I love changing the calendar page to a fresh new month!

I keep all my calendars and use them for craft projects later on.
I wish I liked red wine. It just looks so pretty. I am a white wine kind of gal!

Louis Dean sat out on the driveway and watched me pull some of those persistent little weeds we have in our yard after he filled up all the bird feeders!
I felt a bit elegant as I still had on the dressy pants and top I wore to Fort Worth. 

With the cooler weather all our flowers are blooming like crazy!
It is not unusual to have fresh bouquets of roses in December!

When we came in and I fixed myself a tea tray. Earl Grey is my favorite HOT tea.
I bought the Brownie Brittle at HEB in Waco last week and let me tell you they are DELICIOUS!!!

I have a Frito Pie in the oven for our supper tonight. Not quite cool enough for a fire - perhaps tomorrow.
I hope November has many, many days as calm and sweet as this one has been!


Judy said...

Earl Grey or Lady favorite teas! I'm smiling that you save your calendars for future projects. I do too...and have stacks of calendars but never seem to use them for anything. Enjoy your calm and quiet November.

Tink's Tinkerings said...

I love all your post , but now I want and " In and Out Burger:) " Do I drive 5 miles away to the nearest one ? I sure am tempted :) See you on the Wall, Face Book Wall that is :)

Wanda said...

Your peaceful busy day sounded just lovely. Every time I see your Mom, I miss mine even more. I did get to live near her the last eight years of her life, and we made the best of it. She too liked her makeup, and it rubbed off on me.. I love my makeup. I baked today for our Craft Boutique and Bake sale at Church tomorrow. My friend went on a Cruise and brought me back a lovely tea called Queen Mary from the White Heather Tea Room on board. I love a good cup of tea. Have a great weekend Linda.

Kathy said...

My favorite tea is Constant Comment, but Earl Gray and Lady Gray are right up there with it. I love calm days. Sounds like yours was just lovely.

Bev said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!! I can hardly wait to go to Hobby Lobby ! We drive by one on our way to Az. I need more stuff for our house:))))

Bev said...

Sounds like a wonderful day!! I can hardly wait to go to Hobby Lobby ! We drive by one on our way to Az. I need more stuff for our house:))))

jamarson1 said...

I was just commenting today about my Mom and how it's been eight years since I have had her directing me about! So happy to see you enjoying and spoiling yours.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i need that sign to hang in my kitchen. i have not turned my oven on in about 3 years, it might not even work now.. you are blessed to be able to visit and enjoy your mother.. she looks wonderful and happy and i love burgers and shakes to

Susie said...

Linda, I love seeing photos of your mom, she is always smiling, bless her heart. I laughed about the houseshoes, I think your mom got some just last week:):) Blessings to you and yours,xoxo,Susie

Amber said...

Glad you had a good day! See you in the morning!

Cheapchick said...

I drink earl grey tea every single day, in fact having one right now! Cheers

Linda said...

Hi Linda, I also love Earl Grey tea! Have you ever tried combining leaves of Earl Grey and Jasmine? It is delicious! I have done this on several occasions. I buy the Twinings tea canisters on occasion. Your photos, as always, are lovely. Sounds like you and your mother had a great time!

Kelly said...

I've heard that In and Out Burger is good. Wish we had one around here. Sounds like you and your mom had a fun get together. Hope you're having a good weekend!

Vee said...

Aren't they good?! I love those things, but they are a bit pricey so we don't get them often.

That sign is perfect! It isn't true for all the action your kitchen sees.

You know, I've been thinking about the comment you left me and now I' m wondering about an experiment in more.

Sweet Tea said...

Your flowers are GORGEOUS!! I love the late bloom in the Fall. My roses are in full bloom, but not nearly the variety you have of plants...Your Mom looks wonderful!!

Carla said...

I like peaceful and quiet. I agree flowers are really colorful and pretty.