Tuesday, June 27, 2023

I Love Us!!!

Yesterday was our 18th wedding anniversary! 
I remember when we first married I would say, "But we have no 'history!'
After being married this many years - we have it now!!

I thought it would be fun to go down Memory Lane and SEE some of this HISTORY!!

This is the way we looked before we got married.
We met in April and married in June so I am thinking this photo was from May 2005.

June 26, 2005

I went through my Facebook photos and wanted to put them in chronological order...
but I'm tired and when I saved the pics to a folder I don't know what the dates are unless I go back on Facebook and look them up again.

So this is US.......


I have loved being married to Louis Dean!
He's my Knight in Shining Overalls and these 18 years with him have been the happiest of my life!
I treasure every day we are together.

While he can't remember what day of the week it is now, I asked him, "When did we get married?"
Quick as a wink, he says, "June 26th! It was supposed to be the 25th but......"
And he went on to tell the story of why our wedding date changed.
I am so grateful he still has his long term memories and that I am a part of those!
I'm thinking he does pretty well with remembering until about 2020......

We wanted to celebrate by having dinner at Campo Verde but when we arrived - we discovered they are closed on Mondays!

So we drove back to Irving and ate at On the Border!

It was delicious and we came home and took a good nap - and then stayed up until 2:00 in the morning!
It's so much fun to be retired!

I got in time to meet Brenda at the thrift store and when I got home Louis Dean was taking a nap.

He left me a surprise in the foyer!

I love that he is still such a  romantic man!!

It was a HAPPY Anniversary and I would like to thank all of you for the well wishes and remembrances for our special day.


Ginny Hartzler said...

HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! When I see how he looks at you and you look at him, I can just tell that you were meant for each other!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Anniversary! It was so fun to see your history together in pictures! You two are so good together. Such a love as you and L.D. have is a blessing from God for sure! May you have many more years of happiness together!

Jan said...

Happy Anniversary!! Your pictures are wonderful!

BeachGypsy said...

I loved this fun post, Linda! Enjoyed going back through all the old pictures. There's alot of love in these pictures, but there's something else I noticed and it rings loud and clear....there is ALOT OF LAUGHTER in these pictures. Y'all have love and laughter, and that will keep y'all strong through the years. Yep, you surely do have a "history" together now. Happy anniversary and God bless you.

Donna said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!!!
The love you have for each other shows in your eyes...wonderful feeling!

Carole said...

Lovely pics. Great achievement. Cheers

Estelle's said...

Happy Anniversary wishes to you both..this was just marvelous! Indeed, you have both been blessed with a wonderful and happy marriage....I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your memories!

Brenda said...

Happy Anniversary to a lovely couple. I don't remember the story of hour your wedding date changed. Beautiful pictures. Happy Day again. Prayers

Brenda said...

P.S. Thank you for letting the responses post without approval. Easier for those of us responding. Also...thank YOU for not doing CANNED questions...thank you for avoiding politics. thank you for having one of the best blogs ever written.

Arlene G said...

Yall are still love birds and I love your history. Happy Anniversary!!

Changes in the wind said...

This is such a wonderful post, loved all the pictures. Happy Anniversay!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Anniversary and congratulations on 18 years of love and fun and joy together. now that you have all these in one spot, you can show it to him to jog his memories. I tried to pick a favorite but they are all my favorite. you can count on one hand the photos i have of bob and I together. he refuses, and if forced doesn't smile. I have a zillion of him alone though and have started to put them all under one label

Rita said...

Happy, happy 18th anniversary!! You two look like you belong together. Can see your happiness and love for each other in your photos. :)

Wanda said...

Oh Linda and Louis Dean, Happy Happy Anniversary. You have packed more into your 18 years with your darling than most do in a lifetime.
I love that you gave us a history in pictures of your life together. I feel the same way about my Don after 62 years, and pray you and Louis Dean have so many more wonderful years.

I sent the Fruitcake recipe by email this morning. Hope you got it and its readable.

Again, congratulations for a life well lived and it keeps getting better.

photowannabe said...

Oh ...Awww ... now I am all misty eyed.
Again Happy Anniversary..
You have the most Romantic guy...Dave's right behind you in the romantic department.
All I can say about this blog post is

Every photo is awesome. I do have photos of Dave and I but as we age I feel the need to do that more.
Thanks for the nudge.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Aww Happy Anniversary. YOu both look so happy. I love seeing all the photos of you lovebirds. How special is that?

Susie said...

Linda, I loved seeing all the photos. Whenever I see a couple that look like they have been together many years and should always be together...I call them toast and honey...they are good together. Blessings and Happy Anniversary. Love you guys, xoxo,Susie

Judy said...

What a great collection of photos! Happy 18th anniversary to you two! You two were meant for each other! Wishing you many more awesome years together.