Sunday, February 4, 2024

Decorating, Hockey, Church and a Beautiful Wedding!

I'm loving taking my time with transitioning  from Christmas to a new look in the bedroom.

Loving the French vibe!
I'm surprised at how many 'French' things I've accumulated.

This lamp is by my side of the bed.....and I tied a scarf around it that I bought at an estate sale in the neighborhood while Ilene and I walked on Friday!

This is how I'm using the metal baskets from the thrift store on Tuesday....
I meant to use them out on the kitchen deck wall - but decided to put my collection of scarves in them!
Win! WIN!!
I can SEE them and will be able to wear them more often.
Plus they fit my color scheme!
Can you see the rack where I have two pairs of Nita's shoes?
I layered more scarves under them.

It's fun changing things around getting a new look - and using things in different ways.
It is a work in progress!

When I visited Kimmy on Thursday she sent me home with a gift for Louis Dean!
He thinks this will be a perfect place to keep his billfold!
That's one of the two things he is always losing!
His wallet and his keys!

He's so cute!

We walked again on Friday - a little longer each day.
Use it or lose it - that's what I tell him!

We love our friend, Dawn, from Florida and have enjoyed being friends with her for many years now.
She has a soft place in her heart for Louis Dean and did a karaoke kind of song and tagged him on Facebook. It was Stand by Your Man...... 

Aren't relationships FUN???
Facebook, Blogger, what a blessing you all are to us!

Saturday was a hockey day and we drove over to Amber's and then followed her and the girls to their hockey game in Richardson in the afternoon!

Can you tell that Louis Dean does NOT like the COLD???

Still, Amber wrapped us up like Eskimos and we had a great time!

Family time is priceless and I am so grateful that my family live close and we get to see each other often! Summer is farthest away - in Arkansas - but she still visits often and is less than 6 hours away - I think! Benjamin and Jesse are local as is Amber - so I am very blessed.

We came straight home from the hockey game on Saturday stopping only at Braums for milk and bread - which Louis Dean went in to get. 

Alas, on Sunday morning when we were getting ready for church - he could NOT find his wallet!
He fretted and fumed but we left anyway since I was driving.

The last message on the Shark series and it was amazing.

We always arrive late on purpose since LD has a pacemaker and his doctor advises him to not  be around the huge magnetic speakers during the music time.

We were seated in the balcony - by way of the elevator.
Amber and the girls were very protective and helped Louis Dean to his seat.

Kailey is so attentive to her Granddad!

I sat between Logan and Trystan.....
Words fail me to express how precious it is to me that we all worship together as a family most every Sunday.

We met up with Billy after the service and Brenda was home sick with a bad headache.
Her headaches are serious ones and I am praying she recovers soon.

We all decided to eat out at the Olive Garden  and it was delicious.
The service was slow but the food was good and we were not in a hurry so it was a Win! WIN!!

We drove home and freshened up and then headed out to a beautiful wedding of such a dear long time friend.

The wedding venue was in Hurst and it was gorgeous!
The groom is Tim and he was a neighbor who lived across the street from us way back in 2005 or thereabouts..

I loved all the pretty details!
We watched him and his family grow up and in time grow apart.
God placed him in my heart way back then and he has remained there.
Through the hard times that followed and the path to redemption.

The bride and her father....

What a blessing to see how God has redeemed so much for my friend.
Here they are saying their own written vows to each other....

I love this pic of when they were pronounced man and wife. 

At the reception we were given cards to write advice and sentiments to the newlyweds, 
I loved that Louis Dean filled out his card even before I did.

The first wedding dance!

How perfectly perfect it was!

As weddings go - this is one of my all time favorites!
It  was relaxed and so full of love and comfort.
Not one bit of tension or concern.

I loved every thing about this celebration!
Visiting with the groom, his parents and the bride and their parents and the other guests was so good.

My relationship with Tim Haines began many years ago,
I love him and all his children. And now I love his beautiful precious new wife.....and all her children.

God is all about redemption and new beginnings!
God bless you both, Timothy and Becca as you start your new life together!


Anonymous said...

What a blessed post! The pictures are all awesome! Love, Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

The French look is so chic! And this looks like the happiest wedding I have ever seen. What a fun event to attend!

Kathy said...

Even though I don't comment a lot, I read all of your posts. And this was such a joyful one. Church together, family, friends and a beautiful wedding. What more could one ask for>?

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So much beauty and love in this post! I love your new look in the bedroom...the pillows are so pretty! And what a great idea for your scarves! You had a full game, church, and a wedding on top of it all! Wow! And it certainly was beautiful! What a lovely bride and handsome groom! Thank you for sharing it all with us. This was awesome!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Beautiful bride and handsome groom and I do love me some cowboys. always have. excellent photo of all of you, so happy. you are blessed they are local and to be able to worship with them each week. today is a happy post. my favorite color sceme of all of them is black and white. your bedroom is perfect.

Rita said...

Time with family and friends...topped off by a beautiful wedding--what a sweet, sweet post! Have a great week. :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You and Louis Dean have to be the cutest couple! I enjoyed this happy post. You are very blessed. Love the French decor in your bedroom.

Wanda said...

Hello dear Linda. What a delightful and wonderful post. I haven't commented for a while, but not because I have read each post. Life as been in the way the past few weeks for me. All is good, just taking it a little slower. I had a health issue that was scary, but all is good. Will share it on my post with I think the time is right.
Love and Hugs

Susie said...

Linda, Seeing the children 's hands touching yours and LD's brought tears to my eyes. You can tell it's from love. Looks like you had a beautiful day. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

photowannabe said...

Oh yes, you are so right...God is all about redemption and new beginnings.
What a lovely wedding and oh my that family of yours...You are so blessed. Loved the photos of the hands..It touches a spot deep down inside of me...

Anonymous said...

This is off topic but two of the best books about OUR TIME about now and soon
The women by Kristin Hannah
The girls we sent away by Meghan church
I read east for Netgalley for review. I have read each two times.
I read couple hundred books a year.
These two are amazing and historical fiction. Brenda

Anonymous said...

Should have read out NOW and the other soon…Brenda

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh what a nice looking couple! And seeing the kids hands touching you and LD so incredibly sweet ! Precious moments...
Dawn P. Albany, GA