Sunday, June 25, 2023

Our Last Weekend of June 2023....

We meant to be down at the ranch this week but the intense heat in Texas has forced us to stay home.
It was this time last year when Louis Dean had heat exhaustion and we took him to the hospital on June 26th which was our 17th wedding anniversary.
I so wanted to 'redeem' the day by celebrating at the camper cabin with Dean and Sherry - grilling steaks and eating well with stargazing and wine on the deck afterwards.

But as much as I wanted to be there, it is best for me to keep Louis Dean where it is cooler and he can do more here than he can done there right now.
I love the cannas on the island in the big tank.
Dean took this pic of them and posted on Facebook.
Sherry made this island with her tractor last year when the tank was dry and her daughter planted the bulbs earlier this year.

We have been staying busy at home doing one thing and then another.
It's the little things that make a house a home.
Making bouquets, fluffing up the rooms, adding new photos to frames and freshening things up in general. I can stay busy all day long just doing this and that - and loving every minute of it!

Thursday morning I got up early - 8:00! - and was at my friend, Shirley's house by 9:50.
Her brother had a stroke last Wednesday and I went with her to visit him.
I thought about baking cookies but I wasn't sure so I opted for a bouquet from things in our flower beds.
The rosemary, mint and sage smells nice and a trumpet vine flower, sunflower and  lantana plus some filler finished it up.

It was good to visit with Shirley on our way over to Dallas and back and it was good to see Ronney.
I promised him cookies next week when we see him!
The stroke that affected his right side but he is making amazing progress in his recovery.
The entire Acute Stroke staff came while we were there and you could see how how happy they were to deliver such good news on his recovery.

From Shirley's I went by West AC to see Debbie and pick up some things her mom had left for me.
Judy is generous in sharing seeds and starts from her garden with her friends and family.

Not only did she gift me 4 'o'clock seeds, a bag of Sedum starts, a 12 Apostle plant AND 
a beautiful Honey Bee shopping bag AND a wine bottle bag!
In my flower beds I have several things from Judy's garden and Sheryl's backyard and some that go all the way back to Shirley's mother, Jean!
I love things that keep coming back!

Brenda and I did a little shopping later that afternoon and ate a bite of lunch together!

Saturday I stayed in bed a long time!
Louis Dean brought me coffee and my Bible basket and it was 1:00 when I finally left the bedroom/
I made is an omelet for brunch and it was really good.
I added some diced homegrown tomatoes towards the end and it messed up the good looks of it but the taste was worth it!  

This is the huge water bottle I bought Louis Dean at Five Below for $5!

He worked outside on Saturday and I am happy to say that he enjoyed drinking from it!

I still have to threaten him sometimes but he's doing a lot better!!

He is so cute!!

I woke up this Sunday morning to coffee in bed and gospel music playing!
Such a beautiful way to start a Sunday!

Fellowship Church service was amazing and we lingered long afterwards visiting with Brenda and Billy and Amber and Mike and Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan!
I LOVE that we all go to the same church together!
One of life's blessings for me.

Billy and Brenda had things to do and Amber and Mike were heading out on an adventure with the kids and we went to.....Walmart!
That's a good place to go when you need some of this and that.
From garlic salt to wine to dishwasher detergent to chicken to lawn chairs for the celebration and fireworks next Saturday as we celebrate the 4th of July!

Louis Dean is all set with a new patriotic cowboy hat!

It is real and intense work out to shop - loading the buggy up. unloading it and then putting it in the cart -AGAIN - and then pushing a loaded buggy out to the car in 100+ degree heat and lifting it all into the trunk - and then hauling it all in to the house!
I put everything up while Louis Dean took a well deserved rest.....

but then he cut up two big bags of chicken leg quarters, skinned and bagged them up for the freezer.
We are now pretty well stocked up on food for July!

Louis Dean loves Westerns and we have been watching at least one a day.
Saturday was A Fist Full of Dollars with Clint Eastwood and I loved it.
(Better than the John Wayne movies to tell you the truth!)

Tonight will be another western I recorded from earlier in the day.
I am slowly but surely learning how to do the Smart TV plus Firestick plus Spectrum.

While Louis Dean worked outside this evening - watering the front yard as I had already done the back - and sorting his tools which is a never ending and ongoing project....

I finally finished this mountain cabin scene in New Mexico!
We leave in 35 days to spend a week in that cabin and I am so excited!
I mean to do a painting every year for Jim, the gracious owner.
Either a canvas or a sawblade or something unique to show our appreciation.
What a blessing to escape the heat of a Texas August and spend a week wearing sweaters and breathing cool fresh air!
I am counting down the days!!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! What a great week. I have been thinking about you with all of that heat in Texas. Best to stay in and stay cool! L.D. looks great in his new cowboy hat! I love it. I hope things cool down in Texas and that you have a great week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You sure got Louis Dean a man-sized water bottle! It is pretty as well. I love your painting, it is gorgeous! When you say Cannas, do you mean Canna Lilies?

Carole said...

Lovely trees - talent shines out. Please send a bit of your heat our way! Cheers

Donna said...

Love the man sized water bottle! I think my granddaughter has one about the same size.
Hope you have a wonderful time in the NM cabin!

Arlene G said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love your team work and I agree, you need to take care of LD in that Texas heat. That painting is beautiful and I know you will enjoy another week there.

Changes in the wind said...

He looks great in that cowboy hat!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope it is cooler in the cabin and that the weather gets better than it is. you are hotter than we are, but we are really hot for June, our feels like goes over 100 but not the true temperature like yours is doing.
have fun, stay hydrated, drive safely all that stuff. LD will be the star of the gathering on the 4th in that house. sorry about your friends hubby and the stroke.

photowannabe said...

Well, first of all...I have vacation ENVY for your trip coming up to the New Mexico mountains. I know you can hardly wait...
I'm glad you stayed home and inside for Louis Dean's sake. Hydrate for sure.
I was shocked to see that it was a whole year ago for LD' hospital visit..Time sure flies.
Oh and...Happy 18th Anniversary you two lovebirds.

NanaDiana said...

I am so glad that you stayed home and avoided that really high heat. I am sure it was good for LD to not be 'trapped' with that heat--wanting to do things and not being able to work in those temps. Looks like you got some good shopping done and LD looks wonderful in his hat. Great bit water jug for him!!!
You are such a good person to take flowers and (cookies next) to your friend. God bless you- Happy week to you- xo Diana

Anonymous said...

Stay cool. Lovely painting. Jan

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. You surely stay busy with all the good deeds you do for family and friends. Today is my 83rd birthday,I didn't realize that it was your anniversary as well.So let me join others in wishing you two a "Happy, Happy Anniversary. Take care in this heat. My son
sent me something from the internet: Remember: Drink plenty of water and stay indoors between 11:00 AM and November 2.
And in Texas that's about

Deanna Rabe said...

It's 70 degrees here in Pennsylvania this morning. Our high today will be 77 and we're going to get more rain. We've had a very mild, cool spring/summer so far! I wouldn't mind it being hotter so we could enjoy the pool!

That water bottle is good for LD! It'll help him know if he's drinking enough water. Happy Anniversary!

I need to think about plans for the 4th, too!

Susie said...

Linda, So glad to see your honey boy looking so well. Even when you two aren't busy you seem to be very busy. LOL. I had to laugh about the many times you loaded and unloaded the cart. It's so true. Great painting. I think the cabin owner is going to love it. Blessings to all there. Love you, xoxo,Susie

Judy said...

Your cabin scene painting is beautiful!!!